• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.7

Met Office Forecast 90% for heavy rain from 1500. Looking out the window at saturated garden, dripping leaves, huge black clouds, I think their clock is wrong. Got the last of the path removed yesterday evening. I don't think the weather propitious for using an electric tiller today. So no plans.

I put in an hour on the hunt for the last missing cousins without success. Having seen that several of us have done DNA tests I decided to send for one in case that helps identify them. Once the probate registry has issued a grant I want to be in a position to close the estate quickly. It seems, however, that the registry works to the same tempo as the DVLA (9 months and counting to renew my licence) so we will be lucky to distribute the loot before Christmas. Thank goodness that the poor old boy didn't have to wait for them to have a funeral. Judging by the political news Governments Depts are unlikely to see a rapid improvement post-election, rather the opposite.

Have a good weekend everyone.

I feel for you but there is no appropriate emoji! We really need more in all areas of the forum as it feels quite outdated in that area.

A friend is 18 months in in trying to get probate for the property his mother lived in and it is becoming a real millstone despite him being an only child. I despair at ever betting my licence and am starting to think about a mobility scooter (but so aging). With my remaining losing feel a car would have to ne hand controls but having ridden bikes and (says he hanging head in shame) two scooters I would not see that as a problem.
Morning/Afternoon all

Well. after the best night's sleep I've had for years - 8.5 hours I woke this morning to a 4.1 on the
finger prick, I think I'll check again soon to see what effect my porridge has had on that number.

Have a good rest of the day folks and stay safe.
Morning All - 7.2 for me this morning. I woke early but managed to go back to sleep till just gone 8am (pressing my snooze every 5 minutes from 7.30). Pouring here and I'm wondering if there's a wet weather contingency for our village sports day - knowing the villagers a little bit now I reckon it will all still go ahead and everyone will have a good time. Just hope the children in the children's races I'm overseeing don't slip & slide too much :oops: Off for our family day out to Hexham Waitrose in a bit. My Mum's coming too now so it's her, myself and my brother. Shame the weather is like this as we're driving up over the Pennines which would be gorgeous if clear. I need to put the dog cage in the boot so that Wilbur doesn't eat all the shopping on the way home ... Have a good day everyone xxx
Hexham is a lovely little town. TBF I only tend to go for hospital appointments. Shoulders. But I do like a wander through the high street. Enjoy.
7 something this morning when awoken by careline calling to say that dad had fallen. This following mum falling last night at about 10pm (a 2 hour round trip for us to help but still faster than an ambulance). Luckily both were ok, just not able to get themselves up. Over to Mum & Dad’s again this afternoon to be there when a nurse visits Mum, who does seem to be a bit brighter at least. Heart still jumps whenever the phone rings though.

Congratulations @Robin and @MikeyBikey on your HS today!

Take care everyone, stay dry if you can and have a good day!
Afternoon all - changeable as usual. Hasn't rained today as yet, but it changes from blue to grey sky and that cold wind is still prevalent.

8.6 this morning. I really don't know what's going on - no pattern.

Not doing much today, lurking around the house avoiding jobs I should be doing in favour of ones that weren't strictly necessary to be done today e.g. cleaning the washing machine detergent dispenser and then doing a machine clean wash rather than finding toiletries and medications to pack. Will be cooking what I call "boil in the bag" chicken for dinner tonight. One of those garlic and herb jobbies you just roast in it's bag.

Congratulations to @Robin and @MikeyBikey on your HSs.

Hope you are all having a good day.
Mine is never below 7.5. But last few days is been 9.1.
Hi there @Sharad and welcome to the thread. How long have you been diagnosed T2. Have you adjusted your diet at all since diagnosis, if so (or if not) what do you eat on a typical day? Maybe we could help you to reduce those waking numbers.
7 this morning, and 6.2 after breakfast? Strange. I got out to town today for several walks down the prom in the rain.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8
Weight down 0.5Kg good
BP 125/79
Pulse 50
Oxy 97

It is dark, overcast, cold and it looks like it is preparing for rain, again. Where is our summer?

Last nights practice at the church went really well and the new speakers and new amp setup and sound desk adjustments worked a treat. No more muggy sound. Now punchy, clear, musical sound.

Today not sure about walks yet (over 3 hours walking yesterday). Church (I am doing the sound), lots of keyboard practice this afternoon as I have to learn a new song by 9am tomorrow morning. We are practicing it then. M&S fish for tea, yesssss!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning a 6.8 for me and a quiet day yesterday spent snacking so not the easiest of days to control the diabetes.
Had trip to garden centre for our coffee and cake ( my case Chocolate and Flapchack) and some Hot and Sour soup which we love from local Chinese.
Not as active due to weather and like to be busy to give me my energy but a good England performance tonight will change everything.
Take care
Good morning all. A whopping 8.7, confirmed by a finger prick. Looking at graph, I was below 6 at 11pm and it started to rise and never stopped! I went to bed at 10 pm and was 7.7. Blooming liver!

