Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 6.6 for me and a reasonable line overnight.I had a tooth out yesterday so no hot drinks etc and being bit careful for first day as would prefer not to have to have Dextrose unless absolutely required.
So far so good and like Tina watched the debate.Am pretty apolitical but was disappointed that the only thing they seemed to address was to get their “ soundbite” across.
No addressing peoples concerns and simply taking the polar opposite view of the other person.
I really wonder what would happen if they faced a common crisis that meant they had to work as a Team and had to make decisions in the interests of the country- woukd they still be as divisive.
All I ask for is honest,competent political leaders who seek to act in the best interests of us all.Is that too much to ask as we seem to find plenty of these people with these qualities in many other walks of life.
Anyway onwards and upwards.
Morning all. 6.2 and it’s cold and damp.

I agree @TinaD on all you said about last night’s debate. I lasted until 9.45 and went to bed as my anxiety was through the roof. Neither covered theirselves in glory. I’m voting Green this time, first time since I was allowed to vote in 1979 that I won’t be voting Labour. I know Green won’t get in but we need to shake up both major parties and give them a short sharp shock! The country deserves better.

Enough of politics, it’s all stressing me out. I’m meeting up with @zippyjojo this morning for brunch and a natter, that’ll be nice, unlike the weather! It’s 7c at the moment and not expecting to rise above 10. It’s June for goodness sake. Good news though, we’ve got our first courgette flower. Yeah! Everything is so slow this year we’ve found. No sign of the carrots at all. In the greenhouse we have two teeny tiny tomatoes and a chilli has flowered at last, we planted them in January and had them indoors in a heated propagator. It’s our first year with a greenhouse so we aren’t sure what we’re doing to be fair!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
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Couldn’t sleep, 5.3 today, bright at the moment. Shows how much attention I pay to things, didn’t even know the debate was happening.

@eggyg and @zippyjojo - enjoy your brunch and natter.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Had an appointment at the surgery with a real doctor yesterday. They are concerned about my heart and stress. He put me on stronger ACE inhibitors. My BP was 163/97. I have to go for lots of tests on Friday afternoon.

I did get in contact with the hospital yesterday so at least they know there may yet still be a problem with my wife. They don't seem to be able to see through her act of presenting 'normal'. Surely they must have seen this sort of thing before.

My one and only friend had a tooth out yesterday so he couldn't come to tea.

Today a final tidy up and check around the house before my wife returns tomorrow.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 9.2 today
that will be down to what I ate yesterday evening (following a stressful day at work)
Plus didn’t sleep well (maybe I should’ve watched the debate on TV)

I have appointment with a NHS podiatrist this morning
the Orthotics she has got me are certainly a help,
I had orthotics prior to my ankle surgery (that I had last year)
but a few months ago, I made her aware my feet weren’t sitting naturally on the floor
(something a physiotherapist noticed)

anyway my podiatrist built up the heel on one side to compensate
I’m sure this is helping. although ankle is still painful when I walk to much

tomorrow have an early morning visit for the vampires

Have a wonderful Wednesday 😎
Good morning. 5.8

Tried to watch the Starmer v Sunak debate last night but found Sunak's appalling manners impossible to tolerate. Talking over one's opponent, instead of letting them have their say, is not debating, it is mere rudeness. What a ghastly little man. Not that I would be rushing to defend the barricades if Starmer was my leader. A most disappointing advocate, so wooden I wanted to check for Death Watch beetle. Where is the fire of Aneurin Bevan or the polished language of Churchill? Oh well, better than watching frog faced Farage I suppose. ITV ought to be ashamed of failing to control the debate. Run as it was yesterday these sessions will hardly inform the voters. Me? I'm voting Plaid simply because Ben Lake isn't a Tory but is a good, young, hard working, constituency MP.

In the interests of my blood pressure, and to prevent the TV screen receiving a boot through it, I retreated to bed, muttering imprecations, and soothed my mind with a book. Slept like a log after a bare chapter and was rewarded with a respectable BG this morning and a blue sky with high, thin, shards of cloud. I shall distract my mind this morning from thoughts of the shambles the UK has become by weeding the veggie garden. It is very quiet here now the youngsters have departed.

Hope everyone has a good day.

I turned it off when I Sunak defended their handling of the NHS. The issues started well before Covid as I was referred for bypass surgery (hereditary not diabetes related) in August 2017 but not having surgery until the following June. Then in autumn 2019 my GP referred me back to vascular where I finally got an appointment in April 2020. This obviously got cancelled but I had developed an ulcer that became became necrotic. When I was seen late July I ended up with no leg! And the way he talks over people reminds me of a slimey used car salesman who tries to sell you a car you do not want! I pointed the .44: Magnum at him and pulled the trigger - well the remote! :rofl:

Years ago I met Tony Benn and was impressed by how polite , intelligent and well informed he was. Today's MPs are just money grabbing individuals, and do not know the meaning of the word honest!
Good morning! A 7.5 on waking with FOTF 8.6. DP was meant to be in @Elenka_HM 's suitcase! :rofl:

Felt a bit squiffy yesterday evening - suspect it was all the probing in my ears, particularly the right, during microsuction-at-home!

Had hoped to get out today but person I was meeting never confirmed.

