Group 7-day waking average?


5.9 on this dull damp day. Managed to run more yesterday with the group than the week before so making progress. Tonight is yoga I may do two classes again.

@PattiEvans - I am envious of your cataract appointments, I still have nearly a month to wait for the assessment so will be 15 weeks from referral and been warned anywhere from 12 - 22 weeks wait after that to be done.

@zippyjojo - can you and your friends make a group trip to Essex, I am sure you could get my postage stamp looking beautiful in a few minutes.

@Gwynn - sending hugs, my sister-in- law was doing similar when she was hospitalised, she phoned me being all nice, and then very abusive calls, we cannot even go to check on her now as last time hubby went she locked the front door when she heard him outside so he couldn’t get in. Very sad for you as this is your wife, it is easier for us to take a step back.

@everydayupsanddowns - congratulations on your HS.
Yesterday turned out nice and sunny and I got all our washing dry on the line, and the grass cut front and back. I was just finishing the last bit out front when there was an almighty bang from the lawnmower - the blade had snapped in half. Not sure I'll be able to get a replacement as our mower is quite old, so it might mean a new mower.

No special plans for the day at the moment, other than my usual Thursday swim. No car available as no one's WFH today so it's the bus. Hopefully the rain forecast for this afternoon will hold off until I get back home. Thunderstorms in the forecast for later, too.

Time to settle down with a coffee and read the papers. Two today as our local's out on Thursdays.

Congrats @everydayupsanddowns and your HS. Move over, I'm joining you on that step:-

HS 16.05.24.jpg

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.
Another 5.2 really getting to be a habit nice flat line lots to do today double checking we ha e everything packed ready for our holiday tomorrow meal out this evening so no cooking hop everyone has a lovely day


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Good morning. 6.3

A poor night as everytime I turned over I found a sore bit and woke up. However I am sure the flare is going down, the sun is shining brightly, and the man who is sorting out a ride on mower has been in touch. It will make a hole in my sinking fund so I shall have to economise for a month or two but worth it to cut down the areas which have to be done on foot.

Mr Wolf is looking a bit less like "Should have gone to Specsavers". Not as elegant as his long haired look but better for his skin and coping with the heat.

Hope everyone doing well.


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6.1 after a lasagne from pizza express last night, plus some halloumi bites and a couple of beers…

Oops, I forgot that I had a slice of pizza as well,.
That's 100g of carbs in a single meal.
BG peaked at around 9, fell, went up a little bit again, fell, and was OK this morning.
Back on the wagon for now.
Do you have an IKEA near by as they have some really good kitchen stuff including knives. Worth a trip for all sorts of goodies.
The closest one is in Exeter and that would take me a train and a bus, which sounds like a lot of fuss for 2 knives. I would like to go some day if I move houses and need more stuff. Thanks for suggesting it.

I did find a paring knife in that home shop near Asda (Dunelm, it's called). Still missing a small serrated one, they just had the big bread knives which is not what I was looking for. Also, the poor girl in the till had to spend some time looking in the backstore, they don't have the actual knives in the shelf but this pictures that you have to bring to staff:IMG_20240515_133450.jpg
Morning everyone

It’s a happy 5.4 for me today, after a early morning fog it’s now starting to rain so no gardening for me - I think I’ll be spending most of the day in front of the tv.

Have a good day folks and stay well.
I did find a paring knife in that home shop near Asda (Dunelm, it's called)
I think Dunelm is really good, I’ve had a lot of decent quality but reasonably priced bedding, towels and curtains from there, and whenever we go away and stay in a rental cottage, the furnishings usually have Dunelm labels all over the place.
09:44 BS 5.4 Yesterday was a bit of a blip around 10:30 ish BS 7.7 because I messed up the whole day before, practically, when I fancied a coffee & forgot the dose & added +8 for it but, I really needed +10 which I remembered too late! So, the day before yesterday when I last posted on here my BS was swinging again as I went too high after breakfast then, compensated with too much insulin for lunch & needed to head off hypo territory & went conservative for dinner before bed! I crowed too soon about getting back into the 5s! 😳🙄 A Shaking My Head emoji & I CAN post this NOW but, not at the time :rofl:

All because I saw that my usual, when I have coffee on occasion, Taylors Italian Roast coffee bags were running low I added it to the weekly shop & saw a new flavour available of Flying Start with info of Arabica coffee with hints of caramel, dark chocolate & hazelnut so, ordered that one & tried it! It’s a bit stronger than my usual & while it’s interesting in the aromas I prefer my usual but, finish this box before I order again: for some time to come as I don’t drink coffee that often; forgot the dose of NR! 🙄

Anyways, after a much better BS behaved day, yesterday, waking BS is back in the 5s today! Phew! :D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS: Just opened my mail to find a fat wad of pages from my recent liver scan: waited over 5 years to see the specialist; NHS finally referred me to a Private Health Care Group of Hospitals & Clinics to cut waiting times & both the clinic & hospital I went to are VERY SNAZZY indeed compared to the good ole NHS ones I’m used to! I have never seen such a detailed report before as they’re not available online as I know some of you lovely lot can get from your Health Centres & basically everything, they did the whole abdominal area of Gall Bladder, Kidneys & Pancreas as well, is fine & looking normal apart from the fatty liver due to diabetes! So, I’m discharged & the specialist sent a letter to my GP too & suggested annual blood tests to keep an eye on things. The specialist said to me that my liver has gone off the rails a few times over the years but, that’s normal when I’m unwell like I was when in hospital last year but, diet changes are reflected in my recent tests I’ll keep that up! :D
Yesterday turned out nice and sunny and I got all our washing dry on the line, and the grass cut front and back. I was just finishing the last bit out front when there was an almighty bang from the lawnmower - the blade had snapped in half. Not sure I'll be able to get a replacement as our mower is quite old, so it might mean a new mower.

No special plans for the day at the moment, other than my usual Thursday swim. No car available as no one's WFH today so it's the bus. Hopefully the rain forecast for this afternoon will hold off until I get back home. Thunderstorms in the forecast for later, too.

Time to settle down with a coffee and read the papers. Two today as our local's out on Thursdays.

Congrats @everydayupsanddowns and your HS. Move over, I'm joining you on that step:-

View attachment 30266

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.
Congratulation on your HS
Afternoon all - up to press it's been a beautiful day with a clear blue sky - but a cold wind. It's clouding over a little now.

Got up at crack of dawn for me (7.45am - I know that's practically lunchtime for some of you) BG was a disappointing 7.4 again.

I had an early dentist appointment. Had my bridge fitted and my mouth now feels normal again, or it will when the anaesthetic wears off. He had to give me a couple of injections as he had to remove the temporary crowns with a drill. Afterwards we had a Lidl shop for salmon. They have an offer on of 4 fillets for £6.49. Also I wanted the ingredients for Moussaka which I will make this afternoon. Unfortunately I couldn't get lamb mince, only beef - so it won't be very authentic, but since no Greek persons will be eating it I do not suppose it will matter!

Hubby has deserted me this afternoon to go play backgammon with his friend, so I may even have a nap.

@Grannylorraine I think the local NHS has realised they can't cope with the volume of cataract ops needed due to the preponderance of retirees in the county, so they've got a contract with SpaMedica, a private company. They seem almost fearfully competent and efficient. Today I've received a large package of booklets on the procedure - including advice to throw all my eye make up away - what? It's Clinique, it cost a fortune! Also a large bundle of forms to fill in - they want to know not only my ethnicity, but my sexuality! What difference to my eyes does it make whether I prefer men, women or goats?

Congratulations to @Martin.A @everydayupsanddowns and @Pam123 on your HSs

@Lanny do you really bolus 10u for a cup of coffee? I don't give any bolus for one.

Ah well, better go get on with the cooking! Have a good afternoon all....
Afternoon all - up to press it's been a beautiful day with a clear blue sky - but a cold wind. It's clouding over a little now.

Got up at crack of dawn for me (7.45am - I know that's practically lunchtime for some of you) BG was a disappointing 7.4 again.

I had an early dentist appointment. Had my bridge fitted and my mouth now feels normal again, or it will when the anaesthetic wears off. He had to give me a couple of injections as he had to remove the temporary crowns with a drill. Afterwards we had a Lidl shop for salmon. They have an offer on of 4 fillets for £6.49. Also I wanted the ingredients for Moussaka which I will make this afternoon. Unfortunately I couldn't get lamb mince, only beef - so it won't be very authentic, but since no Greek persons will be eating it I do not suppose it will matter!

Hubby has deserted me this afternoon to go play backgammon with his friend, so I may even have a nap.

@Grannylorraine I think the local NHS has realised they can't cope with the volume of cataract ops needed due to the preponderance of retirees in the county, so they've got a contract with SpaMedica, a private company. They seem almost fearfully competent and efficient. Today I've received a large package of booklets on the procedure - including advice to throw all my eye make up away - what? It's Clinique, it cost a fortune! Also a large bundle of forms to fill in - they want to know not only my ethnicity, but my sexuality! What difference to my eyes does it make whether I prefer men, women or goats?

Congratulations to @Martin.A @everydayupsanddowns and @Pam123 on your HSs

@Lanny do you really bolus 10u for a cup of coffee? I don't give any bolus for one.

Ah well, better go get on with the cooking! Have a good afternoon all....
Yes I do! 😱 It’s the caffeine with the milk & syrup with cinnamon lattes when I used to go out & about & it’s about the same at home as I now ding a big mug of milk with the coffee bag & add syrup too: I actually think the syrup doesn’t taste as sweet as the honey I put in my tea but, at 3 teaspoonfuls it all adds, I suppose! :confused: It’s just as well I don’t drink coffee ANYWHERE NEAR AS MUCH as I drink tea! 🙄:rofl:
Yes I do! 😱 It’s the caffeine with the milk & syrup with cinnamon lattes when I used to go out & about & it’s about the same at home as I now ding a big mug of milk with the coffee bag & add syrup too: I actually think the syrup doesn’t taste as sweet as the honey I put in my tea but, at 3 teaspoonfuls it all adds, I suppose! :confused: It’s just as well I don’t drink coffee ANYWHERE NEAR AS MUCH as I drink tea! 🙄:rofl:
Ah, now i get it! Syrup and a whole mug of milk would do it! I do bolus for iced lattes in coffee shops, but the coffee I drink at home is just a pod and water with a splash of milk in it.
Update: the hospital have just rung me. They are moving from section 2 to section 3 which means they can enforce treatment and keep my wife for 6 months.

I hope they can help her