Group 7-day waking average?


Joining @eggyg on the 5.7 step today. Today I have my pre op assessment for my left eye cataract.

@PattiEvans - hope you are starting to feel, better and in less pain now

@freesia - sorry to hear mum is back in hospital and you have had very little sleep.
Good morning 4.8 waking today.

Woke up to find rear tyre on my car is going down (slowly but enough to put the pressure warning light on) so will have to visit tyre centre today.

I’m having a new windscreen fitted today to my car at 08:30 and have some training for work via a teams
video call at 09:30 so will take that whilst in a costa coffee near the windscreen centre.
with that in mind I need to gey moving make my lunch ( which I take with me) & have breakfast.

Happy Monday everyone :cool:.
Morning all (yawn) who am I? Where am I? Am I supposed to be doing something?
I need something between coffee and cocain this morning. BG 5.1 a miracle after the weekend I've had and only gained 1.5lb. I never want to see a bacon buttie again :oops:. But the veterans had a blast and it was fantastic fun.
Hearing tests at the hospital today, and the tinnitus is so loud it hurts, so probably a good day to have it done.
That is if I can find any energy To get there. (Sigh). Zzzz


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A 5.6 for me this morning. OMG it's July already!! :eek:

7.5 this morning for me.

Not much planned today other than a quick trip to a shopping centre for some bits and pieces and hopefully a chance to do another module on my amateur radio course. Exam is booked for July 15, so I need to be totally up to speed with everything by then.

Take care everyone.
Morning all - 7.4 for me today. I've been on a southern tour this weekend. Drove down to Cheltenham on Thursday to stay with an old school friend, met her new Grandson the next morning at a lovely cafe, drove to see another friend near Lechlade, drove to my old village and had what must be like a speed date as I only had 15 minutes so we both spoke really fast and hardly drew breath, dropped something off at a shop in our old town, went to see my son & daughter in law and had a lovely dinner out. Next morning drove to station to get train to London - was just racing over the bridge to the platform when I realised I'd left my suitcase in the car! Back to the car, back to the platform just as the train pulled in but it was so full that nobody could get on so waited for next train. Into London, taxi to where I was staying to drop off my suitcase, tube to Liverpool Street met daughter & youngest son for lunch (yum!) - daughter and I walked to river and caught an uber boat to Battersea Power Station but it terminated at Embankment so we got off and continued by tube. Quick look around BPS to confirm that I won't be needing to go there again as it's basically a shopping centre - but as I said to my daughter "I'd grown up with the promise that something was going to happen to Battersea Power Station" so that's why I wanted to go. Quick coffee then bus to Hyde Park Corner then quick march down to the theatre near Buckingham Palace and then a really fun, buzzy musical called Babies which is all about a year 11 group being given a simulated baby each for a week to put them off teenage pregnancies. Finished the evening with a lovely walk back to hotel hearing the music coming from a concert in Hyde Park. Yesterday up early, two buses and met daughter, boyfriend & youngest son for delicious breakfast in a gallery after seeing the outside of the house that she's hoping to buy. Uber back to Marylebone, train back out to Oxfordshire, cup of tea with eldest son & life then then long drive back Oop North. Got home at 8.30pm - phew - what a weekend! Great fun but I'm slightly wishing I didn't have to go to Walking Netball today (I'm running the session with another host) and I've got a physio appointment this morning which I'm pleased about because back twingey and I've got a really sore knee. Sorry if that's worn you all out! Have a great day xxx
Morning all - 7.4 for me today. I've been on a southern tour this weekend. Drove down to Cheltenham on Thursday to stay with an old school friend, met her new Grandson the next morning at a lovely cafe, drove to see another friend near Lechlade, drove to my old village and had what must be like a speed date as I only had 15 minutes so we both spoke really fast and hardly drew breath, dropped something off at a shop in our old town, went to see my son & daughter in law and had a lovely dinner out. Next morning drove to station to get train to London - was just racing over the bridge to the platform when I realised I'd left my suitcase in the car! Back to the car, back to the platform just as the train pulled in but it was so full that nobody could get on so waited for next train. Into London, taxi to where I was staying to drop off my suitcase, tube to Liverpool Street met daughter & youngest son for lunch (yum!) - daughter and I walked to river and caught an uber boat to Battersea Power Station but it terminated at Embankment so we got off and continued by tube. Quick look around BPS to confirm that I won't be needing to go there again as it's basically a shopping centre - but as I said to my daughter "I'd grown up with the promise that something was going to happen to Battersea Power Station" so that's why I wanted to go. Quick coffee then bus to Hyde Park Corner then quick march down to the theatre near Buckingham Palace and then a really fun, buzzy musical called Babies which is all about a year 11 group being given a simulated baby each for a week to put them off teenage pregnancies. Finished the evening with a lovely walk back to hotel hearing the music coming from a concert in Hyde Park. Yesterday up early, two buses and met daughter, boyfriend & youngest son for delicious breakfast in a gallery after seeing the outside of the house that she's hoping to buy. Uber back to Marylebone, train back out to Oxfordshire, cup of tea with eldest son & life then then long drive back Oop North. Got home at 8.30pm - phew - what a weekend! Great fun but I'm slightly wishing I didn't have to go to Walking Netball today (I'm running the session with another host) and I've got a physio appointment this morning which I'm pleased about because back twingey and I've got a really sore knee. Sorry if that's worn you all out! Have a great day xxx
I am tired just reading about your weekend.
Good morning. 6.4. Not an exact figure as running late after a poor night and then being woken by a renewable energy grant cold caller. Result of this regime interruption being a handful of nuts and a glass of squash with pills before rushing out to release Mr Wolf before stabbing digit.

