Group 7-day waking average?

Wahoo! What’s your secret? Mine are always very determined with the screening programme checks, even though Specsavers are never bothered in the least!
I bat my eyelids at them of course!
Just basel every morning what is a basel test please
It's making sure you are taking the right amount of basal insulin for your needs. Since your needs can change with the seasons, or for any number of reasons. So just because your basal was keeping you steady for a period it won't necessarily be the same forever.

A good description is here
Update: the visit was really wonderful. The only oint in the flyment was the cancelled trains to get home (the first involved emergency services, the second they simply couldn't find a driver!). In the end we opted to get a train to Blackpool and a bus back to St Annes. Long, hot, noisy, slow, but we got home in the end. The visit itself was a happy time. We had a light meal in Lancaster.

'Let the train 'make you strain'/'be a pain'

Off for a thank you fish and chip supper with my friend in a few minutes. He really is a Godsend.
5.6 this morning for me.

Been a bit absent of late, caught up in things a bit. Still struggling on and getting increasingly worried about Monday’s hospital appointment which I really hope is a success this time! After that we are off on the narrowboat for a couple of weeks, so debating changing plans based on whether I still need a catheter or not. Mind you, as I do all the steering it will just be standing for me, which is often better than constantly sitting or walking!

Blue Tit babies are now down to 3 (8 eggs, 1 didn’t hatch and 4 of those that did have since died)


@Gwynn - so pleased for you and glad that the visit went well, aside from the trains!

Take care everyone!
It's making sure you are taking the right amount of basal insulin for your needs. Since your needs can change with the seasons, or for any number of reasons. So just because your basal was keeping you steady for a period it won't necessarily be the same forever.

A good description is here
thank you for the link it looks a bit complicated but i will give it a try
6.2 Again for me, @I must have my basal just about right!

I'm glad your visit was successful, Gwynn, Yes the trains can be a pain, fortunately, there's a Preston bus every hour (or thereabouts).
Five hours of solid sleep last night!
Estimated carbs consumed yesterday less than 20g.
FOTF BG 7.8 but I am a little sneezy and runny eyed so…

@Gwynn I’m so glad that yesterday was a success!
Good morning. 5.7.

I shall never understand diabetes. Yesterday evening I ate home made pizza and salad, meringue with strawberries and cream, and drank 3 tinnies of lager. (Except for the last it was kids choice and I wasn't going to cook 2 different meals.) So I expected a very disreputable BG this morning but instead got the best score of my week. We need an emoji of banging one's head against the wall.

Had a slightly frustrating morning yesterday. The kids had toddled off to New Quay for some obligatory beach time so I decided to give the lawns a quick trim. Sadly my faithful Husqvarna started but wouldn't run and was covered in oil. So, with some difficulty, I heaved it into the car and set off to the mechanic. Fuel line tap broken, dipstick housing loose, air filter choked...obviously my neighbour is not very mechanically minded and had turned it over the wrong way when cleaning the deck which, he having checked the oil incompetently, resulted in it gleefully emptying its sump everywhere. Mechanic was determined to sell me a new ride on "Much better, it will last you 15 years" - "Er I'll be long dead by then....". It was a nice machine however so we turned to the question of price. Resisting the urge to scream "EEK! How much?" I asked if there was any movement available - no, but there was additional VAT! "I'll think about it...."

Back home and feeling a bit glum I went on the web and searched. Same machine, VAT included, £1600 cheaper, free delivery...So that is a local tradesman I will not be supporting. He is a bit iffy about servicing anything he hasn't sold so it will be going to Duncan, my beloved "greasy rag", who services my car. I feel quite cheered up.

Quite grey out this morning but sunshine forecast so expect the bucket and spade brigade will be off down the beach. I've dug out the barbeque, found 2 large bags of charcoal, and the long tongs, so that is dinner sorted. All I have to do is salad and pudding. I wonder if Nick's favourite pear frangipane will be good for my BG? If the local shop has pears I'll test it out...

Hope everyone has a good day.

6.2 today, got big shop to do, then off to knit & natter, as I was off sick Thursday and Friday, got most of the housework done then. Grey and windy here again.

@Gwynn - pleased you had a good day with your wife and a good friend supporting you.
Morning... 5.7 for me and an exciting morning including visit to dentist and housework. Sigh... along with the realisation there isn't a Bank Holiday until August. Double sigh.
Morning all. A 6 for me.

Last full day of FUN before work starts up again on Monday.

Gwen was limping like a wonky chair yesterday but the anti-inflammatory and day relaxing in the grass seem to have done the trick. How dyou explain to a 9-year-old dog that she’s getting old and shouldn’t be doing somersaults, chasing sticks and barreling round the garden on the heels of a cat?!!
Morning all. 7.2, grandkids staying definitely ups my BG!

Talking of which I have three little girls waiting, not patiently, at the table awaiting their full English and cups of tea. So must dash.

Have a super sunny Saturday.
Good morning. 5.7.

I shall never understand diabetes. Yesterday evening I ate home made pizza and salad, meringue with strawberries and cream, and drank 3 tinnies of lager. (Except for the last it was kids choice and I wasn't going to cook 2 different meals.) So I expected a very disreputable BG this morning but instead got the best score of my week. We need an emoji of banging one's head against the wall.

