Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all

A 5.4 for me today - Have a good day folks.
Afternoon all. This morning's reading was13!! No idea why as it was in range all day yesterday. The only thing i can think of is i had night sweats again, so maybe hormonal. Hopefully as i started back to work today things will level out more again.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @Pam123 on the HS.

@Eternal422 i hope your appointment has gone well.

@ColinUK fascinating postcards. How lovely to have a link to the past.
Oohhh! Just got phone call from my Health Centre re The Shingles vaccine & I’m not eligible for it despite my history of Bells Palsy but, I may still be able to get it in the near future as the age groups are being lowered further? So, no vaccine for now! A Deflated emoji!
Afternoon - There was a light overcast at 8 am but it cleared about half an hour ago and we now have nice sun.

7.3 this morning. Better but no prizes.

Am frustrated with not being able to bend or look down since my Cataract op. Plus not being able to dust - cos the house really needs some TLC. Plus I can't garden or deadhead the plants.

At least I can still cook! Duck breast, roast aubergine and braised celery tonight with new potatoes and a sauce made from my winter spiced grape jelly.

Hoping @Eternal422 's hospital visit turned out well.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @Pam123 on your HSs.

@ColinUK those postcards are amazing. I have some written by my grandfather on my father's side to my grandma (who he was courting at the time) from the Western Front in WWI. They are so cheerful, surprisingly so, given the awful conditions they were living in.

Have a good day all (or what's left of it!)
@PattiEvans and @freesia - thank you! Unfortunately not a total success, but still here playing a waiting game as they are trying hard to avoid re-catherising me.
Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning 6.6 today

My eye clinic appointment went well yesterday, as no treatment to either eyes were required this time, retinal scans still showed some abnormalities but not enough to require treatment yesterday.
the consultant is happy for my meds to be changed (re-starting a semiglutide now it’s available) so she will now write to my GP / the Diabetes department confirming.

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
Good morning all. 5.4 on this soggy Tuesday. I’m not surprised it’s raining, it rains every June 4th, it’s our middle daughter’s birthday. I can hardly remember a totally dry June 4th, sometimes we’ve been teased by a dry start, only to be soaked to the skin when firing up the BBQ. Luckily, she’s at work today so it doesn’t matter. We visited yesterday to deliver her birthday present, a garden parasol, ever the optimist! 😉

Picked my prescription up yesterday, and for the first time ever I wasn’t given any Creon. Even when others on here, and the Type 3c FB page have had problems, my pharmacy has always managed to source some, but my good luck has finally ran out. They have some 10k, most of us use 25k, but I have to contact my GP to have my prescription changed as 10 doesn’t divide into
25 equally! Nuts! I had to do the same years ago when they stopped making the 40k and we could only get 25k. Then when it all gets sorted, hopefully, I’ll have to get it changed again. Of course it seems a simple solution but we all know the problems we have getting in touch with someone at our GP surgeries. But I’ll pull up my big girl’s pants and gird my loins and just do it today, unless of course I lose track of time and it's too late, and I’ll have to try tomorrow, but I’m going out tomorrow, and on Thursday I’m babysitting and by Friday I’ll have totally forgotten about it, then they’re closed for the weekend, so maybe Monday I’ll get it sorted! 🙄

Have a good day, I’m staying in, it’s pouring down. At least we’ll get the veg watered. Every ( rain) cloud and all that.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0

Well, I have very good news. The hospital reviewed my wifes progress yesterday and will be releasing her on Thursday this week!!!

Of course I will now have to hire a skip to clear away all the party goers and rubbish, beer bottles/cans/creates, pizza boxes/fish and chip wrappers, chinese food boxes, and hire some contract cleaners to sort out the house in double quick time!!!


No, just kidding, I keep a clean tidy house!!! Here is a picture of the kitchen this morning...


I must admit to being surprised and rather anxious that things will now go better for her. It all depends on her chosing to take her meds every day and to think of good things not 'scary ghosts'.

Oh dear just had a call from my wife. She was upset that her texts are not getting through. I fixed it because there was something wrong with my messaging app. But no she went straight down that rabbit hole of someone getting at us!! And then she promptly rang off!!!

I don't think she is as well as they think. I will ring them later on and discuss things. ☹️

Today walk (but not if it continues to rain), panic, practice keyboard (if I can concentate).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

5.1 today, pleased with that as I ate 2 crusty rolls for my dinner yesterday, I was just so sleepy I couldn’t be bothered to cook, the rolls were hubby’s left over from the weekend.

Going to mum’s today, then to be weighed.

@eggyg - happy birthday to your daughter, even if it is a soggy one.
Good morning. 6.0

A dull grey morning with light rain forecast all day. The family are setting off back to Oxfordshire today. Nothing planned except a mamoth tidy up and a huge wash day. Not ideal drying weather but small boys+sea+farm create a mountain of damp and grubby towels. Every tree is planted so I have no excuse to leave it and go gardening. What a waste of a respite from arthritis, I am getting about remarkably well.

Although I shall miss them it will make catering a bit easier. The boys work on the principle that if it is in the fridge it is available to all comers. Leave it packed to the gunnels with prawns, parma ham, a variety of cheeses, yoghurt, salad, raspberries, grapes, asparagus etc and an hour later, hopeful of a light meal, return to find only salad. Oh, yes, they did leave me 2 prawns... Then they had an Indian takeaway. Would that I had their magnficent metabolism for they are as slim as whips.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Good to see a 5.6 this morning after being able to spend the day back on my regular diet yesterday. Being away for a couple of days, going to a party and then staying in a hotel never does my numbers any good.

Managed to catch up with the washing yesterday but didn't manage to get everything out on the line as it was pushing teatime by the time the last load was finished. Bit grey outside at the moment but hopefully the showers they're forecasting will miss us, as they did yesterday. Didn't get round to changing the beds so that'll be one of today's chores.

Logged an eConsult this morning and asked if my RBC count, Haemoglobin Estimation and Haematocrit numbers need any follow-up as they were marginally low when I had my blood test for my DN review last week. At least everything else they tested was good.

Looking forward to my regular Tuesday swim later. Pool should be less busy now the schools are back.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Morning a 6.7 for me after a little lie in and having a couple of days off to sort out a dental issue but managed to spend time in garden yesterday which was good.
Quiet day today but great news Gwynn and never doubted you keep a tidy house.
Enjoy your day