Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.1 here.
On the long trek home, and it’s getting warmer by the hour. It was 5.5 degrees at the top of the pass of Glencoe yesterday, and we hit double figures at Loch Lomond. Lancashire is positively balmy! Last leg today. I was reading about the tribute bike ride for Dave Myers, the Hairy Biker yesterday. A lovely idea, but it suddenly occurred to me…they’ll all be going back home today, presumably a fair few of them down the M6. Hope we don’t encounter too many of them.
Daughter has been in charge of the garden while we've been away, so I will be inspecting it later to find out what’s survived!
5.1 this morning for me, looks like things are settling down a bit now.

Had a nice easy cruise today to somewhere just north of Acton Trussell. Every boat we passed asked us about the broken lock, which according to the CRT man there in the morning said would be fixed on Monday with a temporary iron balance beam. Still glad we turned whilst we could though as anything could go wrong and delay the navigation reopening.

Here’s last night’s mooring spot :


@DianeD - thanks for sharing the photo - lovely to see the old cars!

@Gwynn - so glad you both had a good day yesterday, hope today will be just as good.

Take care everyone!
7.8 that's more like it. But I'm not actually feeling quite but some of it might side effects of all the medication I'm taking at the moment
A 5.1 for me this morning and no weird dreams (that I can remember) to report. 🙂

Good morning 8.2 today

Next months DMO clinic appointment came through on a letter yesterday, I was relieved as it a Sunday afternoon appointment, boss at work wasn't happy that my appointment last week clashed with a teams call.
I’ve also now FINALLY received a appointment at the audiology department, also on a Sunday (in a fortnight) which is good, OK I could’ve gone to Specsavers but as I’ve never had a hearing test felt I should see what the NHS can do for me first before I explore other options.

Hope everyone has a lovely day
Well, well, well....a lie in and look what i got
1717919711498.png a nice flattish line all night too.

Its sunny here atm but still quite windy and the wind is cold. At least its not raining.

Have a good day everyone.

5.6 today after not the best eating yesterday evening. Off to visit my friend and her baby today, haven’t seen them for a couple of weeks, so be nice to catch up, and a nice walk as it takes me about 50 minutes to an hour to get there, sadly just through the streets and not along the river which would be nice.

@freesia - congratulations on your HS today.
It's another bright and sunny East Anglian morning but, inevitably, it's forecast to cloud over later. Had a good day out yesterday - Sutton Hoo was fascinating (the movie 'The Dig' tells the story) and we liked Southwold. One brief shower but we were in a cafe having lunch at the time. Had a once-in-a-blue-moon treat on Southwold Pier, a Rum & Raisin ice cream! Off to NT Sheringham Park this morning, and maybe NT Blickling on the way back. A 6.0 when I tested at 08:30 after a rare Sunday lie-in.

Have a good Sunday, if your weather allows. It seems very unseasonal in some places. Ben Rich on the BBC Weather last night was almost apologetic about the forecast he was presenting.

Congrats on the HS @freesia
Morning Colin,
Must be all those gym sessions unless you have been in the rack to stretch yourself to new heights lol
Yeah three sessions this week and I’m positively hench!
It's another bright and sunny East Anglian morning but, inevitably, it's forecast to cloud over later. Had a good day out yesterday - Sutton Hoo was fascinating (the movie 'The Dig' tells the story) and we liked Southwold. One brief shower but we were in a cafe having lunch at the time. Had a once-in-a-blue-moon treat on Southwold Pier, a Rum & Raisin ice cream! Off to NT Sheringham Park this morning, and maybe NT Blickling on the way back. A 6.0 when I tested at 08:30 after a rare Sunday lie-in.

Have a good Sunday, if your weather allows. It seems very unseasonal in some places. Ben Rich on the BBC Weather last night was almost apologetic about the forecast he was presenting.

Congrats on the HS @freesia
Hi Martin sounds like my perfect day.I remember watching the Dig and absolutely loved it and always had an academic interest after studying a fair bit of Anglo Saxon stuff in the past.
I always remember having Fish and Chips followed by an ice cream in Aldborough and it was absolutely lovely.Enjoy the rest of your trip
Morning everyone

A happy 5.1 for me today, looks like it might be a nice day as the sun is shining and there is a light breeze - bike ride weather me thinks.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Good morning! After yesterday morning's shenanigans had 10gm extra CHO yesterday evening. This morning 8.2. Feels like ever decreasing circles.

