Group 7-day waking average?

Bit higher this morning at 6.3 but 100% in range overnight, so can’t complain.

On checking the nest box camera first thing we saw two hatchlings!



Take care everyone, especially those who are struggling at the moment.
Morning everyone

A 4.9 for me today after an early night to bed last night,

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all on a glorious day. Yesterday became rather grey with a cold wind.

9.1 this morning, disappointing. Think my insulin had gone off. It seems to happen at the end of a vial. I think it takes me more than 30 days to use a vial, but I put it back in the fridge after filling my pod each time. Last night we had an early (for us) dinner. It was heavier carb than I usually have, pork fillet rubbed with spices, jacket potato, dollop of home made apple sauce (I had used a fair bit of brown sugar in it) and stir fried veg. BG just kept on going up until it hit 15.5 at bedtime, despite correction doses. Nothing I did seemed to bring it down.

Today gardening and putting bedding plants in.

Lovely holiday photos @eggyg look forward to some more.

@Pam123 sorry to read of your upsetting holiday experience.

@Gwynn stay strong. Enquire at the church if they know of any support groups.

Have a good day all.
7.8 this morning - thought it might be lower as seem to remember being quite "good" yesterday - maybe it's the heat? Talking of heat I'm about to go out and pull down the blinds on my greenhouse as it's an absolute scorcher already out there and my precious dahlias and veggies are still in there (it's all new to me so I was very shocked the other day when I realised that a slug or snail (or both and everything in between) and gone uninvited into said greenhouse and started munching on things. @eggyg have you by any chance got a natural remedy for slugs or snails? We're in the United Utilities water catchment area so I have to be very careful what I use - it's actually in our deeds! Have a lovely day everyone. I've got two of my children home and this afternoon we're taking my Mum to an open garden over near Keswick (although I'm quite tempted just to stay in our own garden as before that have to take my dog to the groomer, come home and then go back again to pick her up). xxx
Last year I read somewhere about citrus peel to deter pests. Mostly cats I think! But it’s worth a try, beer is an old remedy think the slugs get drunk, but Mr Eggy won’t part with his ale! Just get some hostas and they’ll just eat those instead, ours end up looking like lace! I’ve just come in from the greenhouse, so far, fingers crossed, no slugs or snails but I do look out for any nibbles taken. Most of our pots are stood on gravel not sure if that helps but it can’t be easy sliding over it. Who knows? Hope you find a solution. @Robin any ideas?
Libre was showing 4.7

A night out. Very naughty. Hanging kebab with mash at a local restaurant and then some ice cream. BG went up, naturally, then crashed back down to the 5s afterwards. Then flatlined all night.

Seem to get ‘two’ peaks when I eat carbs.
Last year I read somewhere about citrus peel to deter pests. Mostly cats I think! But it’s worth a try, beer is an old remedy think the slugs get drunk, but Mr Eggy won’t part with his ale! Just get some hostas and they’ll just eat those instead, ours end up looking like lace! I’ve just come in from the greenhouse, so far, fingers crossed, no slugs or snails but I do look out for any nibbles taken. Most of our pots are stood on gravel not sure if that helps but it can’t be easy sliding over it. Who knows? Hope you find a solution. @Robin any ideas?
Spent coffee grounds, salt, copper tape round pots, are all supposed to work but I've never found anything particularly satisfactory. I'm sure slugs can fly.
I have a book 50 Ways to Kill a Slug and still not cracked it.
Just trying to catch up bs was 5.1 this morning which I wasn't expecting after the trauma yesterday on holiday I went into the red had no food until late and we ended up with fish and chips I was so shaking I ate a lot more than normal shot up again to 12 then plunge down to 6 ×
5.3 on the libre this morning after a series of hypos in the night. Very warm here this morning (carrying on from yesterday's 23). The Met Office reckons it's 21 but we think differently (more like 24). Looking forward to a Jacob's Join later this afternoon, going to be insulin joy (Not).
Last year I read somewhere about citrus peel to deter pests. Mostly cats I think! But it’s worth a try, beer is an old remedy think the slugs get drunk, but Mr Eggy won’t part with his ale! Just get some hostas and they’ll just eat those instead, ours end up looking like lace! I’ve just come in from the greenhouse, so far, fingers crossed, no slugs or snails but I do look out for any nibbles taken. Most of our pots are stood on gravel not sure if that helps but it can’t be easy sliding over it. Who knows? Hope you find a solution. @Robin any ideas?
I’ve tried putting gravel round stuff, never sure if it works, it usually rains and disturbs it, so there’s a nice little pathway through for them. I start all our dahlias off in pots and keep them on the concrete patio until they’ve got enough leaves that if they lose a few they can survive. The courgettes seem to fare worst, the little blighters seem to chew through the stems, and once the stem is gone, that’s the courgette finished!
I don't know if it works or not, but I read on the internet if you chop garlic up, pour boiling water over it, allow it to cool and then spray the plants with it, it keeps all manner of insect and slug life away.
Earthing up, I believe. I’ve just chucked some more soil on ours, too.

Are these earlies or main crop? Ours said to wait until risk of frost had passed before planting and with the crazy weather they were so late going in they’re only just peeping through now. I won’t have anything to earth up for weeks!
Who knows? Hope you find a solution. @Robin any ideas?

I’m pondering getting some nematodes to try to reduce our rampant population. Even a pond full of frogs has no chance!
Are these earlies or main crop? Ours said to wait until risk of frost had passed before planting and with the crazy weather they were so late going in they’re only just peeping through now. I won’t have anything to earth up for weeks!
The first earlies ( Charlottes) went in way back in March! Main crop last month. They’re doing well, when we left for our holiday two weeks ago they were just peeking through. The warmer weather and rain have done their work. Still a while to go though.
What BP meds @Gwynn ? Beta blockers can also have a calming effect which is why they are banned in the Olympics. Might be useful in your situation. I am on an ACE Inhibitor and beta blocker.
Both? Mmm no one suggested I take both. I thought it would be one or the other. Now I am unsure what to do...
Are these earlies or main crop? Ours said to wait until risk of frost had passed before planting and with the crazy weather they were so late going in they’re only just peeping through now. I won’t have anything to earth up for weeks!
I planted some first earlies in pots on the patio, back in March, on the grounds that if the weather turned cold I could pull them up against the shelter of the house wall, or even bring them inside.
Both? Mmm no one suggested I take both. I thought it would be one or the other. Now I am unsure what to do...
I would be surprised if they prescribed a betablocker as your heart rate (pulse) is normally on the low side?
I would be surprised if they prescribed a betablocker as your heart rate (pulse) is normally on the low side?

Mine is actually the lowest possible dose as they believe that it is beneficial for the heart. I am not on the max dose of either. It is felt that ACE Inhibitors help to protect the kidneys in the presence of diabetes.
I would be surprised if they prescribed a betablocker as your heart rate (pulse) is normally on the low side?
They certainly did but at the time my pulse was unusually high (for me)