Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A nice round 6 at 6am when I got up.

Had a nice lunch with @zippyjojo and, ooops we did it again, five hours later…..:rofl: I suspect we could go on longer if we really tried! She gifted me lots of strawberries from her garden and I’m currently making jam with some of them, in my bread maker of all things. Never tried it before so fingers crossed it works. It saves me hunting out my big jam pan and then spilling sticky jam all over my hob like my last effort!

Stay at home day today, Mr Eggy will no doubt continue to hammer and saw bits of wood, I’m making a chilli for tea and I may make a carrot cake for our regular Thursday lunch with the young Eggys.

Have a smashing day. It’s wet and cool, again, up here.
Morning, 5.3 today (yes!). Busy day ahead at work, 3 visits then helping man a stand at an exhibition! Hopefully I'll manage to get everything written up (I have been offered 2 hours extra pay if I need to keep writing up this evening at home)
Morning all. 7.1 here.

We’ve got glaw mân / drizzle here this morning and a chill in the air. The car’s being serviced this morning - we’re taking the dog and walking back from the garage (about an hour / half an hour’s walk, depending on the route we take. Hubby’s hip is very painful atm, but he’s insisting he’ll be fine ( best take the short route!).

Strawberry a bread maker...will it come out as loaves or rolls? <rubs chin thoughtfully> emoji.
Morning All - 6.7 for me today so very pleased with that as lowest waking BG for a while. Must be the 'Quiche Elaine' that I had for lunch at @eggyg 's house yesterday (she cuts the pastry off :) ) and her Charlotte potatoes plucked from the garden. Off to see my two gardening course friends down in Kendal this morning then a Scarwork session this afternoon. I have a long list of gardening To Dos which my companion gardener set with me last Thursday and she's here again tomorrow so I'd better at least try to "Do" a couple of them. Have a good day everyone and hope some of you are having actual July weather (cheat chattering emoji)
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Tired after yesterdays long exercise walks, over 3 hours. Today, less walking, probably just an hour.

A new keyboard bench/stool arrived yesterday. My old one broke (poor weld). A nice looking comfortable replacement.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Today is not one of my best days but it does show that many people are kind.

Only daughter rang to say she has breast cancer. Starting pre-op chemo on Thursday, no idea of schedule yet. 2 lads, one 3, one 8 but neuro-diverse, and a caring, hard working husband who, fortunately, gets private family medicare as part of his employment package. As daughter rightly observed this certainly buggers up our summer holiday plans...

Not sure how much I can help but one old friend, who took an afternoon off to visit me (having been rung by daughter -always was a sensible child), will take Peachy if I have to go and run the house/boys while my next door neighbour will look after Wolf and the garden.

Hopefully we will be able to hire help/child care (although autistic grandson can be a tad difficult unless he takes to people) but if not then what else are old Mums for?
So sorry to hear your daughter’s news, hoping everything goes well for her.
Morning all. 7.1 here.

We’ve got glaw mân / drizzle here this morning and a chill in the air. The car’s being serviced this morning - we’re taking the dog and walking back from the garage (about an hour / half an hour’s walk, depending on the route we take. Hubby’s hip is very painful atm, but he’s insisting he’ll be fine ( best take the short route!).

Strawberry a bread maker...will it come out as loaves or rolls? <rubs chin thoughtfully> emoji.
It really is a thing, I was a bit “what?” when I first saw it. Had my bread maker for 2.5 years and never thought to try it until this morning. It’s got 26 minutes to go. Hoping it’s ok as I didn’t have any pectin powder so just squeezed a lemon in to it which is what I do when I make it traditionally. If not I’ll just boil it up in my jam pan! Kinda defeats the object though. :rolleyes:


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6.1 today, going o the cinema later with a friend, no idea what we are going to see. Still got the cold but hopefully it will start getting better.
Good morning/moaning! Very disturbed night getting up twice for painkillers (first phantom pain then neuropathic pain on the other side). Crept to 11.0 when I woke with pain, 8.9 when I woke an hour ago but has climbed to 10.6 (DP?)! Glad it is a "late doors" appointment today.

Very grey, not raining but everything saturated!
Morning a 6.7 for me after waking up at East Midlands Airport but not actually going anywhere.
Nice fun day yesterday at our Festival at a local country estate nearby but back to more formal indoor stuff like presentations.
If you are out and about most days you find it tiring being inside but plenty of coffee and breaks to keep going.
Is a nice Swedish type hotel so guess you can work out which one and have a room very close to Presidential Suite but not quite important enough to get given it. Lol
Have a good week all
A 5.8 for me this morning. :)
@TinaD I'm sorry to hear of your bad news, my best wishes to your daughter for a speedy recovery.

Three jars of strawberry jam made before 9am! :D
TBF it was a bit runny so popped it in a pan ( and splattered it all over my hob and tiles) added more sugar and boiled it up to 105 degrees. Then I mashed the strawberries with my tattie masher as I hadn’t read the instructions properly and had just bunged them in whole instead of chopping them finely! I might just as well have dragged out my step ladders and got my jam pan off the top of the freezer in the utility room! :rofl:
PS no diabetics were harmed in the making of the aforementioned strawberry jam!


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I'm with Dez on the 5.8 step this morning. It's another cold and grey start, it's trying to rain and there's no sunshine in the forecast, and to think that a week ago it was so warm overnight that I dispensed with the PJs (apologies if that image has brought back anyone's breakfast).

No football today but hopefully plenty of tennis, if the rain stays away. It didn't yesterday. Someone's coming round later to template one of the panes in our eldest's bedroom window as the seal has gone and there's condensation between the panes - the window's 'blown' as they say in the trade. It has to be templated because we have leaded windows and the new pane has to match the others. £350 - ouch!

Home alone today - two in the office and one in Portugal - but there's a list of chores to keep me busy until the tennis comes on. In the meantime it's the sofa, a coffee and the newspaper. I so like being retired.

Have a good day.
hi good morning i was 110:D:D
(if someone could send in a diagram between the difference of way of calculating the sugar in EU to England/USA )
There's a converter here:-
