• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

New sensor yesterday, BG says 6.2 libre 8.3 I hope this settles soon. The start of a busy weekend. Prep day 1 for the charity and finishing off the sewing for fundraising stock. Packing for Hever Castle camping and social evening at 'the club' tonight. It's all go for the next few days, don't need a dodgy sensor, fingers crossed.
Stay safe all. :D
Morning folks. 9 2 here. How can that pesky DF be in 2 places at once @Robin?

Last evening class yesterday, so I can relax in the evenings now until September...NOT! Hubby’s laying new flooring in the lounge/diner, starting today...eek! So I’m off to my mum’s after work tomorrow to get out of his way. Just the one night, tho. I like to clean up after him every evening when there’s DIY afoot, for my sanity!

Birds are vicious @eggyg! I’ve only had my feeding station up and running for a week, but I’m sick of the squabbling already LOL.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1

Just recovering from the washing machine breaking and the clearing up of the mess over the last few days. New washing mchine arriving in about an hours time!

A surprise practice of the new song yesterday didn't go quite as well as I had hoped, needs a bit of work.

My wifes prescription was wrong!!! And she only found out too late yesterday. Hopefully she can get it sorted out today.

I am knackered too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 6.6 and a unicorn, haven’t had one of those for a while. Must be the day before’s exercise.

Had a good natter, and excellent cheese and chive scones even though I say so myself, with my recently bereaved friend yesterday. Think she enjoyed talking to someone neutral about her late husband rather than her family, she could be more honest about how she’s feeling I think. She’s managing at the moment, although sorting out probate etc is being a pain. I didn’t ask any details why.

Today we have our usual baby Eden babysitting whilst her sister and mummy are at swimming. Then lunch, hopefully outside today as the weather is picking up, at last. That’ll save a mass hoovering after they’ve left!

Have a good day and I hope the sun is shining where you are too.
My calendar tells me it's 5 years since I took my first tentative steps onto this forum and what a journey it's been. My thanks to all the wonderful people on here for your help, support and good advice, as well as the fun and laughter. To celebrate I changed my lancet this morning and got a 6.2. :)
Have a great day everyone.


5.8 today, nothing much planned especially as eyes have deteriorated, however less than a week until my first cataract op. Going to walk to mums today but will have to take extra care when crossing the roads, I am just thankful that this is all treatable.

@PattiEvans - congratulations on your anniversary, have a lovely trip.
5.9 this morning, wall-to-wall sunshine and not a cloud in sight. Well, it is the Summer Solstice today so officially the start of Summer, astronomically speaking, although not until 21:51 apparently. Nothing on the calendar for today other than a haircut and my regular Thursday swim.

Good to see Scotland get a result in the Euros last night that keeps their hopes alive of reaching the knockout stage. Odd that EUFA initially recorded Scotland's goal as an own goal by Switzerland when every football fan on the planet knew that it was McTominay's goal. They eventually saw sense and issued a correction before the final whistle. England tonight so looking forward to that, and hopefully they'll play better than they did in the second half against Serbia.

Happy Anniversary @PattiEvans - Viel Spass! as they say where you are at the moment.

Hopefully everyone's getting some of this lovely weather today.
Morning all, another beautiful day here and a happy 4.8 for me today.

Enjoy the sunshine folks and have a great day.
Oops, 9.7 this morning, which I didn’t try and correct too much as today was our first day volunteering on Hatton Locks. Great day! Lots of exercise, taking 7 boats up and down the flight in what turned out to be sunshine and lovely weather! Managed to keep the BG in check, albeit around 8 for most of the time, so next time I will not reduce the insulin quite as much.

Take care everyone!
Good morning summer! Good moaning phantom pain! Tired and need sleep but instead tossing and turning - where to rest a painful leg that isn't there so slung it over my shoulder and went for a painkiller and cuppa. BG spiking at 9.4 currently.

Looks like at sunny day coming but a tinge of red at 49 degrees (the usual shortcut now takes me to a different tab!) NE.
Morning all. Been awake for two hours already. Was tossing and turning so just threw in the towel and got up.
Forgot to test but as my carb intake yesterday was likely around 60g I’m claiming a HS!

Off to the gym in a bit as I’m up so early and can fit it in before heading off to therapy.

Postal vote arrived yesterday so that’s all done and back in the post. Also had a letter from CICA saying that they are “ready to assess my application” and have “all the relevant documentation”. The letter then goes on to ask if I have up to date photos of the injuries. So clearly they haven’t got all the info they need if they’re asking for more but it seems like we’re getting close!
4.7 for me this lovely summers day. But libre says 6.7, i'll have to keep an eye on that. Busy day prepping for charity fundraising and seeing them off to set up. Then packing for my 1040s weekend at Hever Castle. Haven't camped under canvas for years. Not sure this age is the time to revisit this :oops:
Good morning 6.1

Nothing exciting on the agenda - just more gardening. The edges and hedges need cutting back. The new toy is great fun but cannot get into corners and the wretched garage to which I trustingly delivered my walk behind has again failed to return it. So it is either risk my back with the strimmer or drive over there and do some serious shouting. I'll make the choice after breakfast...

@ColinUK Very impressed with all your exercise - eagerly awaiting future pictures of the enhanced and muscular you.

Happy Friday everyone.
Morning 6.7 for me after a disturbed nights sleep.
As we are going away and I had a slice of Gala pie left I finished it off before bed ( after taking the crust off to minimise the carbs).I took 4u of insulin to try and cover it but got it hopelessly wrong and dropped into the red and had to take several Dextrose and a couple of biscuits.
With my alarm going off and taking further readings and about 30 minutes to finally get enough of a rise to feel comfortable to go to sleep I had a flat line overnight.
Drop 2 of the dogs of this morning and prepare for daughter to look after other dog and cats and then drive up M6 and turn right at Carlisle.
Anyway have a good w/ end all
Morning all. Alarm woke me at 4.9, currently around 5.3. Glad its Friday.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

They still haven't sorted out my wifes meds!!!! A big worry for me!

New washing machine arrived and works ok.

Weather looks good out there already

Have a great day today whatever you are doing