Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! After some problem settling because of evening Phantom Pain slept through (unusual for me) and woke to 7.1.

Checked time yesterday and realised with Patient Transport (be ready two hours before) my Podiatry is silly o:'clock rather than early doors! So must rush.

Grey with a few small lighter patches
Good morning :) 8.8 for me today :) I've concluded that the meds I am on since my cataract op are affecting my BG levels and have been upping insulin accordingly :) Main culprit are the anti-inflammatory steroid drops which raised the pressure in my eye dramatically (happens in 30% of cases, apparently) and the magic pills I was given to counteract that. Not complaining, I can SEE! :) 210 drops down and 70 to go :)
6.4 this cloudy morning after a low couple of days looks like my numbers are back up again. Ah well, off to meet a newly diagnosed type1 for coffee and a walk then need to go to bank to sort out a problem paying my credit card grrrr. Laundry for the rest of the day, that'll cheer me up lol
Stay well all.
Morning all. I don’t mean to be greedy but 5.2 AND a unicorn. Think I’ll put the lottery on tonight!

Up early to receive an order of wood from Wicks, 7am-12pm! What’s to bet they come at 11.59! Funnily enough, the person who ordered the wood is still snoring his head off! TBF I’m an early riser but that’s not the point!

Having @zippyjojo for lunch today, it makes a change from a ham and tomato sarnie and an orange Club. :p Looking forward to a natter.

Best get on, wood to bring in, cleaning to do, Mr Sheen to hunt out! Have a good one.


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Good morning 6.9 today

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone :cool:
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.3

Seemed like winter had returned yesterday but today the early morning sky is bright with a few dark scattered clouds.

I have to wait in for a new piano stool to be delivered. It may mess up my walking schedule.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 9.1 here.

Just the one class to teach this morning, then straight home to give the lounge/diner a thorough cleanse after hubby’s DIY-party. The floor and new shelves look fab but there’s a fine layer of sawdust clinging to EVERYTHING. He’s done really well considering there isn’t a straight line anywhere - skirting boards, walls, floors, everything’s wonky!

Enjoy your natter @eggyg and @zippyjojo.

5.1 today, not much planned other than shopping, cataract pre op went fine, well as the nurse said I only had the other one done less than a week ago so didn’t expect anything to have changed in my health or their procedures, so all over and done with in a couple of minutes, luckily it was over the phone and not all the way over at the hospital. Friday I have my follow for the cataract I had done last week.

Apart from that I am full of a stinking cold so need to get rid of that by next week.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS and enjoy lunch with @zippyjojo

@PattiEvans - pleased to hear you are feeling better.
A 6.1 for me this morning. For some strange reason the bedside clock has jumped forward by 1 hour for the last two nights. :rolleyes:
If it does that again time for a new one I think. Mind you it's been going for more than 20 years so I mustn't complain.

And well done to @eggyg on that 5.2. :)

Morning All - 7.4 for me this morning. Went for an evening walk yesterday with hubby - well, started off with hubby but he abandoned me half way round as he needed to go and see someone down in the village, so one dog and I enjoyed the rest of our walk in peace :). Definitely helped my BG (it's so easy to forget that simple solution). Looking forward to going to see @eggyg for lunch today - although on reading her post I am slightly worried about what's on the menu:eek: We might need to set a timer as last time we got together we chatted non-stop for nearly 5 hours! My garden (weeds) beckons so I think I've got 3 hours max. Have a good day everyone - cool here but at least dry (so far) xxx
5.5 for me on a rather cold and grey Berkshire morning. I know the seasons are all over the place these days but it was Summer last week and now it feels like Autumn.

Our youngest and his mates got a round of golf in yesterday on the first day of their holiday. He says their accommodation is really nice and the golf course is a step up from what he's used to playing on here. Expect we'll hear more from him later - he's probably not up yet.

Congrats @eggyg on your HS

@harbottle - pleased to see you're back on form this morning :)

Have a good day, all.
Good morning. 6.3

Nasty grey sky and brisk breeze. No plans. Shall probably put the laundry on and mentally retreat into a book.

Rather sad. Spent an hour yesterday arguing with an old friend about racism. She has been listening to Farage again. Very hard to reconcile her automatic kindness to anyone (or any animal) in trouble and her automatic picking up of evil views. Began to wonder if she is starting mental decline. I fear our 30 year friendship may be coming to an end. I swallowed her voting for Brexit, which to be fair she now regrets, but not this. The basis for her arguments appears often to be "I saw it on X so I know it is true." Perhaps it isn't just children who should have their web access limited.

Congratulations @eggyg the HS. Relieved to see @PattiEvans is so much better.
Morning all. I don’t mean to be greedy but 5.2 AND a unicorn. Think I’ll put the lottery on tonight!

Up early to receive an order of wood from Wicks, 7am-12pm! What’s to bet they come at 11.59! Funnily enough, the person who ordered the wood is still snoring his head off! TBF I’m an early riser but that’s not the point!

Having @zippyjojo for lunch today, it makes a change from a ham and tomato sarnie and an orange Club. :p Looking forward to a natter.

Best get on, wood to bring in, cleaning to do, Mr Sheen to hunt out! Have a good one.
We have always bought treated wood from Wickes for making frames of cages for the allotment but this time were shocked at the price but found a timber merchant where 2 x 4.8m 47x47 which were only £12 for the 2, bargain by comparison.
Around 8 this morning, oh dear! Never mind, new day.

Dentist and hygienist appointments this afternoon, other than that nothing planned for today.

@PattiEvans, so glad you’re much better!

Congratulations @eggyg on the HS and unicorn!

Have a good day everyone.