Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone
A happy 5.1 for me on this overcast Monday, showers promised for the rest of the week so I won’t be getting much done in the garden I guess, good chance to get a rest for the week.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
6.2 on a filthy East Anglian morning. Rained all night and so far this morning it's wet, overcast and blowing a gale. Had pencilled in Bressingham Steam Museum and NT Wimpole Hall for today but sorely tempted to scrub that and just go home.

Nice day yesterday, though. Pleasant walk around Sheringham Park and then a drive into Sheringham itself. Thought it might be a larger version of Southwold but not the case. Very busy with there being a classic car event on - spotted an MGB identical to the one my wife had when we met. Nice meal at a country pub on the way back, too.

All packed and ready for checking out. Hope your weather is better than ours.
Morning all - broken clouds, but they are little pretty ones and the sun is shining. I think we've had some rain overnight, but doesn't look as though it was much. Enough in the watering cans hopefully to water my orchids. I am excited as a particularly beautiful one is about to flower again.

5.2 this morning and I did manage to capture the screenshot. It was after I had visited the bathroom and done my 2 lots of eye drops that have to be done 5 minutes apart, so whether it counts I don't know.

Not got much on today. No cooking as we have leftovers which we didn't eat last night. We had a huge fry up for a late lunch and weren't hungry in the evening so settled for bread and cheese. We currently have some splended cheeses in thanks to Lidl. A very ripe brie, a gorgonzola and mascarpone mix, a lovely ripe chaorce and a stilton that's practically crawling off the plate.

Honestly you lot! @ColinUK that was a pastry... no way was it a fruit salad - you are so funny! As for @eggyg and the bottled fruit salad!!!

What lovely news from @Gwynn and an HS that's icing on the cake. Long may your wife's improvement last.

Have a good day all!
9.1 first thing, rising 10.0 FOTF, surprisingly high, mind you had a hypo at 2 this morning (low carbs at dinner last night).
I just got back from having my bloods' taken at the doctor's, looking for sodium traces, I've already been informed that my sodium has been very low for the past 2/3 years. The nurse who took my blood said I should try Celtic Sea salt in my diet, so I'll do some digging.
9.1 first thing, rising 10.0 FOTF, surprisingly high, mind you had a hypo at 2 this morning (low carbs at dinner last night).
I just got back from having my bloods' taken at the doctor's, looking for sodium traces, I've already been informed that my sodium has been very low for the past 2/3 years. The nurse who took my blood said I should try Celtic Sea salt in my diet, so I'll do some digging.
Having low sodium can be dangerous if you have high BGs at the same time. It can bring on hyponatremia (your brain swells and you start hallucinating) and the condition put me in hospital just before christmas. It's not necessarily linked with oral ingestion of salt, but can be caused by certain drugs. In my case low sodium was caused by Losartan, a blood pressure medication. Are you on any BP meds - if so check out side effects.
No, no BP meds. Just Anti-psychotics, milk anti-depressants and a beta-blocker - it could be the anti-psychotics, I'll check.
good morning 4.2 for me, disappointing meal out at our regular haunt, I always have roast chicken as i am not very adventurious when it comes to some of the menu so the owner said she would make sure they saved one for me as it sets out quickly, anyway when we arrived hubby picked hs meal ad i asked for my usual only to be told they had sold out, owner not in and waiter said there were no instructions from the owner, so we left and rushed up a salad which wasn't whet i was looking forward to, I sent the owner a message as we have become friendly since we go there twice a week since February, so spent a considerable amount of money, the only response I got was a be honest I dont feel like going again, Congrats Gwynn and Pattidevans on your HS, sounds like you and your wife had a wonderful day yesterday.
Afternoon all it was a 6.2 for me.

I was busy making myself popular in the Post Office this morning. No queue when I went in but by the time I'd finished posting my stack of LPs they were right down the aisle.

