Group 7-day waking average?


5.8, getting over this cold now.

@TinaD - sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis. Sending love to you all.
Morning all, 6.2 here.
Worrying thought for the day. Be careful what you wish for. With PR, Reform got more votes than the Lib Dems, and Reform + Tory got more votes than Labour, and we’d be possibly looking at a Tory/Reform coalition. 😱
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Morning and a 6.3 for me.

Tina so sorry to hear of your daughters diagnosis and wish her all the best in facing this awful situation and puts all other things in perspective.

Must admit have always loved election night purely from the perspective of history been made and a deep fondness for political history from a very young age.
Last night was fascinating with lots of sub plots and events sometimes underscored by the main results.
Back home after a less than ideal week trying to control the BG as I simply get distracted by not being in my normal routine.
A simple example is I always drink diet drinks and whilst at a Quiz on Wednesday night I finished my Diet Coke andwas thirsty but rather than order another one I simply picked up a normal coke from the ice bucket.
My insulin was in my hotel room and my BG level nearly doubled and as I was absorbed in conversation I did not adjust until I went to bed an hour later.
Anyway back home and looking forward to a nice w/ end
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

Today, exercise, keyboard practice (new ending to a song), sweet and sour fish tonight (I hope, not guaranteed).


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 7.1 today

The weight loss / fitness program I am currently doing went very well yesterday evening
according to their scales since I first stepped on them 7 weeks ago
Ive now lost 4.5 KG (which is almost half of what I set out to loose)

Have a Fabulous Friday everyone 😎
Morning comrades.

6.5 for me. All hail the glorious leader etc etc. 😛 :rofl: :D

Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTo
A very good morning all. 5.1, so close.

I’ve just got up, didn’t go to bed until 3.45am. We’d been trying to go since 3 but we kept saying let’s just see this one, oh let’s wait for this declaration, just one more. Needless to say I’m cock-a-hoop at the results. My new constituency is now Labour after been staunch Conservative for as long as I remember. Cumbria’s three constituencies all flipped to Labour from Tory, so happy with that. Like @TinaD I’m for once, glad we don’t have proportional representation! The thought Reform would get 13 seats was filling me with horror, four is bad enough, but a relief. I hope it was just a protest vote and people really don’t want Reform to ever lead our government. I am chuffed to bits for the Greens, four seats is brilliant. Glad it’s over and I hope Labour pull their fingers out and don’t feel too complacent, they might have had a landslide victory but only a third of the votes. I echo @Robin thoughts.

Have a great day.
A nice round 5.0 on this grey, overcast and thoroughly wet Berkshire morning and it's only going to get wetter according to the forecast. Rishi's election finished the way it started, in the pouring rain. Stayed up most of the night watching the results come in before falling asleep on the sofa around 5 o'clock.

Our youngest travels back from Portugal today and I have my fingers crossed that he doesn't have to drive home from Gatwick in the pouring rain, especially if it's also dark. We all know what that can be like, and he's a motorway novice.

Someone coming round this morning to discuss installing a fitted wardrobe in our master bedroom, so the regular Friday Big Shop will have to wait until they've been. We've been thinking about it for ages and have decided that it's time to bite the bullet and get it done.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS this morning

Enjoy your Friday.
So… last Friday I inflicted a second degree burn on myself thanks to rather hot chicken soup and a thumb that somehow managed to bathe in it whilst serving it to dad. Pain like I’ve never experienced previously. Huge burn blister covering the uppermost half of my thumb almost totally. Yesterday the blister was starting to turn black so fired off a message to the GP surgery.
Was in there for 9:30am and then dispatched to a specialist clinic where I sat until 3:30pm before having a whacking great needle inserted in my thumb, fluid drained out of the blister prior to then deciding it was going to be cut open and they were going to root around in my thumb to remove burnt bits.
They did their thing and coated the burn site in a sort of clear plastic liquid that set semi hard but leaves a rather interesting crater in my thumb. Now of course I’m like a little boy again and utterly fascinated by the hole in my thumb and can’t stop poking it every now and then.

