Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All - 7.7 for me on this very wet morning. Lots of my big plants have been squashed down by it so I may have to construct or buy some quick plant supports to give them a helping hand. On the subject of birds the Jay in my bird book has a much prettier head than yours @eggyg :D and @Bloden we've had quite a few gold finches the last few days (sorry) and I've noticed this morning that the tiny ball shaped seeds that the other birds don't seem to touch have all gone off the bird table so I think it must be then - very pleased with that. We've had a lot of curlew sightings out on the fell this year - they look so funny when they walk along, very ungainly with their long beaks but so gorgeous to see and particularly in flight. I'm off for a small filling at the dentist this morning (just replacing a white one at the front that's gone a bit discoloured) and am dropping the dogs with the dog walker first as hubby off to Scotland to do the Scottish traverse tomorrow. We've got our village sports day on Sunday but the weather doesn't look like sports day weather. I'm helping with the children's races.With mine all in their mid to late twenties and no grandchildren yet I'm not sure I still know how to deal with small children😳 Tomorrow my brother and I are going on a day out and road trip to Waitrose at Hexham. I suddenly got excited the other day realising I could go there and buy some of my firm favourites and put them in the freezer! We'll go up over the top of the Pennines so it will be a lovely drive as long as the cloud's not too low. Have a good day everyone xxx
Morning all, It's a happy 5.5 for me on this sunny but very windy morning.
5.6 for me, and weekly BP check 122/71, on a lovely, sunny Berkshire morning, but if the forecast is right it's not going to last long - rain due from 10am and thunderstorms this afternoon. Was hoping to watch the tennis from Nottingham later but it looks like a washout there today, and maybe tomorrow. No wonder people have started saying it's Juneuary.

Our eldest and a mate are on their way to Hamburg for Poland v Netherlands in tomorrow's Euro24 match, landing shortly. Didn't hear him leave for his 4am train. He took my car and has left it at his mate's parents' house so I need to pop over there later and pick it up. The bus from the bottom of our road stops just around the corner from their house, which saves me a walk. Then it's off to Sainsbury's for our regular Friday Big Shop, and after lunch I'm taking our youngest out for some more motorway driving practice.

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS and good BP result.

Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's plans for the day.
Morning all and a near miraculous 5.3 for me. I don't know what happened last night but for the first time in absolutely ages I hit high teens on the meter. It was like I was injecting water. Let's see how today goes.

Reluctantly had to draft a strongly worded letter to our record label who aren't talking to us and are taking orders but not supplying the goods. Not expecting much but if we can avoid legal action so much the better.

Have a good day everyone.
Up at the crack for no reason apart from RLS. @MikeyBikey I do not envy your phantom pain one iota. This is bad enough. I took some pain killers at 4am but still restless at 5 so I got up. It’s pointless trying to sleep.

Have you been prescribed Gabapentin for RLS as I saw it mentioned in the PIL. Personally I find it virtually useless for Phantom Pain and utterly useless for Neuropathic Pain.
Morning all. 6.0

Seeing the folks this evening and taking two DNA test kits for them to do. Not because I doubt they’re my parents but because of MyHeritage genealogy stuff! It’ll maybe help track down some distant relations we don’t know about. I’m still waiting for my DNA results to come back from the lab. As long as they say I’m human I’ll be happy.
I haven't gone for DNA but I have done a little researching of my family tree. I discovered that one of my ancestors emigrated to America in the 19th century and died alongside General Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876. I assumed he'd enlisted in the US cavalry but apparently he was just fishing nearby and had only gone over to ask them to keep the noise down, poor man.
5.2 this morning yet another shopping trip looms once we have had lunch not much on today except the gym after shopping, dreading the football cannot believe its on from 6.30 to 10.45. have a god day everyone
congratulations on your HS Gwynn.
Have you been prescribed Gabapentin for RLS as I saw it mentioned in the PIL. Personally I find it virtually useless for Phantom Pain and utterly useless for Neuropathic Pain.
No. I just take ibuprofen or such like. I don’t care for strong painkillers as they knock me out. Tramodol for example just puts me in a daze and I’m dopey enough as it is! Once I’m up and about the RLS goes, it’s just usually in bed. Drives me nuts though.
7.1 for me, and 10.2 two hours postprandial. I had a short walk of about ten minutes to give them a jolt.
Morning all 7.2 for me this morning.low alarm went off 3 times during the night So after the jbs went off High . Correction dose needed.Me a d the dog sitting in tea room garden with a large brolly up .Rain belting down . Congratulations to @ at pam123 and @ Gwynn on your Hs .Have a good day folks
We sent ours off last week, had an email yesterday to say they’d received mine. I’ll be surprised if I’m anything but an English/Scottish/Irish mix. But you never know, there might be something a little more exotic in me. Viking maybe! 😛
I’m expecting a little cream puff in mine :rofl:
Good afternoon. No strips and few lancets since Tuesday. Mad dig in medic supplies box revealed a big zero. Just come via Amazon so I have read everybody's posts and will be testing again tomorrow. Lovely to see, even through green glasses, the number of 5.2s. Well done all. Can't fight jealousy but can fix diet so I am busy reducing carbs.

