• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Ha ha ha meds! No, they managed to sort out a prescription sheet for the right meds late in the day on a Friday when the NHS shuts down for the weekend, having promised to correct the mistake AND bring the meds to us. We had to do all the donkey work in the end. No one had the meds locally so we had to dash to the next town to get it. Well done NHS. Dreadful communication, wrong meds originally, failed to do what they promised, wrecked our day, but did come through in the end (after we put a lot of effort in and pushed them around).

Stressed and upset my wife terribly. Don't they realise or care that they are dealing with a very vulnerable person, just out of hospital, in the most difficult place they could be? I despair and lose even more hope/trust in the NHS.

BG 5.3
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Morning all, 5.6 here.
I knew it! After months of complaining about the wet, I’m about to complain that it’s too dry! Didn’t water the pots and seedlings last night as we were forecast overnight rain…we’ve had about a teaspoonful.
GoodMorning 6.7 today

Good news is GP phoned me yesterday morning
having finally received and reviewed letter he was waiting for (from Eye department)
following our conversation, he prescribed Mounjaro, although my usual pharmacy didn’t have it
the second pharmacy I went to had it :)

I’ve chipped a filling on a front tooth, so will attempt to see a emergency dentist
but suspect I will end up seeing my usual dentist in about 6 months:rolleyes:glad I didn’t swallow the bit that chipped off, If I recall correctly it’s been there about 5 years, and started off with a crack

Tomorrow I have my appointment at audiologist
have a Super Saturday
Good morning but almost moaning! BG 9.7 after a night skimming the teens.I had a Phantom Itch start late afternoon which became Phantom Pain- it felt like a bunsen atop the foot. It did not settle till after 01:00 but the adrenaline pushed my BG despite insulin and zero food!

Got a rubbish supermarket delivery later. I needed to edit it it yesterday evening but just forgot. It autofills your initial order and there doesn't seem a way of preventing this. Quite annoying as I do not need a big box if JBs every week, the salt was for when I was bathing my foot so I do not need any, etc. Sadly I will probably recycle about £20 worth!

Sky as grey as I feel!
Today's reading was a 6.2. :)
Have a good day everyone.

Morning all. Another 6.6 and another lovely morning.

It’s Mr Eggy’s birthday, he’s caught up with me, nine weeks and one day! He’s my toy boy! The hordes arrived yesterday after school/ nursery/ work and we decamped to the garden, less mess, I made a very boring Victoria sponge but that was his choice. We sang Happy Birthday and ate cake ( although Zara couldn’t wait until everyone arrived) and drank wine/ gin/ pop and they’d all gone by 6pm! Result! Quiet day just the two of us today. Perfect.

Have a lovely day, I’m making the birthday boy a sausage butty for his breakfast, I hope he’s not expecting me to take it up to him! No crumbs allowed in my bed! ;)


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Morning all. Another 6.6 and another lovely morning.

It’s Mr Eggy’s birthday, he’s caught up with me, nine weeks and one day! He’s my toy boy! The hordes arrived yesterday after school/ nursery/ work and we decamped to the garden, less mess, I made a very boring Victoria sponge but that was his choice. We sang Happy Birthday and ate cake ( although Zara couldn’t wait until everyone arrived) and drank wine/ gin/ pop and they’d all gone by 6pm! Result! Quiet day just the two of us today. Perfect.

Have a lovely day, I’m making the birthday boy a sausage butty for his breakfast, I hope he’s not expecting me to take it up to him! No crumbs allowed in my bed! ;)
Happy birthday to Bri/Mr Eggy!

And Zara is the official pre birthday birthday cake quality assessor so she has every right to eat a slice or two before everyone else gets a chance!
Morning all. 3.3. Ooops! The alarm went off earlier, JBs were consumed but the graph shows it didn't go back up enough to trigger the alarm again and i didn't wake up. The plan today is get the jobs done this morning then relax with my book in the garden this afternoon. Though looking out the window, its full cloud and quite breezy. Hopefully the sun will appear.

@eggyg Happy Birthday to Mr Eggy
Happy birthday to Bri/Mr Eggy!

And Zara is the official pre birthday birthday cake quality assessor so she has every right to eat a slice or two before everyone else gets a chance!
She’d just come from nursery and said her lunch was “yak” so was starving! It must have passed quality control ‘cos she scoffed the lot!
She’d just come from nursery and said her lunch was “yak” so was starving! It must have passed quality control ‘cos she scoffed the lot!
She had yak? That’s more exotic than we ever had in a school lunch!
Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone.
5.5 on a rather grey and overcast Berkshire morning. Clearly rained during the night, as forecast, as the covers on the garden furniture are soaking wet. Looks like another decent day in store though, with the sun due to put in an appearance around midday.

Wife's off to Bedford shortly for lunch with a couple of cousins, staying overnight at her sister's. Our youngest does 2-10 at Sainsbury's Saturdays. Not sure what our eldest is doing as he's not up yet, but I could have most of the day to myself.

Hope everyone has a good start to the weekend.