Some housework today followed by sorting paperwork. Despite so much on line the amount of paper you receive seems to grow. One credit card company sent me 15;sides of T's and C's after I queried a charge with the outside white space taking up around 50% of each page with the centre part in microprint!

Weather looks mixed again with sunshine and cloud. Yesterday was very dark late morning and early afternoon but the rain held off. It also became remarkedly cool.

And an hour later it had dropped to 6.3 before I took my insulin. Totally unpredictable with this Doxycycline!

Now dark and overcast!
Morning All - 7.7 for me this morning which I'm quite pleased with as had curry (no rice just one chapati) last night and 4 Swiss chocolates (they're not even very nice but they're there and I keep finding where my hubby has hidden them!). I had a good day yesterday down in Manchester for my Walking Netball Host Training session with a lovely group of women. Two hour drive each way but I particularly love the journey home now when the hills open up before me and I can pop into Tebay Services to get supper because we're so local to it. I've managed to twinge my shoulder so with that and my lower back I'm definitely going to need my session with physio/chiropractor chap on Tuesday morning. Hubby off on a fell race this morning and then we're all (my brother & Mum too) going over to some friends near Caldbeck for tea & cake - I might just sniff it rather than eat it or allow myself a very small bit. Feels a bit strange at the moment as two of my children are abroad - eldest and his wife in Japan and then Korea (she's half French half Korean and her Korean family couldn't make it to the wedding last year so she'll be visiting them and her 90+ year old Grandma) and my daughter is in Vancouver with 2 friends for a 10 day trip - just one son left in London. Anyway - have a great day everyone whatever you end up doing xxx
Good morning. 5.3. Quite undeserved as I ate an unconscionable amount of ice cream yesterday.

Bit of a mixed day here weather wise - quite a lot of high cloud and a brisk breeze.

I shall be pottering on in the garden today, trimming shrubs and bagging up hedge cuttings. Only one heavy job - loading the wheeled strimmer into the boot of the car. It needs a carb replacement. A most ungainly tool, like a mechanical stork, but useful when one has back ache and cannot face the ordinary sort - a scenario which becomes more frequent with age.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday.
I could’ve gone to Specsavers but as I’ve never had a hearing test felt I should see what the NHS can do for me first before I explore other options.
In our area the NHS seems to have commissioned a couple of Optician's businesses to do the hearing tests. e.g. I was sent to Bradley's aka Scrivens for my hearing test by my surgery. It's a much quicker route than waiting for an appointment with Audiology.
Morning all 8.7 for me this morning.From mid afternoon till bedtime at 12 last night kept going up Two correction doses ,still didn't bring it down Hadn't eaten anything I shouldn't have and was out with the dog for a good walk twice .See what happens today . Unless I'm coming down with something Have a good day folks and stay safe
Morning all (just). Broken cloud and sun, with a fair breeze, which is likely very cold. Managed to sit in the garden with a glass of wine early evening yesterday as it's very sheltered there. It was a freezing wind out the front though, where I'd been spraying my lollipop bay trees with insecticide. Overnight they had been absolutely infested with larvae. Annoying as they become unusable for cooking and the leaves look unsightly.

7.7 at 10:15 after a rotten night's sleep running to the bathroom seemingly every half hour, and awake from 3:45 to 7am, but managed to sleep from then until 10:15.

The dinner of Gnocchi with creamy squash and mascarpone sauce was delicious and the 2nd half is left over for tonight. Do not be fooled though, it takes longer than half an hour to prepare by the time you've prepared the squash and grated the parmesan and done the rest of the prep. It's like Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals, I've never made one in less than half an hour and sometimes nearer an hour. Still it was simple to do and I'd do it again!

@freesia congrats on your HS.

@TinaD love your turn of phrase, the comment about Livingstone did make me laugh.

@Gwynn - super news about your wife!

Have a Super Sunday all - just ironing in store for me.