Nearly time to mix up my first sachet of PlenVu. Allegedly mango flavour followed by fruit punch. We shall see.

Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
Afternoon all it was a 6.2 for me.

I was busy making myself popular in the Post Office this morning. No queue when I went in but by the time I'd finished posting my stack of LPs they were right down the aisle.

Nearly time to mix up my first sachet of PlenVu. Allegedly mango flavour followed by fruit punch. We shall see.

Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
Good luck. My only advice, keep the toilet seat down and have plenty of reading material handy in the loo.

Morning a clicker click 6.6 for me and a much better line overnight even after a 2u correction than the previous night so hopefully I can get back more into a normal pattern.
Nice day in Shrewsbury yesterday and had forgotten how nice the centre of town is and looking forward to Euros and Olympics so a real summer of sport.
Quiet day today but have a good one whatever you are up to
Good morning! A 9 8 that fell to 9.1 FOTF. Far from ideal but I think I overcompensated after two bad hypos and YASTLS (Yet Another Sensor That Loses Signal). Abbot need to sort this out now!

Limb Fitting Services this morning so need to get on Remember to use their scales to check if my 1st 8lb weight loss agrees as I think it is calibrated unlike one in Physiotherapy.

Started bright but with red tinge to east (Shepherd's Warning) and now starting to cloud over.
Morning all. 5.9 on this cold, 7c, morning.

Beautiful blazing red sunrise at 4am for us too. We call it Sailor’s Warning but we definitely get more shepherds than sailors in our little part of the world! Of course as we’re going to the funeral of my friend’s husband this morning it will probably rain. But I’m hoping and praying it’s nothing like the hailstoning, thundering deluge we got late afternoon yesterday. Oh my goodness, one downpour about 4pm ( Mr Eggy was washing the car and was absolutely drenched) and about 7pm. At least the plants didn’t need watering!

Bitty day today, funeral 10.20am, we’ve already been “ invited” to the wake, I’ve got up early to have a decent protein filled breakfast as I suspect it will be a beige buffet. Then Mr E at the nurse for his bloods for his annual vascular check up this afternoon. Not sure there’ll be any time inbetween so he’ll have to go in his funeral suit, and I’ll stay in the car. I’ll be glad when the day is over, funerals aren’t my thing, especially now they are more likely to be our peers than an elderly relative. :(

And on that miserable note. Have a great day whatever you’re all up too.
Good morning. 6.6

Had a poor night after the excitement of paying with the new toy. All lawns/orchard mowed, a pleasure which was delayed by the poor quality of the manual which said, if it didn't move, I should "engage the transmission". Since there was no other mention in the manual about how one might do such a thing I rang customer services who seemed equally ignorant. I had recourse to Google. Needless to say information on all makes of machine save my own...However multiple pages indicated I was looking for something at the back that I might find well hidden but which needed pushing or pulling - and there it was, a tiny rod bent to a right angle, hidden between the tow bar fixing and the back wheel...after a bit of swearing and wiggling it was all systems go. It drives beautifully going forwards but reverse is positively jet propelled and distinctly unnerving. Not an exercise to repeat without solemnly pre-selecting the the object is to spare my arthritis rather than induce heart failure.

Car not home yet so no idea what I am doing today. Hope they haven't found anything expensive to do.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Good morning 7.1 today

Have a Great Tuesday 😎
Morning all. 5.1 after a broken nights sleep. I don't know why but i kept waking then going back off to sleep. I might end up having a snooze after work before tea. Mind you, then i won't sleep tonight. Oh well....

@MikeyBikey i'm finding that the latest sensors lose signal even when the phone is right next to me. I've tried everything, bluetooth off and on, phone off and on, nothing seems to make a difference. I agree, Abbott need to sort it.

@eggyg i hope it goes well for your friend today.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 fine
BP 123/77 ok

Yesterday was good up until the early evening when there was a needless upset which spoiled the evening.

Have a great day todat whatever you are doing