• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?


6.2 which I am pleased with after all the pastry I ate at Bakeclub, then bad dreams probably due to the amount of cheese that was in all the pastry. Today, we are taking mum for her eye test when hubby gets home from work, I am looking forward to being able to drive again.
A 6.1 for me this morning. :)

Good morning. 6.4.

Nasty grey day here although some improvement forecast for late afternoon.

Nearly finished the sanding of the ex-path area, just another couple of wheelbarrows to go. I have discovered a use for the ads intervals on TV - just time to fill a barrow and wheel the sand to the appointed place...I got a bit tired yesterday so decided to time to stop but, having consumed a cup of tea, found that advertisements for cheap funerals, cancer charities, gambling etc were too dreary so nipped out and managed 6 extra runs while dinner cooked. Should get the area seeded today. Also planning an exciting trip to the tip - just no end to the joys of country living.

Have a happy Tuesday everyone.
Morning all and I was woken by a 3.8 compression low followed by a FOTF assisted 7.2 so real figure somewhere in-between.

Got to pick prescription up. No Creon but luckily I have a stash. Pharmacist at the GP warned me to keep a good supply in.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone from the airplane queue! 7'9 today. I don't want to go back yet :(

Had an intense social weekend that I really enjoyed, including a big family meal on Sunday to celebrate my birthday, and I celebrated again yesterday in a smaller event with some old friends. I was very happy to be with them all. My friends spoiled me with presents and my relatives with cash envelopes, shame it was the end of the trip and I didn't get a chance to spend those euros! ;) I couldn't bring many of the presents either because of luggage space, but I had to take my parent's umbrella, which is surely more useful in Devon than Cartagena.
5.7 on yet another bright and sunny morning. Is this the thing called Summer I've been hearing about? To be fair the Summer Solstice isn't until the end of the week, so astronomically speaking it's not actually Summer yet.

Our eldest picks up his car today so I'm dropping him off at the Dealer just before midday and then heading off for my regular Tuesday swim. It's a self-charging hybrid so a big step up from my 2014 Astra. Call to Admiral later to have him taken off the insurance, which should reduce the premium for the rest of the year. It more than doubled when he was added as a named driver.

Trip out to the garden centre after lunch to pick up some compost, and will pop into their greengrocer while I'm there and restock our fruit bowl. Won't need to buy any raspberries, though - we have raspberry plants in our garden and they've started producing fruit. My wife picked a small bowlful yesterday. Good to have freshly-picked berries. We always get a good crop of blackberries from our garden too but no sign of them yet.

Got further proof yesterday evening of the benefits of an after-dinner walk on post-prandial BG. Normally average 5.9 after 2 hours for yesterday's meal but after walking to LIDL and back (20 minutes each way) it was 4.8 - I checked by switching hands and doing a second test and got the same.

@Elenka_HM - pleased to hear you enjoyed your birthday weekend.

Have a good day, all.
08:31 BS 9.8 a bit too little NR for a light all protein early dinner, around 15:30 yesterday afternoon, of just sea bass fillets before bed. I guessed a dose of 10 but, only 8 left in the old pen so, went with it. Stayed up until 19:15 ish with BS sitting at 8.6 & slept soon after: stayed awake to keep an eye on BS as it was all protein; initially dipped from starting point of BS 7.1 into the 6s in the first hour; then, climbed a bit into the 7s & in the 8s by the time I slept! Maybe 10 would’ve been better but, I have more info now on just eating fish which I quite like for a light meal before bed! :)

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! ;)

It’s quite chilly today: been quite cold for spring/summer so far; still need the electric heater on in mid June, coming up to the summer solstice now! :eek:
Total nightmare of a day so far! Had another bad night with Phantom Pain but unusually the spike continued going up rather than turning down. The Libre reading was silly so I finger pricked - lower but still 15.4! :eek: 5u correction. All sensible now@ 6.2!

