• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, the sun is shining and there’s barely a breeze so it’s gonna be a hot one again today.
Hospital this morning for a scan, I don’t know what this one’s for as I’ve had so many in the last two years I’ve lost track but no doubt I will find out when I get there.
Anyway it was a 5.5 for me today. Have a good day everyone and stay cool.
@Wendal Living alone means that I don’t have someone to notice lumps and bumps etc. Nor do I have someone to talk to about them other than the GP.
It’s probably nothing but it’s still stressful of course.
I expect that they’ll refer me but hopefully not back to the dermatologist who look at it in January and said “Yeah it’s nothing”.
A scan of some sort wouldn’t go amiss. Neither would an excision. Not an exorcism though as my autocorrect really wanted to write!
@Wendal Living alone means that I don’t have someone to notice lumps and bumps etc. Nor do I have someone to talk to about them other than the GP.
It’s probably nothing but it’s still stressful of course.
I expect that they’ll refer me but hopefully not back to the dermatologist who look at it in January and said “Yeah it’s nothing”.
A scan of some sort wouldn’t go amiss. Neither would an excision. Not an exorcism though as my autocorrect really wanted to write!
Colin it is a good job I have someone else to notice changes as I am not the most observant of folk or the best at getting things checked out.
During Covid I had a lesion on my cheek which I was hesitant about going to GP with but I did and she thought it was just an Infection and after a couple of visits and treatments it did not clear up so I ended up going to see a dermatology Nurse Practitioner who instantly diagnosed it as Bowens which is a pre cancerous condition which is easily treated but needs attention.
It was sorted quickly but I do feel my GP may be taking no chances as I am at high risk of skin cancer and as she did not pick it up until after a few weeks of other things not working then she may be keener on taking no chances.
Whatever she is always very supportive and knows I have a reasonable understanding of how the body works.
Also I don’t get stressed about symptoms but of course the waiting can be a very anxious time but really wish you well in getting it checked out and sorted.
5.5 this morning didn't sleep well to hot and stuffy not much planned for today, I've been feeling off for about 1o days now and so has my daughter we both thought it was a summer cold, headache sore throat but daughter had a cough as well, were both feeling better but not 100% however my daughter thought she caught it at work, when her boss asked her yesterday how she was he also told her that the person who she thought she got the bug from had covid, I know the rules are not like they used t be but I think its bad when someone comes to work knowing they have covid and says nothing other than to tell the story manager, my daughter is also a manager and they all know her dad has lung cancer and we try our best to protect him, but known seams bothered, we may have both had a cold but nevertheless its not right, funny enough he is the only one in the house that hasn't been ill, her boyfriend had a bit of the bug as well rant over have a good day everyone
8.9 for me, mind you, we did have a chippy tea last night (no chips for me), a large battered fish, and an unhealthy portion of mushy peas with three scoops of ice cream to follow - it filled me right up!
6.4 this morning but didn't eat last night as wasn't feeling right and BGL was up at 15. Still took my units though. Now a couple of hours after eggs and bacon this morning levels have gone up to 10.4 grrrrr. I might go and hide under the duvet again.
Good morning! 6'2. TIR back to normal after the holiday wobble.

Last night shift was similar to the previous one: busy but not terrible during service, very long clearing/setting up afterwards because half the staff had to leave early, finished 23:45 again. At least the also paid me a taxi, and I got almost 6 hours to sleep! My boss is back from holiday now so it should be easier the rest of the week.

While I waited for the taxi, a girl from work told me about some rumours that two of our managers are "a thing", aka, they have a relationship. She was very confident that the rumours are silly, because the woman is married. I didn't want to mention that sometimes married people cheat :rolleyes: We did agree they don't really match and I personally don't wish that man to any lady. Anyway is none of my business if the gossip is true or not, but sometimes is funny to believe it, when they are looking for each other or talking over the radio :D

I am going to that creative writing club this afternoon, let's see how it goes. I'm really looking forward to it :)
Saw the GP, said it’s infected, prescribed a penicillin based antibiotic. “If it’s no better in a week we’ll refer you”.
Twas. 6.9 for me this morning.After I had treated a low alarm going off Another nice day Sitting in tea room garden reading and listening to music Gone a bit cloudy so I can finally see the screen on my phone.Stay safe folks and have a good day
Hi all - still on board. Our transfer to the airport is not until 3pm, but we have been up since 6.15 am as we had to quit our stateroom at 9am, finish packing etc and have breakfast. Waking was 10.4 and I completely forgot any insulin at brekky. So went up to 20.4 before lunch.

