Group 7-day waking average?

Hello all, a straight 7 first thing today! Having found my pwd yesterday to log in, I promptly mislaid it! Get a grip...
Not posted for a while, got a lot on next week, we have a court hearing next week, 4 days which a daunting but will be worth it if we win, only been waiting for 5 years and thought it would never come , also still waiting for hubbies scan results 2 weeks now, so I'm a bit stressed out to say the least, my reading this morning was 4.7, Sorry to hear about your daughter Tina I know how you feel as my hubby has lung cancer, I hope all goes well, have a good day everyone
Morning and a 6.3 for me and a nice line overnight and although weather is not seasonal I did enjoy a little walk yesterday and enjoyed it.
The footy has put me in a much better mood and forget about the politics but I do find the new Government aims to be less divisive than previous ones. They do need to walk the walk and there are huge challenges ahead, the way forward has to be based more on common goals than consistent argument and blame.
Anyway a nice day ahead with a trip out for lunch and walked the dogs and so much to look forward to.
Pam wishing you all best wishes and hope for your hubby and your upcoming court case so virtual hugs.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Today church, walk, celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 4.7 here, despite eating at midnight yesterday.
Had a journey from hell here to Italy with a four hour delay at Gatwick, sitting on the plane as one problem after another developed and we were told it would be 'about an hour' several times. First they had a hydraulics problem. Then after that they discovered a baggage discrepancy and had to offload all the bags onto the tarmac and check them. Why they couldn’t have been doing this while the engineer was fixing the hydraulics, I don’t know. then we had to wait for a take off slot, then the pilot's hours ran out while we were waiting, so we had to wait for a new crew, then we had to wait for another take off slot…Then when we got to Verona the tour company had to double us up on the coach with another resort, and the transfer took 3.5 hours instead of 2.5. Guess they’d been mucked around with drivers hours etc. Never mind. Holiday starts now!
A 6.5 to start me off today. A bit grey, damp, and chilly here. Hopefully things will brighten before our pub gig this afternoon which was going to be in the garden.

Happy anniversary @Gwynn 🙂

Goodness, what a way to start your holiday @Robin - I’m not sure those that say “it is better to travel than to arrive” have quite that journey in mind?!
Good morning! 7'2 for me.

Happy anniversary to @Gwynn and enjoy your holiday @Robin. Wow, that was a rocky start!

After having my shifts moved around to cover for a supervisor absence, I've enjoyed an unusual Friday+Saturday off. I went "out out" on Friday night with my friend in the city and some of her mates, lots of dancing, it was fun. A random nice girl bought me a pint! Then my friend met someone she seemed she might want to go home with, so she gave me her keys and I went back to hers on my own (I was sleeping there).

Yesterday we woke up late, obvs, had some brunch and we went to Tavistock Pride for a few hours. My friend was quite tired because she slept less than me 😉 but we did enjoy. There was a music band that I've heard good things about. I came home in the last train and today is back to routine.

Have a nice Sunday folks 🙂
Morning folks. 7.2. I really didn’t need that oatie biccy before bed.

New garden table arrived at 9.30. Very happy with it, solid as a rock and guaranteed for 15 years. Our last teak one rotted after six years and wasn’t cheap. Not sure when we will be able to test it out. 🙄

Not much planned, hopefully a walk. Weather forecast not the worst we’ve had and that damn wind has dropped thank goodness.

@Robin I bet you feel you’ve climbed a mountain already. I’m assuming you’re in the Dolomites as you flew to Verona as we did lots and lots of years ago. Must go back one day.
@Gwynn and Mrs Gwynn happy anniversary, it’s ours on the 25th.

Have a super, sunny Sunday.
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

5.5 on what started off as a bright & sunny morning but has now gone a bit grey. Checked the forecast and this is what it says we have in store for today here in leafy Berkshire:-

Can't see me getting today's towels wash out on the line if that turns out to be right.

Congrats @a live on your HS this morning and Happy Anniversary to you and your wife @Gwynn

@Robin that's what puts me off flying anywhere anymore.

Enjoy your Sunday.
Morning everyone.

Good morning 6.5.

Got bit more done of the stable block yesterday evening - just about 5% to do - I'd have finished it but noticed a nasty black cloud idling its way up the valley. Fortunately it was too slow to catch me with wet paint. Came in to advise child on guardianship and wills, which was rather depressing, and realised I had best alter my will as well. Couldn't face low carb so had a plate of pasta which will do little for my waist line and revenged itself on my BG. Still mustn't complain - the arthritis is holding up well against climbing steps and wielding a big roller on a pole. Not sure what aspect of the great tidy up will be possible today as forecast is not too good and looking out of the window indicates it could be right for once.

Next door neighbour upset at prospect of me moving - I shall miss them if I succeed in selling - they are a lovely family. Huw Thomas managed to bale, wrap and cart the grass yesterday so I need to add clearing the fence margins to my list of jobs unless I can "borrow" some animals.

Thanks to everyone for their sympathy and hugs. Daughter and I are being practical in preparing for a difficult outcome without prejudicing a hopeful one. So we are keeping or eyes firmly on making sure that the boys have the best protection we can devise in case it is needed. @Pam123 so sorry to hear of your husband's illness, I lost mine 28 years ago, so I can empathise with your pain and worry. Here is a large return HUG. What was it Churchill recommended at the height of the war? "Just keep buggering on". Seems sound advice although I would add "..with a hopeful heart".

Wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday.