Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 5.9 for me.

One package of vinyl albums posted.

Not voted yet. Got a visit from the Tories yesterday afternoon asking if I'd decided who I was voting for. Face book full of adverts from our ex MP. A bit worried about the outcome I would say.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone, it’s a 4.9 for me very windy morning.
Have a good day folks and stay well.
Around 8 this morning, didn’t actually record it but the graph was around that level.

House is still in turmoil with bathroom refurb, but that should be finished today - yay! The front door lock decided to jam up yesterday so we got a local guy to look, turns out he wasn’t a locksmith, just a handyman - who wasn’t that handy and looks to have made the problem worse. Ended up calling a proper locksmiths today who will be out before 2pm to hopefully sort it all out for us!

At least the bathroom is starting to look good !


Take care everyone!
Afternoon all - started off a beautiful day but now it's clouded over and there's a rather nasty cold wind.

6.2 on the BG meter and 5.8 on the Libre. That was an hour after waking as the sensor had unexpectedly ended at 3am though yesterday it said there were 3 days left on it. The previous one fell off with 4 days to go but I wasn't going to report it since I had accidentally dolloped a big blob of body lotion on it. Anyway, rang Abbott this afternoon and they are replacing both. I'm usually very lucky with the Libre as it's very accurate for me (see above) and I hardly ever lose one.

Been and voted... I cautiously predict that Cornwall may end up mainly Lib Dem. It always was until the last election. There are 9 candidates here, the usual suspects + a nutter for "The Common People" who'se photo looks like the Ayatollah, but is actually white British. He wants everyone including babies to be paid a living wage. If they want more money they have the choice of getting a job, but they don't have to. Utopia? Who will pay for it?

So, now to finish the ironing I started yesterday and then prepare Chicken and Tarragon casserole. Then perhaps I can get back to sorting out the holiday photos so I can order a photobook.

@Eternal422 the Bathroom is starting to look good!

@martin A great news regarding your wife's promotion!

Have a good day all...
Well it looks like a landslide victory for labour if the exit polls are right.

Get set for change! Or not!
So… last Friday I inflicted a second degree burn on myself thanks to rather hot chicken soup and a thumb that somehow managed to bathe in it whilst serving it to dad. Pain like I’ve never experienced previously. Huge burn blister covering the uppermost half of my thumb almost totally. Yesterday the blister was starting to turn black so fired off a message to the GP surgery.
Was in there for 9:30am and then dispatched to a specialist clinic where I sat until 3:30pm before having a whacking great needle inserted in my thumb, fluid drained out of the blister prior to then deciding it was going to be cut open and they were going to root around in my thumb to remove burnt bits.
They did their thing and coated the burn site in a sort of clear plastic liquid that set semi hard but leaves a rather interesting crater in my thumb. Now of course I’m like a little boy again and utterly fascinated by the hole in my thumb and can’t stop poking it every now and then.

Been awake on and off all night watching results come in and now off to the gym.
So… last Friday I inflicted a second degree burn on myself thanks to rather hot chicken soup and a thumb that somehow managed to bathe in it whilst serving it to dad. Pain like I’ve never experienced previously. Huge burn blister covering the uppermost half of my thumb almost totally. Yesterday the blister was starting to turn black so fired off a message to the GP surgery.
Was in there for 9:30am and then dispatched to a specialist clinic where I sat until 3:30pm before having a whacking great needle inserted in my thumb, fluid drained out of the blister prior to then deciding it was going to be cut open and they were going to root around in my thumb to remove burnt bits.
They did their thing and coated the burn site in a sort of clear plastic liquid that set semi hard but leaves a rather interesting crater in my thumb. Now of course I’m like a little boy again and utterly fascinated by the hole in my thumb and can’t stop poking it every now and then.

Been awake on and off all night watching results come in and now off to the gym.

Sorry this sprung immediately to mind about your "hole"!

Morning all. A shocking and surprising 15.3!!! I went to bed on a 6! I remember the high alarm going off and it was low 10s but it usually settles down again and i went back to sleep. Just had a 3u correction and trying to sum up the energy to get out of bed and in the shower. Its been a really long week.
Good morning. 6.4

I see my Plaid lad has retained his seat, which is good. Plaid have also taken Carmarthenshire and overall have returned 4 MPs. For the rest it is basically Labour wall to wall plus one lonely Lib dem....A 56% turnout and 18% voted Tory to no effect with just under 17% voting Reform. I loath first past the post but for once I am glad we do not have proportional voting system. The fascists, as Carlos pointed out, would be in charge if we did. Shows how little history some of our population have taken in.

News not very good on daughter's front. Apparently its the wrong sort of cancer - I don't have a more scientific descriptor yet. Anyway we are to buckle down to 21 - 40 weeks of chemo, an operation and then radio therapy. They are deciding on whether to move into Oxford (better for Rowan's education and less driving) or stay in current village where they have more social support. If they decide on Oxford then its me for a grannie annexe as selling current place will release enough capital to provide a home for all of us and an on site Grannie can provide an extra pair of hands for the boys. So I am interviewing a house painter today as I cannot face spreading acres of Sandtex. Fortunately the inside is pretty freshly decorated so I'll just have a bit of decluttering to do. Good thing I was brought up as an RAF chlld - I'm a moving house expert!

Hope everyone has a good day and our new government concentrates on education, NHS and housing.
Morning all. 6.5 here.

So sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis @TinaD. Sending (((hugs))) to the whole family.

Busy morning, then a not-so-busy afternoon. Off to my mum’s later - she’s having her hedges done today by a company that she hasn’t used before. I hope they don’t see an elderly lady and decide to rip her off like last year’s plumber! He wrecked the things he was meant to mend, then wanted to charge her a second time to mend his un-mending, cheeky @#%~#**@“*#$@.