Sun and broken cloud but suspect rain on the way!
06:49 BS 5.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- Was just looking up online, last night, about getting a TV license to watch The Olympics next month & was horrified to find that it’s now £169.50 for a year & I worked out all the sums afterwards! Still haven’t made up my mind yet but, it seems to have gone up a lot since I last had a license over a year ago? It’ll be an extra just over £14 per month to budget for & other than The Olympics, not every year at that, is really worth watching on the BBC & I haven’t really missed not watching anything else: I always bought the shows I like to rewatch a lot on iTunes anyway, like Strictly, Death In Paradise &, the new one, Beyond Paradise! BUT, I did find out that ANYTHING you watch live on any platform needs a TV license including YouTube, Sky Sports, Now TV or foreign TV apps so, that’s something I’m now aware & just as well haven’t watched anything live this past year when I didn’t have one: have done so in the past especially, golf; I completely forgot to watch ANY golf this past year as I was watching SO much cdrama which, has sped up a lot in being available after live broadcasting with the subtitles but, still isn’t live, as yet! 😱🙄 I CAN manage to watch most Chinese programmes now WITHOUT subtitles live on Chinese TV apps but, it’s not that long to wait anymore so, I watch it later when subtitles are up; a lucky escape THERE that I wasn’t aware of but, I am now! I’ve been branching out & watched China history programmes which I definitely need subtitles for about well known national artefacts etc! 😛:D I’m learning a lot more about my Chinese heritage than ever before! 😎

I have about 6 weeks to make up my mind before The Olympics start at the end of July! Decisions, decisions? :confused:
I just asked at my GP for a hearing test. Within a week of the test I had hearing aids. People who went through appointments with audiology are still waiting.

My issues started post Covid and seem more complex than just volume. If I crank up the TV it distorts but doesn't become clearer. An endocrinologist noticed the issues and wrote to my GP surgery to refer me for more comprehensive tests but it has not happened. She said she would do it herself but protocol doesn't allow this! :(
@Lanny don’t forgot that the TV licence also includes all BBC radio services as well.
Honestly I think it’s a bargain. The funding model is outdated however and needs to be updated. I’m all in favour of the model some countries use to fund state broadcasting services by adding a tiny levy to electricity bills. That means that those who use more power pay more towards the broadcaster. It seems quite a fair way of funding.
7.0 this morning.

Saw the “debate” yesterday. The issue that Starmer has is that he’s more detailed, more forensic, less prone to emotional sound bites than Sunak.
@Lanny don’t forgot that the TV licence also includes all BBC radio services as well.
Honestly I think it’s a bargain. The funding model is outdated however and needs to be updated. I’m all in favour of the model some countries use to fund state broadcasting services by adding a tiny levy to electricity bills. That means that those who use more power pay more towards the broadcaster. It seems quite a fair way of funding.
That’s a good idea! A Thumbs Up emoji!
Morning all, 5.8 here. The only debate I watched last night on TV was who should have garment of the week on Sewing Bee.
I wasn’t happy missing Sewing Bee but Mr Eggy wanted to watch the debate! I think in hindsight he wishes he’d watched Sewing Bee instead, although he’s never, ever watched it before! I’ll catch up tonight, no spoilers!
That’s a good idea! A Thumbs Up emoji!
David Attenborough’s programmes are worth the licence fee alone, and also Spring/Autumn/Winterwatch. Plus the BBC do produce the best dramas over all the channels in my humble opinion. Plus we wouldn’t survive our childcare days without CBeebies! 😉
Morning all. 9.2 here...the DF’s back from her holidays then.

A lovely sunny day out there. We decided to leave a patch of grass unmowed this year, so we plumped for the small “lawn” outside the back door so that we could watch it develop and enjoy it. Hmmm, forgot about my hay fever, didn’t I? Der! Roll on hubby getting back from Spain and mowing it - I can’t leave the back door or windows open, achoooo! Shame really, cos it’s looking fab.

I couldn’t watch the debate, I hate confrontation and the effect it has on my BG...eek!


David Attenborough’s programmes are worth the licence fee alone, and also Spring/Autumn/Winterwatch. Plus the BBC do produce the best dramas over all the channels in my humble opinion. Plus we wouldn’t survive our childcare days without CBeebies! 😉

My BBC mainstays are Mastermind and University Challenge although I wish Clive would drop the sound bites that are getting tedious!

I dip into the nature, antiques, gardening and cookery programmes but can go weeks without watching. Chris Packham I have found difficult to watch since his totally stupid comments on cats. He is so cattist! Equal rights for cats! (banner emoji)!

I find dramas difficult these days because of the frequent poor sound quality - overloud background music and actors who either mumble or talk to the floor. Have BBC card their sound engineers? Older repeats like the Sweeney and The Dukes Of Hazzard are chrystal clear!

I also follow F1 on Channel 4, and the TT and other motorcycle racing on ITV 4.
6.9 this morning, probably due to not having a proper dinner in the evening, we had some comfort food - Bakewell tart with custard!

Still got up every hour last night to the loo, but I think that’s more worry than actually needing to go! At least during the day things have definitely settled a lot more and not far off being normal. So, we have decided to go onto the boat today and just do a week (we have it for two weeks from last Saturday but due to hospital and my health we delayed going). Planning a much easier trip than we normally do, going from the marina south of Stone down to Stourton Junction on the Staffs & Worcester canal and back, averaging around 6 hours a day.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo for today’s HS and @Pam123 for yesterday’s!

Take care everyone!