Then while I was waiting for BG to get sensible I decided to finish off email to an organisation that seems disabledist only to find my browser ran out of memory and crashed repeatedly. Ended up having to install two driver updates that had hung in the background four days ago and installing the beta version of the browser. All a rush as had a supermarket delivery after being told this afternoon's appointment was earlier and fielding three spam calls! |Wordle has to wait today.

Started sunny but now clouded over! Hope I don't get wet! :(
Afternoon all, it was a 4.7 for me earlier this morning.
@eggyg i really enjoyed Lost Boys & Fairies too. Heartbreaking, funny...the little boy was such a good actor too.
Good morning! No idea why I am awake but think the last week have put my body clock awry! BG 7.5 - wonder where it will be in a couple of hours?

Early doors Podiatry today. Doesn't feel that comfortable compared to last week. .There were the first signs of healing this year but instead of continuing with the silver dressings they were dropped. Getting fed up with seeing a different podiatrist each week with no real plan bar not to follow anybody else's advice.
Broken cloud!
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Morning yawning! 6.5.

Been up since 4.15am, I know, absolutely ridiculous. It’s my own fault though, our walk yesterday afternoon turned out to be a mega long walk, 7.5 miles! We had a lovely time, the weather was glorious until 10 minutes from home. We did a lovely walk along side the River Eden, this particular part is very close to the M6 and it always fascinates me, as I watch the traffic flying by, at the utter beauty of our little city so close to it. We didn’t get home until 5.30pm, I was going hypo, 4 arrow going down, so got on with the tea, then watched telly as per. Only remembered at bedtime that I was supposed to make bread rolls for tonight’s burgers, and cheese scones for my friend ( the one whose husband has just died) coming at 11th this morning! Duh! So when I woke early I thought I’d just get up. Bread maker on, it takes 2.5 hours to make the dough, then I’ve to shape them and let them rise for about an hour before baking. I want them done before the scones go in. Then I probably better have a Hoover through, this friend is very houseproud and there’s never a thing out of place in her house. We’ve known each other over 30 years and I’m sure she knows I’m not the world’s best housekeeper! I do the bare minimum if I’m totally honest. But no one goes home hungry when they’ve visited us! I can’t be good at everything. :p

Here’s some photos I’m quite pleased with from our walk.

Male reed bunting totally oblivious to the busy motorway close by. It didn’t stop him singing his heart out.
Juvenile longed tailed tit. Very cute. And it’s parent, I suspect, just close by. They are one of my favourite birds.
The River Eden with the motorway just a stone’s throw away.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, we’ve been promised another good day.


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Morning all. 6.5

Had my MyHeritage DNA results back and I’m human!

No other surprises in the mix. I’m putting the Finnish part down to Finns travelling in to the Baltic states and indulging in a bit of how’s ya father.

In other news I’ve booked a ticket to see Hello Dolly (third row centre stalls for a whopping twenty quid!) at the palladium and I’ve booked for Six Lives, an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery about the wives of Henry VIII.
It’s not a venue I particularly enjoy but the exhibition has had really decent reviews so thought I’d give it a try.

In other news, physio/gym this morning then I might just be a gentleman of leisure and go for a stroll in the country somewhere.

@eggyg thank you for letting me know Bake Off: Professionals is on!


Here’s a pic of mum’s paternal great grandparents just because…
And don’t they look happy!

Morning a 6.2 for me and yes up early but a beautiful morning and a few steps walking the pooches.
Nice day yesterday and even found time for a visit to M&S for bit of shopping but no trip to cafe.
Another nice day on the Wirral so will have a nice lunch and really good at the moment with some great sport to watch.
Had the house to myself last night as wife out at Garden Club committee meeting and felt good after my podiatrist appointment yesterday.
I originally went before my diabetes diagnosis as I had some pins and needles and thought my circulation may not be as good as previous.
However they found it really strong but as just continued the regular appointments for general foot care and although I can do it myself I do like the reassurance of the regular checks and it is probably my one bit of “ pampering”” I allow myself.