More rain in the night - good for veggies, bad for grass crop. Neighbour coming over later for spuds - I didn't plant any but the volunteers are flowering. Nobly, instead of eating them, I shall dig them up, donate them and plant more spinach. I certainly am not to be trusted near new potatoes.

Hoping for a happy July once Thursday is over. Get out everyone and vote - stop the Nazis. Mine went in the post over a week ago. Looks as if it will be Plaid or LibDem according to the polls but I have my doubts about our new Pembs incorporation into the constituency,

Wishing everyone a good week.
5.5 for me on what started out as a bright and sunny morning but has now turned grey and overcast and is forecast to stay that way for the rest of the day. Mind you, they said that yesterday and although it rained late morning the sun came out after lunch and I got a towels wash dry on the line.

Our youngest and his mates arrived safely in Portugal yesterday but their flight was delayed for 90 minutes due to a seat being unfit for use (not one of theirs) and they had to wait until someone volunteered to surrender theirs. Presumably that meant someone agreeing to get off and get a later flight. Reminded me of when my wife and I went to New Zealand back in 1993 and staff were offering people in the check-in queue money and a hotel room if they'd agree to fly next day instead, as the flight was overbooked. Presumably whoever agreed to get off our youngest's flight was compensated in a similar way.

Wimbledon starts today so a Football and Tennis Fest in store. Heather Watson is the first of the Brits on court, at 11 o'clock, so I'll get the ironing board set up in the lounge and watch while I do some of the ironing.

