• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

As @PattiEvans says, you’re not the first to have done this. I did the exact same, taking 28U Novorapid instead of Levemir at night a few weeks ago. I ended up eating yogurts, fibre ones, etc. before going to sleep. It all worked out ok. At 1:10 then something like 290g carbs may be needed, which isn’t too hard to do.

When I was in my teens many years ago I was on 250 gm CHO per day. I kept some of those early logs Urine Sugar and Insulin Units. Unfortunately they apoear to have got dumped together with the rest of my Diabetes Museum (half brick BG meter, glass syringe, ancient empty vials like Pork NPH, Bovine. ) when my house was cleared after my unexpected amputation. I cannot remember how many units but it was far less than now (about 62 for 120 - 130gm).
Enjoy the rest of your birthday/anniversary treats
We've spread them out through the year, the zip wire, theatre trips, music and seeing a comedian
Was thinking of you lovely lot just now so, posting while I still remember to! :oops::D

Oops! Better stick a long loquacious warning as I typed more than I thought I would! :rolleyes::rofl:

I’ve had a TOUGH 10 days to a fortnight there with the warn, damp weather & the cloud cover so, lots of tree pollen? My asthma got SO bad I could barely breath staying motionless in bed & could only sleep 2-3 hours semi-horizontal on two pillows at about 45 degrees angle to wake either choking or an asthma attack. My BS was getting out of control & I put my basal up, eventually despite being reluctant to change doses since it takes so long for it to take effect, +4 from 60 to 64 four days ago as NR reached 80 approaching 100 with my BS still staying so high for prolonged periods: all those inhalers with 4 puffs of Clenil 4 times & 10-20 puffs of Salbutamol whenever I had an attack on top of 4 puffs 4 times with the Clenil; it was a balancing act of how fast my heart rate got & how much wheezing still leftover I could tolerate! Then, just as I feared, after putting up my basal my breathing started to ease a teeny bit as the cloud cover lessened but, BS was still high so, stuck with another day of 64 basal. But, by the next morning I DEFINITELY knew my breathing was getting easier & my BS dropping, slowly but still steadily dropping, I dithered about reducing basal again & compromised with 62. Yesterday my BS was dropping a bit faster without eating & I put basal back to 60. I was catching up on sleep since breathing was quite a bit easier so, it was longer between meals as I slept round the clock & had several hypos the lowest of which was BS 2.9: only ever had 2 other hypos below 3 before! Today after a second day of 60 basal I’m still not quite getting the NR right & having to head off a hypo just now as I felt very hungry 1.5 hours after eating with BS at 8.4. I cooked before my BS dropped too low & ate again just now at 19:00 BS 6.7 just 2 hours after eating earlier. I’ve decided no NR until at least 21:00 when I’ll see where BS is at before deciding if/how much NR?

Oh it took me so long to type so, it’s about an hour now & I’ll scan…..20:09 BS 9.1 probably still going up after eating?

I slept a lot today as well, only second meal of my day just now, as I CAN & still keeping up the double doses of Clenil but, hardly using Salbutamol as no more attacks & my heart rate AND effort in moving around the house to the loo & kitchen to cook is a lot less! Today’s been brighter & less cloud so, not so much trapped tree pollen! My BS has been high for so long anyway I’ll err on the high side another night so, I can sleep while waiting for the higher basal to leave & the normalcy returns with the lower dose! The interesting thing just checking my estimated libre A1C has dropped by 2 this week, the hypos I’m guessing, from the previous week when it went up by 4 that week: went from 64 to 68 & now at 66; hopefully with this bad phase of hay-fever on top of my asthma I can get it back down to 64 again? I don’t remember having so prolonged a bad phase of hay-fever/asthma before when last year it was a few days, a week at most, during warm, damp, cloud cover & this year has been so much worse! But, turning a corner now & it’s SUCH A RELIEF! :D Phew! Wiping Sweat Off My Brow In Relief emoji!