Exciting news! Yesterday in the middle of a vineyard whilst the very very serious and pedantic organic wine maker was lecturing on cabbage moths I received a phone call from the DSN at the pump clinic offering me HCL with Omnipod 5 and Libre 2+. I grabbed the offer and I celebrated back at the winery when we finally got a taste of the finished product. Hopefully sans cabbage moths! I'd thought I was at the end of the queue

Got bloods taken showed HCA my bites, she felt my arm and said it was hot. Do an e consult she said! Can you not get me an appointment? Oh no I can’t do that, ask at reception. I queued for a while told them I needed someone to look at my arm. She asked someone else, do an e-consult she was told. So she did it there and then, asking me various questions about the bites. Can you go to any surgery? Yes, I replied. ( bearing in mind I was stood in the largest of the super surgeries they’ve just built!). Do you have a photo? Yes I do. I’ll send a link for you to send it. I sent the photo and went on my way, slightly puzzled. Half an hour later I got a text. Thank you for your e consult, can you send a photo! Grrr! I sent the photo again. They then wanted to know my name, address, DOB! They texted ME! I was getting annoyed by now. Five minutes later, another text from an actual real life GP. Hi Elaine, excellent photo! I have prescribed X antibiotic to take alongside your penicillin. Then the usual if you’re not better blah blah blah. I must say I did laugh. But what a damn farce. Back in the day ( not that long ago) a doctor would have popped out after he’d dealt with his patient and had a quick look and written out a prescription there and then. Two minutes max. I despair sometimes.
Picked up antibiotics, had a double dose and my lunch. I’ve calmed down now. Here’s the “excellent” photo! :rofl: Oh the bleb is bigger now!


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Hello all - sorry I've been AWOL for a while. Just got back last night from a lovely long weekend away in the South of France. My TIR steadily went down while I was there. I'd mentioned to my friend who we were staying with that I try to eat more protein than carbs but didn't really see any sign of it when we were in the villa and they were (very kindly) spoiling us rotten. So I had quite a few pastries. Although at the beach café yesterday morning Hubby sweetly ordered me eggs & bacon which made a nice change. Glad to be back home and more in control again. My youngest son came up to take over dog sitting from my brother who had a hernia op yesterday so it was lovely to see him - he's on the train back to London now and working on the train as needed to get back in time for his cricket he plays after work on Tuesdays. I'm about to go out into the garden which is blooming beyond belief and needs my attention - oh and my strawberries have suddenly decided to all ripen so there's lots of picking and giving away to do. Have a lovely day everyone xxx
Hello all - sorry I've been AWOL for a while. Just got back last night from a lovely long weekend away in the South of France. My TIR steadily went down while I was there. I'd mentioned to my friend who we were staying with that I try to eat more protein than carbs but didn't really see any sign of it when we were in the villa and they were (very kindly) spoiling us rotten. So I had quite a few pastries. Although at the beach café yesterday morning Hubby sweetly ordered me eggs & bacon which made a nice change. Glad to be back home and more in control again. My youngest son came up to take over dog sitting from my brother who had a hernia op yesterday so it was lovely to see him - he's on the train back to London now and working on the train as needed to get back in time for his cricket he plays after work on Tuesdays. I'm about to go out into the garden which is blooming beyond belief and needs my attention - oh and my strawberries have suddenly decided to all ripen so there's lots of picking and giving away to do. Have a lovely day everyone xxx
Glad you’ve had a lovely time. If you’ve any spare strawberries going…..I’ll hopefully swap you some for our raspberries. Ours aren’t quite ripe yet, they’re Scottish raspberries so later than most, or how about a courgette or two? They are finally making headway. Hoping in a week’s time I’ll have a glut. X
Glad you’ve had a lovely time. If you’ve any spare strawberries going…..I’ll hopefully swap you some for our raspberries. Ours aren’t quite ripe yet, they’re Scottish raspberries so later than most, or how about a courgette or two? They are finally making headway. Hoping in a week’s time I’ll have a glut. X
You're on!
Morning all. This diabetes lark is just plain weird sometimes - at 6.47 I get a low alarm, a 4.3 and a downwards arrow; at 7am it’s 10.7 with an upward arrow. Where’s that DF? I’d like to strangle her...finger prick was 9.7.

Just the one class this morning, then I might start the End of College Year Great Admin Clear-out. There’s no room in my tiny home office for a year’s worth of lesson plans! I’ll be doing electronic ones from September - it’s a massive waste of paper otherwise.

A slip-n-slide! Great pic @eggyg.
DF has hitched a ride to try and get as far away from your clutching hands as possible, a sure sign of guilt! :eek: :D