Had a slightly frustrating morning yesterday. The kids had toddled off to New Quay for some obligatory beach time so I decided to give the lawns a quick trim. Sadly my faithful Husqvarna started but wouldn't run and was covered in oil. So, with some difficulty, I heaved it into the car and set off to the mechanic. Fuel line tap broken, dipstick housing loose, air filter choked...obviously my neighbour is not very mechanically minded and had turned it over the wrong way when cleaning the deck which, he having checked the oil incompetently, resulted in it gleefully emptying its sump everywhere. Mechanic was determined to sell me a new ride on "Much better, it will last you 15 years" - "Er I'll be long dead by then....". It was a nice machine however so we turned to the question of price. Resisting the urge to scream "EEK! How much?" I asked if there was any movement available - no, but there was additional VAT! "I'll think about it...."

Back home and feeling a bit glum I went on the web and searched. Same machine, VAT included, £1600 cheaper, free delivery...So that is a local tradesman I will not be supporting. He is a bit iffy about servicing anything he hasn't sold so it will be going to Duncan, my beloved "greasy rag", who services my car. I feel quite cheered up.

Quite grey out this morning but sunshine forecast so expect the bucket and spade brigade will be off down the beach. I've dug out the barbeque, found 2 large bags of charcoal, and the long tongs, so that is dinner sorted. All I have to do is salad and pudding. I wonder if Nick's favourite pear frangipane will be good for my BG? If the local shop has pears I'll test it out...

Hope everyone has a good day.

I seriously do not understand the mentality of some small business people who would rather lose the sales rather than reduce profits. Where I used to live there were two menswear shops. One took Amex and the other did not. The one who did said he did not understand the mentality of the other one being willing to lose business to him over a small percentage difference charge from the credit card number. Anyway when he retired the other one decided he still would not take Amex. A few years later he.decided to go online only so he didn't have to pay someone to cover one day a week and his summer holiday as if was closed there were 3 x M&S, 2 x Debenhams and a John Lewis with 10 miles. So his thinking was a mix of logical and illogical. His sales fell so he decided to open a pop-up shop three or four times a year . Then Covid struck and his business went down the pan. I suspect he might have survived if he had had more respect for his customers. Too many independent cafes and restaurants failed over the years because of their owners attitudes! :(
Morning all - 10.4 this morning (and my TIR down to a shocking 49). Abbot are sending me a new sensor as the one I put on last Friday is not talking to my phone and I have to scan it every time I want to see my BG which is a real pain. I need to address my diet. I'm going to start logging on My Fitness Pal as in the past it has really helped me keep on track and it is shocking when I put in some of the things that have become a bit of a habit and see the nutritional value of them. I'm realistic when I do it though and don't put in a silly daily calorie quota because I will just go over it - better psychologically to be in the green. Maybe it's not that, maybe I need to up my basal dose (I'm on 14 units of Lantus before bed), but on reading through the things that @PattiEvans posted about basal testing I'm not sure I can be bothered (which I'm sure is not the right attitude but is the truth :rofl: ). My back was very niggly yesterday so I wore my SIJ belt for most of the day and I also watched telly at an incline (the chiropractor advised this which seems to be the opposite of what I've always been told before) - result, is that my back is definitely feeling much better this morning. But I have loads of gardening to do so that will probably put me back to square one - hey, ho. Have a good day everyone xxx
It's a nice (?) round 6.0 for me this morning and it's all blue sky and sunshine at the moment. Mind you, yesterday started out that way but it turned into a cool, grey and blustery day and not very nice at all.

Had my annual DN review on Tuesday and all my results are in. HbA1c 40 - it’s been 40 or 41 for each my last 4 reviews. Cholesterol and Trig numbers are good, liver function normal, still mild CKD although eGFR is a little better than at previous review. RBC count, Haemoglobin Estimation and Haematocrit all marginally low so will log an eConsult on Monday to ask what, if anything, needs doing in the way of follow-up. No issues with foot check and I'm 4kgs heavier than at the last weigh-in.

DN was keen to have a conversation about statins even though my cholesterol numbers are good, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, am a healthy weight and BMI (22.22), am reasonably fit, and don’t have hypertension. I said I'd think about it. I don't really want to take any medication unless it's absolutely necessary.

Off to Bedford this afternoon for a 60th birthday party, one of my wife's cousins who she's particularly close to. It's a garden party so hopefully the weather will be kind. Staying overnight at a local hotel and planning on stopping off at NT Stowe on our way home tomorrow.

Happy Birthday @Felinia - have a great day.

First day of Summer, meteorologically speaking, so hopefully the start of some warmer and drier weather. Enjoy the start to the weekend.
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Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 excellent
BP 117/77 excellent

My wife was a bit 'off' this morning. She had tried to contact me 5 times this morning but I was fast asleep (worn out from yesterday). Eventually she swapped from trying to contact me on my mobile phone to the house main phone, just as I woke up. She was a bit upset that she couldn't get hold of me. Sigh. There's a way to go yet I think before she is well enough to come home. Sigh.

I am off to sort out the sound system for a breakfast at the church this morning and then back again later for a practice for tomorrows service. I will be playing again. Getting my keyboard to the church will be interesting as I will have to manually drag it there on a trolley!! No car!

Glad to see it is sunny today too

Have a great day today whatever you are doing