I hope you’ve all had a Wonderful Day? ;) And I wish you all a Good Night! :D
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Whoah! Good thing I DIDN’T add more NR as BS is definitely dropping again as I scanned twice more 20:17 BS 9.0 & 20:44 BS 8.6 as it approaches 4 hours after NR at 21:00! With NR lasting longer, I’ve found for quite some time now to around 6 hours I STILL need to keep an eye on BS as my basal in jy system is still too high & dragging my BS down! :eek: Might not get as much sleep as I’d like tonight but, had a good sleep earlier this morning & afternoon! :rolleyes:

Can’t believe I am up at silly o’clock on a Sunday, anyway woke up feeling nauseous and a bit dizzy, tested and 4.2, so quite low for me, so probably had a false hypo. Anyway cup of coffee later and I feel fine. Eye sight is improving and I managed a small amount of crotchet yesterday.
I'm with @Grannylorraine, up and about at silly o'clock on a Sunday, but there's a reason - our youngest is off to Portugal today for a lads' golfing holiday and he left for Gatwick at 05:30 with a mate who stayed here overnight. He's never driven that far on motorways before so you won't be surprised if I tell you that I'll be on edge until he confirms he's arrived safely. No point in going back to bed as I would be tossing and turning and disturbing my wife, who seems more relaxed about his trip than I am. Tested at 05:38 and got a 5.7, so no record-breaking 4th HS in a row.

Our eldest has been away in Portsmouth the last couple of days, linking up with former Uni friends. He'll be back in time for the England game later although whether he'll watch it here with us, down the pub or round a mate's I don't know. My money's on the pub or a mate's.

After a lovely Saturday it's grey and overcast this morning and forecast to stay that way all day. Just as well we got the laundry done yesterday.

Enjoy your Sunday.
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06:03 BS 9.6 Uhm! Been higher AND lower swinging all over the place this week! :rolleyes:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! ;)

Managed about 2-3 hours of sleep as I had to head off a hypo again about another hour after my last post with BS 4.9, dropped fast, with 4 biscuits which raised me enough to last me until about midnight with a series of little hills on my graph after each rise & fall from eating! I then made some roast beef sandwiches at about 00:45 ish BS 7.7 & went ultra conservative on NR of 38 for 4 no crusts sandwiches as I listened to my hunger & went to bed right after. I see on the graph that it only raised me a little bit to the 10s & only dropped very slowly until I woke up so, the lower basal is coming through & I’m not dropping as fast anymore. One more day later of 60 basal & things should hopefully be back to normal by tomorrow? It was SO nice to sleep completely horizontal on one pillow again albeit with a slight wheeze as I haven’t been able to do THAT in about 10 days at least! :p

Watched a LOT on BBC iPlayer during my days in bed & caught up on this years Race Across The World from Japan to Indonesia & the Celebrity race from Africa to The Arctic in Norway! :p:cool: ILOVED watching the previous series of races of London to Singapore, the ABSOLUTELY CRAZY from Mexico City to the very tip of Argentina across Latin America with 3 states of emergencies in 3 different countries with borders closed & the pairs had to be flown out by plane and the relatively safer, only relative to the previous series, from the west coast of Canada in Vancouver to the east coast in Newfoundland. In this year’s race there was only one country, China, where the pairs had to be flown over because of closed borders & I was wracking my brains as to what happened in China last year, when it would have been filmed, that borders were closed; I can’t remember? :eek::p:cool: I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it: Race Across The World where 5 pairs people start the race on a very limited budget of the airfare which they have live on while they travel on the ground with no planes so, only buses, trains & boats, in the case of this years race no Bullet Trains across Japan, & have to do local jobs to supplement their always dwindling budgets; the only respite for the hungry pairs being the set check points to luxury hotels they have to race to for 36 hours off the race before they find out where the next one is, they have to race to, where they get to sleep on a bed & eat! :eek::rofl: MAN! I couldn’t do it & it’s just SO fascinating to watch those brave, adventurous people do it! :confused::p:cool::D
Good morning everyone...