We both woke at 5am, don’t know who woke who, loo trip for us both. Just dozing off and both our phones buzzed. Family messenger group we guessed, farmer daughter we thought. No, middle daughter who is 33 weeks pregnant, wishing her dad Happy Father’s Day! Think the baby must be keeping her awake. Mr Eggy replied saying thanks darling, glad you didn’t message early! Sarcastic emoji! Did our best to doze off and she messaged back, saying sorry, she’s been awake since 3.45! By this time it was 5.45, I got up and Mr Eggy followed at 6am! I didn’t realise he knew there was two 6 o’clocks in the day! Full English on going as we speak. We don’t normally have lunch on a Sunday but I think we may be hungry by 11am today! The hordes will descend as the day goes on, they usually come together as the presents are from them all. Luckily, I baked yesterday and made sure the fridge is full of fizzy pop. Chaos will ensue, maybe Grandma and Gaga nap needed before they arrive.

Have a super Sunday whatever your plans.
Morning all.


Happy Father’s Day to all the dads on here!
Good morning. I woke up to 8.9 but it was hardly surprising. Last night I went to a birthday dinner, I had chicken fillet and salad and a piece of a delicious banoffee pie (and I don't regret it!).
Then, at about 5am I woke up drenched in sweat with an awful stomach ache, burping peppers and about to faint and I realised I had totally forgotten that my stomach can't tolerate peppers and the salad had been full of them. I was sure that my morning reading would be high. And it was.
Anyway, I'm sure it will be back to normal soon. Have a great day everyone :)
04:58 BS 7.1 Ok with that! :)

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! ;)

Can’t remember when I last posted & was a bit distracted! :rolleyes::oops:

I have decided to get a TV license & got one yesterday I honestly backdated it to the day before as I was watching The Milan Men’s Fashion Week livestreams on their official YouTube Channel on 14.06.2024. Why, I hear you ask especially, since I’ve only ever seen one fashion YEARS & YEARS ago, don’t ask WHEN, in Hong Kong for Lane Crawford, well known department store, because my cousin did the PR & was given tickets so, she gave one to me & we watched it together: loads of free swag in the goodie’s bag; make-up & branded products from the HK Department Store chain! It’s not really my type of thing! BUT, remember the Chinese actor I mentioned some time ago Xu Kai in Arsenal Military Academy, he was invited by Fendi to The Milan Men’s Fashion Week, 14th-18th June. He was at the Fendi Fashion Show yesterday & met the designer! :cool: Xu Kai has been modelling, part time in between filming dramas, for Fendi since 2018 & has been the brand ambassador for China for the last two years. It’s his first time in Europe & I REALLY REALLY wanted to go, when the news was announced last month, but, I knew realistically that I couldn’t go with my current state of health! :(

I’ve watched the livestream fashion shows yesterday & the day before: some I haven’t even heard of before; not really into high end fashion. And will watch some more today & tomorrow: no livestreams on the last day as that day is all presentation by appointment; only some of the fashion shows are on livestream, the biggest names I suspect, to people in the know & I’m not really one of them! :rofl:

I’ve been to Milan once years ago & spent years paying off my credit bill at Salvatore Ferragamo for a handbag & wallet set of over £800! :eek: There are two airports & Xu Kai’s official team sent his fans to the wrong airport by mistake so, landed with no fans to greet him! Instead of resting after a 15 hour flight from Shanghai he met the fans later at his hotel before going straight to work right after the meet & greet doing photoshoots around the city the day before yesterday & another photoshoot yesterday morning before the fashion show in the afternoon: he must be exhausted! :eek: So, it was probably just as well I didn’t go but, neither Xu Kai or his team have been to Milan before & maybe didn’t know about the two different airports? I had to check & make sure about travel arrangements to & from the right airport myself when I went to Milan! :confused:

I also watched the Emporio Armani show yesterday evening. I watched *Moschino & Dolce and Gabbana shows the day before yesterday. Been goggling at all these handsome, gorgeous male models in very skimpy summer clothes, some of them! :rofl::p:cool: The *Moschino show was strange clothes, to my eyes, & I’ve never heard of it before! :rolleyes: Should I blush? :oops: :rofl:

Live-streaming starts 10:00 BST, 11:00 Milan, with names I HAVE heard if, Giorgio Armani & Prada so, been watching last year’s Strictly on the BBC iPlayer: series 21 is STILL not available from iTunes & I don’t think it will be any time soon; it was strange not seeing the judges comments etc. when watching the dances only on YouTube last year! :rolleyes:

Edited:- * to correct the designer label: goes to show how NOT into high end fashion I am! :rofl::rolleyes::D
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