I was expecting at least a 'Marvellous Monday' @goodybags - I feel let down :(

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
Morning all - 7.4 for me today. I've been on a southern tour this weekend. Drove down to Cheltenham on Thursday to stay with an old school friend, met her new Grandson the next morning at a lovely cafe, drove to see another friend near Lechlade, drove to my old village and had what must be like a speed date as I only had 15 minutes so we both spoke really fast and hardly drew breath, dropped something off at a shop in our old town, went to see my son & daughter in law and had a lovely dinner out. Next morning drove to station to get train to London - was just racing over the bridge to the platform when I realised I'd left my suitcase in the car! Back to the car, back to the platform just as the train pulled in but it was so full that nobody could get on so waited for next train. Into London, taxi to where I was staying to drop off my suitcase, tube to Liverpool Street met daughter & youngest son for lunch (yum!) - daughter and I walked to river and caught an uber boat to Battersea Power Station but it terminated at Embankment so we got off and continued by tube. Quick look around BPS to confirm that I won't be needing to go there again as it's basically a shopping centre - but as I said to my daughter "I'd grown up with the promise that something was going to happen to Battersea Power Station" so that's why I wanted to go. Quick coffee then bus to Hyde Park Corner then quick march down to the theatre near Buckingham Palace and then a really fun, buzzy musical called Babies which is all about a year 11 group being given a simulated baby each for a week to put them off teenage pregnancies. Finished the evening with a lovely walk back to hotel hearing the music coming from a concert in Hyde Park. Yesterday up early, two buses and met daughter, boyfriend & youngest son for delicious breakfast in a gallery after seeing the outside of the house that she's hoping to buy. Uber back to Marylebone, train back out to Oxfordshire, cup of tea with eldest son & life then then long drive back Oop North. Got home at 8.30pm - phew - what a weekend! Great fun but I'm slightly wishing I didn't have to go to Walking Netball today (I'm running the session with another host) and I've got a physio appointment this morning which I'm pleased about because back twingey and I've got a really sore knee. Sorry if that's worn you all out! Have a great day xxx
Same as @Grannylorraine , I'm exhausted just reading your post! But I'm glad you had a good time and got to see your kids and old friends :)
Morning all - 7.4 for me today. I've been on a southern tour this weekend. Drove down to Cheltenham on Thursday to stay with an old school friend, met her new Grandson the next morning at a lovely cafe, drove to see another friend near Lechlade, drove to my old village and had what must be like a speed date as I only had 15 minutes so we both spoke really fast and hardly drew breath, dropped something off at a shop in our old town, went to see my son & daughter in law and had a lovely dinner out. Next morning drove to station to get train to London - was just racing over the bridge to the platform when I realised I'd left my suitcase in the car! Back to the car, back to the platform just as the train pulled in but it was so full that nobody could get on so waited for next train. Into London, taxi to where I was staying to drop off my suitcase, tube to Liverpool Street met daughter & youngest son for lunch (yum!) - daughter and I walked to river and caught an uber boat to Battersea Power Station but it terminated at Embankment so we got off and continued by tube. Quick look around BPS to confirm that I won't be needing to go there again as it's basically a shopping centre - but as I said to my daughter "I'd grown up with the promise that something was going to happen to Battersea Power Station" so that's why I wanted to go. Quick coffee then bus to Hyde Park Corner then quick march down to the theatre near Buckingham Palace and then a really fun, buzzy musical called Babies which is all about a year 11 group being given a simulated baby each for a week to put them off teenage pregnancies. Finished the evening with a lovely walk back to hotel hearing the music coming from a concert in Hyde Park. Yesterday up early, two buses and met daughter, boyfriend & youngest son for delicious breakfast in a gallery after seeing the outside of the house that she's hoping to buy. Uber back to Marylebone, train back out to Oxfordshire, cup of tea with eldest son & life then then long drive back Oop North. Got home at 8.30pm - phew - what a weekend! Great fun but I'm slightly wishing I didn't have to go to Walking Netball today (I'm running the session with another host) and I've got a physio appointment this morning which I'm pleased about because back twingey and I've got a really sore knee. Sorry if that's worn you all out! Have a great day xxx
We need a "Phew" emoji! Quite breathless just reading it. Glad you had a good time.
Morning everyone, a happy 5.1 for me this fine sunny day.
Morning all - 7.4 for me today. I've been on a southern tour this weekend. Drove down to Cheltenham on Thursday to stay with an old school friend, met her new Grandson the next morning at a lovely cafe, drove to see another friend near Lechlade, drove to my old village and had what must be like a speed date as I only had 15 minutes so we both spoke really fast and hardly drew breath, dropped something off at a shop in our old town, went to see my son & daughter in law and had a lovely dinner out. Next morning drove to station to get train to London - was just racing over the bridge to the platform when I realised I'd left my suitcase in the car! Back to the car, back to the platform just as the train pulled in but it was so full that nobody could get on so waited for next train. Into London, taxi to where I was staying to drop off my suitcase, tube to Liverpool Street met daughter & youngest son for lunch (yum!) - daughter and I walked to river and caught an uber boat to Battersea Power Station but it terminated at Embankment so we got off and continued by tube. Quick look around BPS to confirm that I won't be needing to go there again as it's basically a shopping centre - but as I said to my daughter "I'd grown up with the promise that something was going to happen to Battersea Power Station" so that's why I wanted to go. Quick coffee then bus to Hyde Park Corner then quick march down to the theatre near Buckingham Palace and then a really fun, buzzy musical called Babies which is all about a year 11 group being given a simulated baby each for a week to put them off teenage pregnancies. Finished the evening with a lovely walk back to hotel hearing the music coming from a concert in Hyde Park. Yesterday up early, two buses and met daughter, boyfriend & youngest son for delicious breakfast in a gallery after seeing the outside of the house that she's hoping to buy. Uber back to Marylebone, train back out to Oxfordshire, cup of tea with eldest son & life then then long drive back Oop North. Got home at 8.30pm - phew - what a weekend! Great fun but I'm slightly wishing I didn't have to go to Walking Netball today (I'm running the session with another host) and I've got a physio appointment this morning which I'm pleased about because back twingey and I've got a really sore knee. Sorry if that's worn you all out! Have a great day xxx
I’ve gone for a lie down with a wet flannel. I’m exhausted! :p
A very surprised 5.2 today, must be a Blue Bunny day! Where has the year gone without my say-so?
Church went well although struggled a while with the sermon, not being a Christian myself I had my head!
Twas a 9 1 for me this morning.Think I'm going down with sleeping sickness Spent most of yesterday lieing about no house work done . Cooked dinner then back for a lie down .Mind I did take the dog out from 6 till 10 30 .Must be since I hit 60 in march Congratulations to @ silent sands on your Hs . Raining as I look out for he window still going out with dog .Stay safe folks
A very surprised 5.2 today, must be a Blue Bunny day! Where has the year gone without my say-so?
Church went well although struggled a while with the sermon, not being a Christian myself I had my head!
The sermon at a Ordination of Deacons service I went to at Ely Cathedral yesterday was about Disorientation and Reorientation that happens to people throughout their lives and it rather reminded me of when people get a diabetes diagnosis they go through of a period of chaos and disorientation but get though it and reorientate to enter a period of a new normal. Some people will become stronger for it but others will need more support but will hopefully get there in the end.
Afternoon all. It's been alternately sunny enough to sit in the garden or threatening black clouds.

Hardly surprising 9.3 at 8 am, given what's going on.

Firstly want to thank everyone who sympathised/empathised with me over the kidney thing. I'm pleased to say that today I felt so much better that we were able to keep a long standing lunch date with some friends. Had fish and chips, which were very good, in a restaurant in Marazion. I drank lots of water, rather than any wine, which I would normally have had. Then the friends came back to our house for coffee which we were able to have in the garden. We started walking back, but a cold wind made my eyes water so much I couldn't see where I was walking, so we crossed the road and got a bus. It's been a really nice day, but I am now rather tired.

Congratulations to @Silent Sands on your HS.

@zippyjojo I admire your energy. 20 years ago I might have done half what you did over the weekend!

Enjoy what's left of the day people!