Group 7-day waking average?


6.7 today, cold is easing but now a congested throat. Going to vote later, I am really surprised at the lack of literature and door knocking we have received, only one representative has knocked and got my husband’s name wrong, a few leaflets by post.
We have had lots of leaflets but no door knocking. Never had any door knocking in the 40 years of been here.
Morning all. 3.3!

We've had so many leaflets and letters, they've probably used a whole tree. What a waste. Its going to be a busy day again today. Work, a quick coffee with a friend, picking up hubby from work, voting then home finally to cook tea.
Morning. And I’m so excited! No, I haven’t got a HS, it’s Election Day! I’ll be there as soon as I’m presentable, our polling station is about a minute walk away. It’s a porta cabin just next door to a pub/restaurant. Don’t forget your ID and if you’re still not sure who to vote for, start with who you DEFINITELY don’t want to be the next PM and go from there, but please vote. I’m still not 100%, it’s between two parties for me, Green or Labour. Do I vote with my heart or tactically? I might toss a coin!
Oh, BGs 7 today. Guaranteed to go higher, it’s Thursday, babysitting and feeding babies, toddlers and mummy!

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

Bit fed up, wife was a real pain yesterday, fussing about nothing all day. Exhausting, annoying. Ah well today is a new day.We will go voting this morning. My wife may have some trouble as the only photo ID she has is out of date. I did warn her some time ago but she did nothing about it. I just hope it doesn't cause any problem.

Have a great day today whoever you're voting for
We have had lots of leaflets but no door knocking. Never had any door knocking in the 40 years of been here.
Never had any door knocking in any house we have lived in! Just one leaflet out of six candidates this time, and with boundary changes not a foregone conclusion at all, surprising didn't have three at least.
Morning all, 9.5 here. A strange night, I was just in double figures, and steady, at bedtime, but had been out doing gardening so decided not to correct with bolus. I raised basal by 1, in the hopes it would bring me gently down and help with the dawn phenomenon. Wrong! Woke at 1am with a plummeting line on the graph, Libre said 2.9 which was probably overdoing it, but chomped jelly babies and recovered to the 5s. Then looking at the graph, I started to rise around 3am, and ended up in the 9s. I did wonder if I’d injected bolus instead of basal at bedtime, but the pens tell me I didn’t.

According to the Government website, out of date ID is acceptable, @Gwynn, so hope your wife isn’t challenged.
5.4 and we're starting the day with blue sky and sunshine for a change, although wouldn't you know it tomorrow is forecast to be a washout. Hope our youngest doesn't have to drive home from Gatwick in the pouring rain, and maybe in the dark - his flight is due in late evening.

Like most have said, lots of election stuff through the letterbox but no one knocking on our door. Had one Labour flyer, a couple from the Conservatives and enough from the Lib Dems to fill our recycling box - odd from a party that's so quick to showcase its green credentials. At least Ed Davey hasn't turned up dressed as a clown or something - his antics during this campaign have made Boris's zipwire stunt look almost cool.

My wife had some good news yesterday, a promotion at work - not only a salary increase but now into a job grade that includes BUPA as part of the remuneration package, and it covers me, too.

Thursday, so swim later and will take advantage of the nice day to get a bunch of garden chores out of the way. Hopefully we'll also get a full day's tennis from Wimbledon. Will vote this evening after tea, as it's a 15-minute walk to our Polling Station. A walk after tea always gets me a lower post-meal BG reading, too.

Enjoy the day. I love election nights and will be up all night watching the results come in, as always.
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6.6 this morning and I'm pleased as I'm on holidays and not as strict with my food as I was at home. No pastries or pasta but a little sugar in my coffee here and there, a slice of bread and so on. However, I do swim a lot and it seems to be helping.
Have a great day everyone!
Good morning. 5.9

Don't forget to VOTE! No excuses permitted. Unless, of course, you fancy Reform - in which case please stay at home today, ignore politics until tomorrow when they are opening the booths just for you as a compliment to Mr Farage.

A bit of sunshine amongst the clouds today but it looks like rain. Feeling a bit sad yesterday evening I went out for a drive around the coast and noted that the river was very low in water. So perhaps the fish will be pleased with tomorrow's forecast.

Have a good day all.
A 6.1 for me this morning. :)
I woke up this morning to this earworm in my head (ear?).
So all you Blues Brothers fans out there sing along to these words
"Polling, polling, polling, keep those voters polling ....."

Think they’ll be doing similar in Number 10 today! :rofl:

Nah, they will be outperforming "Fred the Shred" with iffy PPE contracts, drinks receipts from lockdown, ignored advice from Vallance and Van Tam, etc. Need I go on! But people must go and vote. Maybe Sunak and Southgate will set up a holiday complex and football academy in Rwanda! :rofl:
Morning all. 7.4 for me this morning. Weirdly, went to a friend's house for lunch yesterday and it was all salad, dips & a large tortilla but it hardly raised my BGs. Companion Gardener here with me in 15 minutes so I'd better go and get dressed. Happy Thursday xxx
Good morning. 5.9

Don't forget to VOTE! No excuses permitted. Unless, of course, you fancy Reform - in which case please stay at home today, ignore politics until tomorrow when they are opening the booths just for you as a compliment to Mr Farage.

A bit of sunshine amongst the clouds today but it looks like rain. Feeling a bit sad yesterday evening I went out for a drive around the coast and noted that the river was very low in water. So perhaps the fish will be pleased with tomorrow's forecast.

Have a good day all.
I have always voted in General Elections for at least 50 years. I got very disillusioned at and following the last election. I have never had an MP therfore neither by default Prime Minister I have voted for!!