• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Ww woke up to heavy rain but it cleared up later. Mine were 6.1 after flat lining through the night. I managed to get out today despite the howling breeze, for some games of pool in the local, followed by a stint at the supermarket in town.

5.5 today, slight improvement in eye, not so blurry or watery, but eyesight still not great, but an improvement on yesterday.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@eggyg - wow at the cost of the dentist.
Other half feels his eye is slightly better after nearly a week but he is juggling between 4 pairs of glasses to get the best option for reading, the computer, the television and going outside. I don't know if it makes a difference how 'better' it will be depending on whether you are long or short sighted.
Hope yours progress well.
Well well well... 5'something in the morning, yesterday I did get the laundry done but not the groceries, so that's a job for tomorrow. Today was the day for relax and meeting friends in the city.

My prophecy from the last post came true and I had a glass of white wine in a pretty nice bar, where one of my friends suggested to meet because there was a singer she likes. We didn't pay that much attention to the live singing as we kept chatting and chatting, but it was a nice background. We didn't have any food with the drinks and after rushing to get the last train back home, I had a low alarm. Confirmed by finger prick, 3'8. Nothing to be too worried about, as my last bolus was like 6 hours ago, but still had a JB equivalent before the sandwich I'd saved for the train. Is a bit confusing since my symptoms for hypo are similar to being tipsy...and yes, I can get tipsy with a single glass of wine. Some would say I make a cheap date :D (even cheaper because I can pay for my own drinks, duh)
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Apart from my cough, a good day yesterday. Mustn't grumble, it is getting better ... slowly.

Today, more keyboard practice, then a real practice at the church this evening. Not sure if I have time for a walk except that my wife wants to go see the parade this morning and then go have fish and chips on the pier (nice).

Thankfully it is dry out there for todays events.

My wife is doing really well on her new meds and seems to be happier to take them.

Have a great day today, whatever you are doing
6.8 for me along with a sore throat, runny nose. Summer cold, Sigh. Shall give the testing a bresk until i am fully restored to health. My understanding is glucose levels rise when 'fighting' colds etc.
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Morning folks. 6.2 here...that’s better.

The tide’s out this morning so we should get a nice long walk - along the beach, then into the woods on the headland, my fav. Hubby’s busy trying to get the downstairs flooring finished. He’s discovered that there are no straight lines or flat surfaces. Luckily, he’s had a lot of practice working on wonky buildings!

Enjoy your Saturday!
Morning all, 6.2 here.Snap, @Bloden!
Local beer festival this afternoon, in aid of local charities. OH used to help organise it til he decided to leave it to the young and fit, but we always go, and both kids come back for it, it’s a good way of catching up with people they were at school with.
Good morning! After an awful afternoon yesterday followed by my BG hitting ~20 overnight despite taking insulin and ultimately not eating pleased with a 10.0 this morning.

Taking it easy as feel totally washed out!

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Good morning. 5.8 I was quite pleased with that until I saw the number of HS logged this morning.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo @khskel @Martin.A @PattiEvans - and if I have missed anyone please feel free to add your own gold star.

A bit grey today but so far no rain - although some is forecast. Doubt that whatever Mr Huw Thomas is thinking about doing with the grass (silage/haylage/hay) will be very good but not my problem.

Had a good time with my old chum - I am trying to convince her to get on the web and have offered her my spare PC. May take a while to get an 80 year old computer literate. She is house hunting and depending on her busy daughter to look for her and to oversee her draft sales particulars etc. As a result is getting a bit depressed with results - her agent has omitted saying her house is centrally heated, noting only open fires and wood burners, described her internal stables as "agricultural buildings", failed to point out several obvious conversion possibilities, and, worst of all, the word "equestrian" doesn't appear at all despite her home being located next to an enormous common, on which she has rights, and which provides miles of off road riding. So we sorted that and also found two potential places to buy. The market looks a bit bleak at the moment, perhaps it will improve post-election.

My job for today is to finish tidying the access to the static caravan - amazing how many weeds sneakily grow huge beside a path. I missed a spring clear up of beech leaves in the spring with being ill so every weed known to horticulture (and some from Mars) has taken root. Digging them out takes my mind off politics - the rise of the right shows me that too many have failed to learn anything since I was born. Very depressing.

Have a great week end everyone.
A 4.7 for me this morning. Back to the cloudy and cooler weather I see. :rolleyes:

@eggyg Dentist charges at my place are £65 for a check up. X-rays are from an additional £35
Hygienist is £80 with a £40 mandatory deposit.
It's a lovely morning here and the forecast is for wall-to-wall blue sky and sunshine right through to this evening, although not as warm as of late. Football back on later as the Euros kick off again today with the start of the knockout stages, so looking forward to that.

Didn't get round to checking out the local company yesterday that does fitted wardrobes as they shut at 3pm during the week and my wife was still at work, but they're open today.

Enjoyed our games night at our German friends' place last night and didn't get home until gone midnight. It was good to link up with our friends from Surrey, too. Chatted for an hour or so before playing a game called Herd Mentality, which I hadn't played before. Managed 3 rounds before calling it a night, and I won the third one.

Couldn't believe it when this flashed up on the meter this morning. After 5 1/2 years of testing I've finally got an HS hat-trick:-


Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.
Can I ask what other private patients are paying?
I’m on Denplan and paying £36 per month. This gives me a dentist checkup every 6 months and hygienist every 3 months. The only extra costs are for any lab work, such as making crowns, etc. Fillings and other work carried out by the dentist are included. The cost is based on the state of your oral health, number of existing crowns, etc.
Morning all. 5.3, so close!

I’ve not long been up! The antihistamines I’m taking for the insect bites are knocking me out, but not in a good way, I feel like a Zombie. I’m going to stop taking them, bites looking slightly better and not as itchy. I’m glad I don’t have hayfever and just need them occasionally.

Nothing planned today, supposed to stay dry so will probably potter about the garden. We ordered a new garden table last night, our big wooden one rotted last year, still have the chairs so just needed a table, hasn’t been easy finding one without. Should be here in a couple of weeks so fingers crossed the summer comes back!

Congratulations on yesterday’s plethora of HSers, it was a good day.

Have a good day.

6.1 today, not much planned.

Congratulations to all of yesterday’s HS.

Congratulations to @Martin.A on today’s HS and achieving a trio of them.
5.7 this morning.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo @khskel @Martin.A @PattiEvans on your HS today! What a lot of HSs !

@Grannylorraine , so pleased for you that things are going well after your cateracts op. My last opticians visit I was told I had early signs of cateracts, but the optician didn’t want to see me for two years, so I’m hoping things are ok and I won’t need an operation at least in the short term. The thought scares the heck out of me to be honest, but I’m taking comfort from what you are saying.

Bathroom now has a few tiles, the trades person only put up six tiles yesterday (but they are one metre square :rofl: )


Getting a new TV for my parents today and installing that, bit of shopping and then an outdoor screening of Mamma Mia at a local National Trust place tonight.

Take care everyone and have a good Saturday!