Group 7-day waking average?

We went to Lost Gardens last year, in October, so probably didn’t see it at its best, although we did enjoy it. It must be amazing at the moment. I’m glad you’ve ended up having a good week. And congratulations on your HS.
thank you it all turned out well, it was beautiful wanted to see the lost Valley and the Jungle but it was to steep the rest was fine couldn't believe how low the branches were on the trees


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Good morning. 6.2

Ha! The evil hebe is out of its pot and planted. Dug hole and decided not fair to call for neighbour unless I at least tried to extract it. A combination of levering with a fork and splitting the previously damaged pot worked eventually. Heaving it up and into the hole was a bit of a stinker but by that time I had my dander up. Giving it the curled lip look I retreated to the kitchen for a well earned cuppa and a rather long sit down - victorious but cream crackered.

Nipped down to Farmyard Nurseries later on and bought myself a few seedlings for veggie garden, a red leaved shrub, and a Willow Flamingo for the neighbours. They have a soggy corner in their garden which will suit it well. Amazing how dry the raised beds have become so seedlings needed a good puddling in.

Grey sort of day so far. Little rain last night. Only plans to go on trying to catch up on garden. Losing the best part of 2 months at this time of year has been unhelpful: many tall weeds and very little edible planted up.

Hope everyone having a good weekend.

Off to see the folks this morning and then I might gym later.

Saw Long Day’s Journey into Night yesterday and it was an exceptionally good production.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.3 quite low for me
Made up for that with a fascinatingly variable blood pressure! Lowest I got this morning was a 'reasonable' 123/79

Practice went well last night, all ready for this mornings service. I was very tired by the end of it tho

My wife sounds a bit better this morning thank goodness. She will be allowed out for a walk outside of the hospital later on. Not sure if it will be supervised or not.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning and a 6.7 for me after an overnight decline after late night toast.I am becoming a toast monster lately as just had some now before my lie down.
Lovely weather yesterday and cut grass,coffee and cake at garden centre ( well millionaire s shortbread). Funny when I was growing up we looked upon coffee as a real once a week treat ( watching the pan to make sure the milk did not boil over).Now it is a part of daily life plus the cake.
Watched the Cup final and brilliant watching so all happy in Wendal world and Fish and Chips last night.
Back to the rain today so not much chance of gardening but will have lunch out.
Take care all

6.7, apart from vacuuming downstairs today, the rest of the day will be spent, knitting or crotcheting, maybe reading and watching the Grand Prix, having a real lazy Sunday.

Very grey outside and rain predicted, so might not even venture outside today.
Morning everyone. Bit of pleasant garden pottering yesterday, then lots of overnight rain to help water things in, and to get our epic slug and snail population out and about to devour the new things we put in.

5.6 for me this morning. Hope everyone is having a great BH weekend 🙂
Good morning all. 6.6 for me. Rice for tea, always keeps on giving.

Lovely day yesterday, we got the grass cut, that’s the royal “we” I just supervised from the patio whilst I read my book! Sprouts and cabbage seeds in pots in the greenhouse. Birds fed. Ran out of peanuts and Mr Woody is looking lost, need to replenish ASAP.

Actually don’t have any plans for today except to cook a roast lamb dinner using the last of the half price Easter lamb. Forecast is rain again and I’d forgotten it was the Bank Holiday weekend so won’t be gallivanting anywhere except B&M for some bird nuts! The excitement…..😉

Have a super Sunday.
A 4.8 for me this Sunday morning. 🙂

5.6 for me on a rather grey and damp morning. It clearly rained overnight, as expected, and now the forecast says there are thunderstorms heading our way today. Shame, as yesterday was lovely and we had a nice day over in Henley, with lunch at the Chocolate Cafe, finding what I wanted in Crew Clothing, and then a stroll along the river before getting back in time for the FA Cup Final. Got home to find my 3-for-2 order for test strips had arrived. £7.82 per box of 50 - a bargain.

The Mediterranean Lamb Tray Bake we tried for tea was delicious and with the recipe saying it was 15g carb per portion it was no surprise when 5.7 popped up on my meter 2 hours later. Something we can have again, though we might substitute lamb steaks for the lamb chops, rather than having to work around the bones.

Just had to wake our youngest as he has a full Sunday shift at Sainsbury's and there was no sign of him with an hour to go. I have an alarm set on my phone for 08:45 on Sundays, just in case, and it's not the first time I've had to go and wake him.

Have a good Sunday, weather permitting.
7.6 this morning, it was 4.6 yesterday morning - such a change!

Yesterday was a visit to my parents followed by a lunch out at a Toby carvery (best option as it had to be someone near to where we had our hair cut afterwards). I personally don’t like carveries and this one didn’t do anything to change my mind. Still, it was convenient and meant we could just do an omelette in the evening.

Still suffering some discomfort from the catheter, really hoping this coming week will see the end of it. The trouble is I have a great tendency to catastrophise (is that a word?) about everything. That plus a low level health anxiety makes for some tough times every so often. Trying to stay positive though. My wife is a great help for me and always has a positive attitude to balance my thoughts.

@Gwynn - so glad that things are going better for you both now. Congratulations on yesterday’s HS!

Take care everyone!
Good moaning! 11.3 but spiked near 15 with overnight pain! :(

How much is a punt if Guinness now? I haven't been inside a pub since early 2020. Had a weird dream where I went in a pub and only got a small amount of change from two fivers!

Overcast with strange shaft of sunlight nearby
Morning all - well, there is sunshine, there is blue sky and also a lot of clouds.

Forgot to post yesterday, it was 7.3 and 6.8 this morning, though it's risen to 8.8 whilst I sat in bed playing silly word puzzles. Since dinner was gnocchi with mushrooms, chicken, spinach and blue cheese sauce I suppose 6.8 is not bad. I changed my sensor last night and now have the full cgm on my new phone. What a revelation, but I think I still have to scan every 8 hours? Is that right?

Hopefully we can get the remaining few bedding plants in today. Then there's a huge pile of ironing.... and shortening some trousers I bought last week. Not doing a Sunday roast today as we have only got a large leg of lamb - like @eggyg left in the freezer from the Easter half price offers. M&S battered cod instead methinks.

Glad to hear @TinaD is feeling better and that @Gwynn's wife is improving. Hugs to @Eternal422 having a catheter must be most uncomfortable.

Have a nice day all....
Morning all. 4.8 earlier. We went for a meal before the theatre last night and i thought i'd handled it well. At the start, i was in the 6s, interval it had gone to 8. By the end though it had gone to 12 so i corrected. By the time we got home it was 17!! After 6u in corrections over 3 hours it finally gently decreased. Phew!

Nothing much planned for today. Hubby has had to go to work this morning so this afternoon we will be lazing about, reading, watching tv.

Have a good Sunday everyone.