Been awake on and off all night watching results come in and now off to the gym.
Oh Colin! Hope things are looking up now. The one consolation is you probably saved your dad from scalding his mouth if he had taken a slurp straight away. Who would have thought chicken soup could be so dangerous. Big, careful, hugs. Xx
Good morning. 6.4

I see my Plaid lad has retained his seat, which is good. Plaid have also taken Carmarthenshire and overall have returned 4 MPs. For the rest it is basically Labour wall to wall plus one lonely Lib dem....A 56% turnout and 18% voted Tory to no effect with just under 17% voting Reform. I loath first past the post but for once I am glad we do not have proportional voting system. The fascists, as Carlos pointed out, would be in charge if we did. Shows how little history some of our population have taken in.

News not very good on daughter's front. Apparently its the wrong sort of cancer - I don't have a more scientific descriptor yet. Anyway we are to buckle down to 21 - 40 weeks of chemo, an operation and then radio therapy. They are deciding on whether to move into Oxford (better for Rowan's education and less driving) or stay in current village where they have more social support. If they decide on Oxford then its me for a grannie annexe as selling current place will release enough capital to provide a home for all of us and an on site Grannie can provide an extra pair of hands for the boys. So I am interviewing a house painter today as I cannot face spreading acres of Sandtex. Fortunately the inside is pretty freshly decorated so I'll just have a bit of decluttering to do. Good thing I was brought up as an RAF chlld - I'm a moving house expert!

Hope everyone has a good day and our new government concentrates on education, NHS and housing.
Sorry to hear this news Tina. Keep strong.
Afternoon all, a happy 5.3 for me today.

Have a great day folks and stay safe;
Afternoon all - dull and raining. I don't believe the rumour that this is summer!

6.1 this morning..... and what a frustrating morning it has been. Yesterday was the first day of our new rubbish collection regime. They were to collect the rubbish bin and the food collection bin. We duly put them out for ourselves and our neighbour who is currently away. Rubbish was collected, but not food waste. Nor has anyone else in the road had their food bins collected. So I ring the Council. It seems we have to individually report this on their website.. "but" says I "It's the whole road you have missed out". The council person says that as people all report it individually they will realise that! What sort of service/logic is that? Anyway I had to cut him off because my mobile was ringing and it was the Dr... or at least the Dr's surgery telling me the Dr wants me to make an appointment regarding my back which is gradually bending and the out of hours Dr I saw on Sunday told me to contact my GP because it's a sign of osteoporosis. Of course my GP wouldn't know, because I actually haven't had a face to face appointment with her since lockdown. So I ask if it's a phone appointment or face to face... oh it's a phone appointment and the soonest available is some time near the end of August!!!!! In the end I get an appointment on Monday with a student Dr who is "nearly qualified". I think I may change surgeries even though I love my GP and have been with her over 20 years.

Interesting election results. Lib Dems got in here. I have to say that I know the chap from his previous stint in the house and I think he is very good for this area. What on earth was Rishi Sunak's wife wearing on TV. Looked like a collection of carrier bags.

@MeeTooTeeTo congratulations again on your HS.

@ColinUK I winced at your description of your thumb. Lots of hugs and wishes for it to be less painful soon.

@TinaD sincerely very sorry to hear about your daughter and sending wishes for successful treatment.
Just in from the cold after being away from here a long, long time. Sorry 6.8 first thing this morning and diabetes group meeting yesterday to get me back on track! Two major medical problems over the years which have been a battle.
I will try and be more active and I might need you guys help to get me back on track.
Just in from the cold after being away from here a long, long time. Sorry 6.8 first thing this morning and diabetes group meeting yesterday to get me back on track! Two major medical problems over the years which have been a battle.
I will try and be more active and I might need you guys help to get me back on track.
Nice to see you back.
I started off well at 5.5, had a spot of brekkas and a moderate walk, closely followed by some exercises I sometimes do. After a couple of hours after breakfast, my BG had dropped to 3.9, and 4.5 an hour later after 6 JB's and a chocolate biscuit. I managed to get them a little higher but after lunch, they dropped again! This time to 3.6 and falling. It's been an hour later and another 6 JB's, a glass of milk and a bag of crisps. A little while later they rose to 4.4! I'm just waiting for them to rise higher a bit more.
BG's have settled to rise, they're now at 6.4 - must have had too much bolus this morning/lunchtime.