Been digging up a path between showers to join 2 small lawn areas to main garden lawn. It will make mowing with the new big toy much easier. Gave myself one Heck of a chest pain so desisted and have had a lay off. Spent time alternately watching Shed and Buried and designing a new layout for a house the family are thinking of buying. They are determined to get a detached as Rowan is rather noisy when he has a melt down but prices are grim in Oxford so if they are to minimise risk, given interest rates/new government/slumping economy, a dooer-upper seems sensible. Think I have come up with a good one and now awaiting "client" feed back.

It is chucking it down outside at the moment so a perfect excuse to sit at PC instead of gardening. Much amused by Nigel Farage claiming he needs a head to head with Starmer as he is now "the opposition". No Frog Face you ain't 'cos you are a tad short on elected ex- or projected new members. Here's hoping he is beaten by a man dressed as a courgette wearing a top hat...

Happy Friday everyone.
It is chucking it down outside at the moment
It's supposed to be doing that here in Berkshire too (88% probability of thunderstorms at this very moment according to the BBC) but we've had barely any rain all day, just blue sky, sunshine and fluffy white clouds - which is exactly what I'm seeing out the window right now. Who'd be a weather forecaster, eh?
It's supposed to be doing that here in Berkshire too (88% probability of thunderstorms at this very moment according to the BBC) but we've had barely any rain all day, just blue sky, sunshine and fluffy white clouds - which is exactly what I'm seeing out the window right now. Who'd be a weather forecaster, eh?
I went riding this morning and got absolutely drenched in a monsoon, in North West Oxfordshire . Drove home, ten miles to the south, Husband looked at my bedraggled self and said 'Oh, did you get wet? We haven’t had a drop here.'
It is now raining here, several hours later than forecast.
I went riding this morning and got absolutely drenched in a monsoon, in North West Oxfordshire . Drove home, ten miles to the south, Husband looked at my bedraggled self and said 'Oh, did you get wet? We haven’t had a drop here.'
It is now raining here, several hours later than forecast.
As someone once said, forecasting is like driving a car blindfolded with instructions being given by someone looking out of the rear window (although, to be fair, that was in a business context).
Afternoon - on and off we've had drenching showers.

Done lots of silly little jobs, but they've all been time consuming, which is why I'm so late posting. 6.8 this morning, had salad for lunch and never went over 7 BUT the low alarm went off about 5pm and so I had 1 Dextro tab and a small cereal bar which purported to be 7.2g carb and shot up to 9.8.

Also had pedicure at the local beauty salon. It was lovely having foot massage as part of the procedure. Now expecting 2 friends round at 6pm as they are going to water our garden for us and we need to show them where everything is. They're staying for supper, so I've made gnocchi in tomato sauce with chorizo, spinach and mozzarella. Plus a green salad on the side. Fresh fruit and clotted cream for pud and a cheese board.

Congrats to all the HSrs.

Take care all...
Hi everyone! 8'4 or something like that this morning, it's been my usual level this week.

My holidays are flying by, I will try to enjoy the last few days as much as possible. Diabetes wise, numbers are higher, as I expected. From my usual TIR in the 90s with barely any injections, I've gone to 75% TIR with a whooping 25 over range, and that's injecting for almost every meal. I blame the reduced amount of walking and the nicer bread available... Of course I have to work on doses and timing. At least with summer clothes is easier to get the spot to jab yourself! I remember negotiating all the layers in winter. Now is enough to lift a bit of a top, or use my thights if I'm wearing shorts or dresses. Very convenient when eating out.

My dad is also taking me on some driving practice @Martin.A . It seems like my English instructor has succeeded in his effort to keep me away from the left driving in Spain (right lane) I'm getting dangerously close to the right curb. My poor dad must be praying under his breath :rofl:
Today I was tidying a drawer, trying to get rid of some old stuff. I found a notebook from when I was around 16 and I'm quite surprised with some of the things I wrote there. There was something pretty deep titled "Of Faith and facing death" (I reckon it was triggered by my great-grandmother's death). Also some ridiculously complicated backstories for my original characters. I was reading some relationship mess like " damn, teen Elena, that's problematic" 😳

Fun fact, my fave character I made up at the time had the name of my recent ex and they are both Eastern European. Totally different people, of course, I wrote those stories many years before I met this man.