Group 7-day waking average?

That's the best thing to do after waking up so early
woke up this morning at 04:40 couldn't sleep after putting in last night the pump (Medtronic's 780 sg )
was painful (have it for 3 months and since then my BG is just beautiful) so on the plan to join and just rest for the rest of the day;););)
Morning everyone. A happy 5.5 for me this grey damp morning.
Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Grey and spitting with rain. Forecast for a bit of sun around 5pm.

9.9 this morning. I really must stop burying my head in the sand and adjust basals.

Realised I never posted yesterday, probably because I didn't turn on the computer until bedtime and I was too tired. I was meeting a friend on the bus to Porthleven and ended up in a panic as my phone app contradicted the timetable (which was wrong) where I had got the bus time from. In fact the bus left town 12 minutes earlier than the timetable said... and accordingly passed our road 12 minutes earlier and there's only 1 bus an hour. Anyway, all was well and we had a nice lunch overlooking the harbour, then had a walk and sat on a bench watching the world (and the harbour) go by.

When I got home @ 5pm I decided to deadhead the pots and tubs, and ended up helping Julian cut the vines back as they were going wild on every fence. Not a great idea in white crops and a silk blouse! Then sat in the sun for a bit before preparing dinner. Not got much on at all today except a vast pile of ironing and meeting friends early evening for an hour or so.

@eggyg I was laughing at you doing jam in the bread maker and then having to get the big pan dirty and splash the hob! Sorry!

@TinaD so very sorry to hear about your daughter. Sending positive thoughts that the treatment will work quickly and well.

Have a good day all!
I so like being retired
I'm so jealous. I sat in class today and i could feel myself dozing off!! Between work, mum at home and then when she's in hospital, phone calls to make re mum because as she's gone to hospital the care package has been cancelled, trying to speak to the social worker and physio, then hubby wanting to make the most of the time he has off at weekends (he has to work at least every other but lately has done a lot more covering sickness, holidays etc), theres hardly a minute.

I really want to retire now.
6.3 this morning. Rose early and the sun didn't, just grey clouds. I got in a couple of short walks at dinner. But now, surprise, surprise, it rains.
Twas a 6.9 for me this morning.Nice straight line all night Only 7 .0 now must be doing something right .Greek feta salad and fresh chicken fillet breast for tea A whopping 5 grams..Just been to my chemist to pick my libre 2 sensors up.No joy chemist says there having trouble getting them This one lasts till next Thursday.Door frames permitting Any of you guys having the same trouble.Apparntly cycling fanatics are using them now to check their glucose.
.Just been to my chemist to pick my libre 2 sensors up.No joy chemist says there having trouble getting them
I usually pick mine up from Asda but last time had to go elsewhere as they couldn't get them. Same for a couple of other pharmacies around here.
I usually have GlucoRx needles too but they seem to be out of stock everywhere and i've had alternatives. Its getting hard to get lots of medicines now and the time spent ringing around alternative pharmacies to find what you need is getting more and more.
I usually pick mine up from Asda but last time had to go elsewhere as they couldn't get them. Same for a couple of other pharmacies around here.
I usually have GlucoRx needles too but they seem to be out of stock everywhere and i've had alternatives. Its getting hard to get lots of medicines now and the time spent ringing around alternative pharmacies to find what you need is getting more and more.
Cheers chuck .They told me there's 20 people waiting for them and I'm top of the list This one lasts till next Wednesday,so I've got a week Hopefully don't catch it .It's on my left arm usually the right that catches door frames
I've had great difficulty getting my oldest's ADHD meds at times. Thankfully have just about found them each time so got through the A level period. Doesn't take them when not in school so I have a break from trying to locate them until September (but will request a new prescription as uni starts so we don't run out of the current 3 or so weeks worth before finding them if difficult again)
Cheers chuck .They told me there's 20 people waiting for them and I'm top of the list This one lasts till next Wednesday,so I've got a week Hopefully don't catch it .It's on my left arm usually the right that catches door frames
Eek! I collected mine today, no problems at our local pharmacy….yet.
I have Classic Fm on in the car, and every time I go anywhere, I catch an ad for Libres on there. (Aimed at people with diabetes, not sportspeople and the like.)
hi good morning i was 110:D:D
(if someone could send in a diagram between the difference of way of calculating the sugar in EU to England/USA )

We used the mg/dL like you do in the US when I was diagnosed in the 1960's. I always remember perfection was 100 which became 5.6 mmol/L when my clinic converted in the early 19080's (if my memory serves me correctly). So you 110 is ~6.1 so not too bad. As I recall the US was going to adopt this system but then changed its mind as it did with gallons to litres for petrol.

6.7 today, cold is easing but now a congested throat. Going to vote later, I am really surprised at the lack of literature and door knocking we have received, only one representative has knocked and got my husband’s name wrong, a few leaflets by post.