BG 4.6 very low for me, excellent

Yesterday was good, saw the towns procession, walk on the beach with my wife, fish and chips at the best f&c restaurant I've ever encountered, keyboard practice at the church went well. A good day even if it was wet all day.

To day church, doing a presentation song, a walk, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.4 here.

The DIY-fest continues. I’ve bought a box of posh biscuits to give to my 92-year-old neighbour to apologise for the noise. She’s very deaf, so I’m hoping she hasn’t been able to hear most of the zzzzzzing of the circular saw or the crash-bang-wallops and swearing! I just want the house back to normal now...<frazzled emoji>
Update - our youngest is at Gatwick, they've linked up with the rest of the group and gone through Security, so I can relax.
Just as well I do my weekly BP check on Fridays and not Sundays.
A 5.6 for me this morning. :) The Sunday cryptic crossword awaits.

Morning all. 8.1! Don’t know why, went to bed on a reasonable 7.2. Went up to 8 about midnight, according to the graph, and stayed there all night. Got out of bed and it jumped to 9.2, checked on meter 9.3! Ah well, it is what it is, otherwise though I had a unicorn day yesterday. Happy with that.

We’re planning on a walk today, but hopefully nowhere near any nasty biting bugs. Long sleeves and trousers today and covered in insect repellent! Then back for the footie, well Mr Eggy will be watching, I’ll make the tea.

We got our DNA results back yesterday and as I suspected Scottish, Irish, England and Northwestern Europe. 53%, 17% and 19%. Also 5% Germanic Europe and like @ColinUK a tiny bit Wales and Norway! The biggest surprise was the fact most of my Scottish DNA was from my mother’s side whereas it was my dad who was Scottish!

Have a great day all.
Good morning. 6.2, a disreputable score, revealing my wicked indulgence in potatoes yesterday - and very nice they were too, fresh dug out of the garden - and possibly the strawberries which followed them.

It was an OK day, cloudy but dry, until around 1800hrs, then it began to spit and kept it up off an on until midnight, by which time everything was pretty damp. Dry and breezy at the moment although some quite big shower clouds about. Huw Thomas needs a good 2 days of blazing sun if he is going to save his crop and clear my paddocks.

A new toy - a static wildlife camera for the relocated bird feeder arrived yesterday evening. The instructions, which need a magnifying glass to read, are in demi-Chinese. It is accompanied by a mini SD card which apparently I have to format in some way before I begin...then put in the batteries. This seems wrong to me but I will try anything once. Oh for a teenager.

I wish the election was over. The news is so depressing. Every day another spiteful, racist stinker or a cheating crook is revealed. We seem to have cloned a new generation of Enoch Powells. Perhaps they will prove less dangerous. I recall watching him in committee where his high intelligence and diligent preparation were frighteningly patent. Brilliance accompanied by a twisted, evilly biased, view of humanity was unnerving. Perhaps the stupidity of the current lot will prove their undoing and our salvation. Roll on 5th July.

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
Morning a 5.9 and another decent overnight line and planning a nice Sunday.Walk in the morning,a nice Lunch out and then bit of gardening and then settle down to watch footy.
Looking forward to it all and had an OK lunch out yesterday at a garden centre and more gardening.
Have a National Meeting in Leicestershire for 3 days this week so 2 nights away and have sorted for 2 of the dogs to have a little holiday to lessen burden in my wife whilst away.
Also had e Mail through from local footpath walking group which used to be quite active in and are planning a little walking festival for a couple of w/ ends in July so must make an effort to join a few and try and get back up to speed with it.
Enjoy the day
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Good morning 6.6 after the best sleep I’ve had in ages

Have a superb Sunday whatever your doing :cool: