Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All - 7.4 for me this morning. Went for an evening walk yesterday with hubby - well, started off with hubby but he abandoned me half way round as he needed to go and see someone down in the village, so one dog and I enjoyed the rest of our walk in peace :). Definitely helped my BG (it's so easy to forget that simple solution). Looking forward to going to see @eggyg for lunch today - although on reading her post I am slightly worried about what's on the menu:eek: We might need to set a timer as last time we got together we chatted non-stop for nearly 5 hours! My garden (weeds) beckons so I think I've got 3 hours max. Have a good day everyone - cool here but at least dry (so far) xxx
Don’t fret, I haven’t set up a big pot over a fire pit! Or have I? :p
Good morning. 6.3

Nasty grey sky and brisk breeze. No plans. Shall probably put the laundry on and mentally retreat into a book.

Rather sad. Spent an hour yesterday arguing with an old friend about racism. She has been listening to Farage again. Very hard to reconcile her automatic kindness to anyone (or any animal) in trouble and her automatic picking up of evil views. Began to wonder if she is starting mental decline. I fear our 30 year friendship may be coming to an end. I swallowed her voting for Brexit, which to be fair she now regrets, but not this. The basis for her arguments appears often to be "I saw it on X so I know it is true." Perhaps it isn't just children who should have their web access limited.

Congratulations @eggyg the HS. Relieved to see @PattiEvans is so much better.
My mother-in-law is similar except she listens to her sister who gets it from FaceBook. “They’re all coming over here and living in big houses and getting £1000s a week” sort of thing. She’s never been like that. I wouldn’t mind but her carers are all African over here on special visas, they are so kind and considerate to her and look after her for minimum wage, they drive old bangers and probably live in terrible accommodation and missing their countries and families. Luckily, she allowed Mr Eggy to fill in her postal vote for her! Although TBF she doesn’t watch the news and doesn’t know who the candidates are. She hadn’t even heard of Sunak! She is 87.
We have always bought treated wood from Wickes for making frames of cages for the allotment but this time were shocked at the price but found a timber merchant where 2 x 4.8m 47x47 which were only £12 for the 2, bargain by comparison.
He’s building a work bench in one of the sheds. Don’t know what he’s bought but it was a lot cheaper than B&Q. Oh and it arrived at 7.45! He’s sawing and hammering as we speak. Keeps him out of mischief. ;)
My mother-in-law is similar except she listens to her sister who gets it from FaceBook. “They’re all coming over here and living in big houses and getting £1000s a week” sort of thing. She’s never been like that. I wouldn’t mind but her carers are all African over here on special visas, they are so kind and considerate to her and look after her for minimum wage, they drive old bangers and probably live in terrible accommodation and missing their countries and families. Luckily, she allowed Mr Eggy to fill in her postal vote for her! Although TBF she doesn’t watch the news and doesn’t know who the candidates are. She hadn’t even heard of Sunak! She is 87.

I know someone of 102. He thought Brexit a bad idea, Boris was bonkers, Sunak is stupid and Truss was a xxxxxx (don't want to be editted).

Also thinks Europeans are decent normal people, wars are caused by politicians and ponders why we don't learn from history
My mother-in-law is similar except she listens to her sister who gets it from FaceBook. “They’re all coming over here and living in big houses and getting £1000s a week” sort of thing.
Isn't it slightly ironic, though - every country in North, South and Central America is the product of mass migration by Europeans. Likewise Australia and New Zealand. The indigenous people of all those places had no say in the matter. Just a thought.
I know someone of 102. He thought Brexit a bad idea, Boris was bonkers, Sunak is stupid and Truss was a xxxxxx (don't want to be editted).

Also thinks Europeans are decent normal people, wars are caused by politicians and ponders why we don't learn from history
He’s not wrong. It does seem we don’t learn from the past.
Much earlier this morning it was a 4.9 for me.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Isn't it slightly ironic, though - every country in North, South and Central America is the product of mass migration by Europeans. Likewise Australia and New Zealand. The indigenous people of all those places had no say in the matter. Just a thought.

And the treatment of the indigenous population was often appalling. Even today in places as far apart as Canada, Australia and New Zealand there is vast room for improvement!
And the treatment of the indigenous population was often appalling.
"They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it." (Red Cloud, leader of the Lakota Sioux, talking about the Europeans settling in North America).
My mother-in-law is similar except she listens to her sister who gets it from FaceBook. “They’re all coming over here and living in big houses and getting £1000s a week” sort of thing. She’s never been like that. I wouldn’t mind but her carers are all African over here on special visas, they are so kind and considerate to her and look after her for minimum wage, they drive old bangers and probably live in terrible accommodation and missing their countries and families. Luckily, she allowed Mr Eggy to fill in her postal vote for her! Although TBF she doesn’t watch the news and doesn’t know who the candidates are. She hadn’t even heard of Sunak! She is 87.
I know of a Zimbabwean carer working under the conditions you mention. He has talked about being racially abused by some of the people in his care, and yet he still cares for them.
Today is not one of my best days but it does show that many people are kind.

Only daughter rang to say she has breast cancer. Starting pre-op chemo on Thursday, no idea of schedule yet. 2 lads, one 3, one 8 but neuro-diverse, and a caring, hard working husband who, fortunately, gets private family medicare as part of his employment package. As daughter rightly observed this certainly buggers up our summer holiday plans...

Not sure how much I can help but one old friend, who took an afternoon off to visit me (having been rung by daughter -always was a sensible child), will take Peachy if I have to go and run the house/boys while my next door neighbour will look after Wolf and the garden.

Hopefully we will be able to hire help/child care (although autistic grandson can be a tad difficult unless he takes to people) but if not then what else are old Mums for?
Today is not one of my best days but it does show that many people are kind.

Only daughter rang to say she has breast cancer. Starting pre-op chemo on Thursday, no idea of schedule yet. 2 lads, one 3, one 8 but neuro-diverse, and a caring, hard working husband who, fortunately, gets private family medicare as part of his employment package. As daughter rightly observed this certainly buggers up our summer holiday plans...

Not sure how much I can help but one old friend, who took an afternoon off to visit me (having been rung by daughter -always was a sensible child), will take Peachy if I have to go and run the house/boys while my next door neighbour will look after Wolf and the garden.

Hopefully we will be able to hire help/child care (although autistic grandson can be a tad difficult unless he takes to people) but if not then what else are old Mums for?
So sorry to hear that but hopefully early diagnosis and prompt treatment will lead to a good outcome.
I'm so sorry to read that @TinaD but it's great that she can get such quick treatment and I'm sending lots of hope for you all. I have quite a few friends who have had breast cancer and have responded very well to treatment. Take care of yourself too - those boys need a fit Granny and they're lucky to have you xxx
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@eggyg congrats on the HS and the unicorn. I hope you and @zippyjojo enjoyed lunch.

@TinaD so sorry to hear about your daughter. Sending hugs and hope the the outcome is good with prompt treatment.
Today is not one of my best days but it does show that many people are kind.

Only daughter rang to say she has breast cancer. Starting pre-op chemo on Thursday, no idea of schedule yet. 2 lads, one 3, one 8 but neuro-diverse, and a caring, hard working husband who, fortunately, gets private family medicare as part of his employment package. As daughter rightly observed this certainly buggers up our summer holiday plans...

Not sure how much I can help but one old friend, who took an afternoon off to visit me (having been rung by daughter -always was a sensible child), will take Peachy if I have to go and run the house/boys while my next door neighbour will look after Wolf and the garden.

Hopefully we will be able to hire help/child care (although autistic grandson can be a tad difficult unless he takes to people) but if not then what else are old Mums for?
Those kind of news are hard to receive. Hopefully your daughter will have a full and speedy recovery and this will soon just be a bad memory.
Hi all, managed to let far too long go between visits again. Not fully caught up but tried to read a few weeks of backlog.

@ColinUK love the photo of your great great grandparents. I don't have any photos of that many generations back (not sure if someone in family does) but I do have the remains of wedding China from one set of paternal great great grandparents, and a lovely veneer covered solid wood chest of drawers from another set

@Gwynn sorry to read of the difficulties you and your wife have had with accessing care for her, I hope that prescriptions come out right going forward and that she continues to find the new meds help

@TinaD hugs and hope that treatment goes well for your daughter

my teens are finished with exams now and therefore off for the summer early, one stress down for me but plenty more things to stress about! (Like organising my upcoming wedding...)

Fasting blood sugars keep being a little on the higher end of "type 2 normal range" with still quite a few 6s and very few HS. At my last appointment at
diabetic clinic we agreed to increase my SR Metformin to 1g per day, I think they are a little better since but still not quite at target. HbA1c was taken at that appointment, and I managed to get GP (seen for something else) to look up result for me as it wasn't showing on Patient Access and it was 39 (will try to get around to working out average fasting blood sugar for whoever it was who is interested in the correlation - Northerner?). Still within range but higher than the last few, and I had been on the 500mg SR Metformin for around 3-4 months by that point. I'm still not sure if it's the not quite being so strict with carbs, the bit of weight that I have gained, or something else that is causing it. (Not had any alcohol for 3 months either, so maybe it's partly related to that? I've tried to stick to mostly lower carb alternative drinks but sometimes there isn't really one available, or I just want a non-alcoholic cider and the pub we happen to be in only has higher carb ones. And I try to avoid sweeteners still so that makes finding lower carb drinks other than water more difficult)

This morning was slightly better at 5.5. This evening pre-meal 4.8 and post meal (approx 1 hour 15 mins after starting to eat) 7.1 despite a higher carb than normal tea so it's anyone's guess what tomorrow morning will show...
Good morning 7.1 today

a short post from me as a busy day at work ahead today
weight loss is going really well at the moment

looking forward to a Wonderful Wednesday :cool: