Group 7-day waking average?

Morning and a 6.3 for me and again a pretty flat line overnight.
Really sad hearing some of these stories of folk having a hard time and wish you all very well and a big virtual hug.
Am sure there must be a storm planned ahead to disturb my current calm life but I just focus on day to day stuff and let the future take care of itself.
I can only control the controllables and fortunately I don’t worry about things that could happen outside of my sphere of influence and just deal with them as best I can.
So see if I can maintain my current good BG control as have much more of a busy day driving to Colwyn Bay and then Mold and Ruthin so plenty of nice countryside but gaps between appointments so not rushed.
Will seek to have my nice lunch in Caerwys but interesting to see if I can stay in range today.
Anyway have a good day especially if life is challenging you at the moment.
Morning. 7.1 for no reason other than stress and lack of sleep.

Hospital rang yesterday offering me a space on their intermediate gym/physio course starting today so I said yes which means I’m off to the gym for 9am this morning.

Not sure what I’m doing later but might head to the Science Museum for the Zimingzhong 凝时聚珍: Clockwork Treasures from China’s Forbidden City exhibition.

Survivors group zoom call this evening. No doubt I’ll mention that the SAR I submitted to the medical assessment company contracted by CICA to make an independent assessment of my trauma has by rejected by them. They cite exceptions in the law which state that as the report is part of an ongoing legal process it falls outside the scope of what can be covered by an SAR.
My reading of the regulations agrees with their position but it still sucks.
Morning all. 7.6 with a bit of a rise between midnight and 3am (probably because of the two small hyos i had earlier). Strange thing though, the alarm didn't go off and when i checked, wifi and bluetooth were turned off and flight mode turned on. I'd never have done that so a glitch in my phone or am i doing things in my sleep :confused:.
5.4 on the sensor. Didn’t see what the finger prick gave.
Good morning. 6.3

Had Covid booster yesterday. Injection site quite painful which is a surprise as I rarely react to vaccines. Can't sleep readily on right as flare concentrated on rt leg so not a very restful night. No matter. I am hopefully defended against the lurgy for another 6 months and the flare is showing signs that it might die down. Fingers crossed.

Looks like a day of sunshine and showers, no breeze, quite chilly as yet. Hope everyone doing well.
Good morning everyone. 5'4 today.

A not very exciting but productive day yesterday. Started with one of my refresher driving lessons. We went on the dual carriageway for the first time! A bit intimidating but the instructor said I managed very well. He asked what places I would like to go once I'm driving on my own so we can practice in some of those routes, I thought about the hospital for future appointments (tho hopefully is not going to be a frequent destination!) and he even showed me a place nearby where I can park for free. I'm afraid I don't remember the route that well but he told me the name of the street so I can use Google maps to plan ahead. Next time I should ask to go to Lidl 😛

After I did the dreaded laundry and went to Asda for a few bits of food and more importantly, to check if they had any kitchen knives. I'm struggling to buy them, in the past I had from Wilko, which is now closed, and Tk-maxx, where they don't have any. No luck in Asda either, they had a set but was out of stock. So when I got back home I looked online and found out there's a home store I didn't know about...5 minutes away from Asda. Yeah, if only I had checked BEFORE going home 🙄 It is a 30 minutes walk from my house. We also have The Range but is even further away. So I will check a different day. Might even go to my friend's city before that and buy it there, but I'd rather have them soon as peeling veg with a tiny pen-knife is not the most comfortable :rofl:

5.9 today, braved the scales yesterday, so onwards and downwards again, going to try not to get too stressed if I am slow losing the weight or if I have a week where I don’t lose anything,

Plans for today are work, going to mums to deal with the water heater engineer as her water heater has stopped working, we think it will need replacing as it is over 20 years old, but hubby told me to call an engineer to confirm it is terminal. If I am home in times from mums I will meet up with the running group.

My youngest granddaughter fell over at the weekend and has broken her little finger by the joint, so her mum is having fun trying to stop her using it as she doesn’t have an appointment with the fracture clinic until tomorrow, strapping A&E put on it was off minutes after getting home. Middle granddaughter is doing her SATs this week and my nephew has just announced him and his partner are expecting a baby boy.

I heard nothing from my wife all night or this morning so I decided to ring her this morning (I didn't ring her earlier just in case she was sleeping). She sounded very poorly, could hardly speak. So sad.

I decided to sing some songs that she likes and she did try to join in but it was obvious it was hard for her. So sad.

I don't know if her downturn is the meds or her illness flaring up, or just miserable depression at her situation. So sad.

The call left me devastated, unhappy, in tears. If there was something I could do... so sad.

I HATE her illness. So sad
A 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂 We have a Tesco delivery this morning. I wonder what interesting substitutions they'll offer? Last time instead of salmon fillets they tried to fob me off with mussels in white wine. 🙄

Morning all, 6.3 here, off to the recycling centre with a load of assorted junk, finally persuaded my kids to sort out some of the stuff they left in their cupboards when they moved out several years ago.
Mum and dad tried the tactic of just announcing that any item we’d left behind they’d be taking to the dump.
They’d forgotten that it’s either me or my brother that does trips to the dump for them!
5.5 for me on this fine and dry Berkshire morning, and forecast to stay that way. Hope so as I have washing to put out on the line and the grass needs cutting again. Also need to fit in a trip into town to Waterstones as a friend is having a knee replacement today and might appreciate something to read while they're at home recovering.

@Gwynn - really sorry to hear how tough things are for you right now and I hope things get resolved soon

@Robin - we could do with a trip to the recycling centre, too - several in fact - as we have more stuff in our garage, loft and summer house than we have in the house itself. Car boot pencilled-in for the upcoming Bank Holiday weekend.

Have a good day, all.
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Good morning everyone. 5'4 today.

A not very exciting but productive day yesterday. Started with one of my refresher driving lessons. We went on the dual carriageway for the first time! A bit intimidating but the instructor said I managed very well. He asked what places I would like to go once I'm driving on my own so we can practice in some of those routes, I thought about the hospital for future appointments (tho hopefully is not going to be a frequent destination!) and he even showed me a place nearby where I can park for free. I'm afraid I don't remember the route that well but he told me the name of the street so I can use Google maps to plan ahead. Next time I should ask to go to Lidl 😛

After I did the dreaded laundry and went to Asda for a few bits of food and more importantly, to check if they had any kitchen knives. I'm struggling to buy them, in the past I had from Wilko, which is now closed, and Tk-maxx, where they don't have any. No luck in Asda either, they had a set but was out of stock. So when I got back home I looked online and found out there's a home store I didn't know about...5 minutes away from Asda. Yeah, if only I had checked BEFORE going home 🙄 It is a 30 minutes walk from my house. We also have The Range but is even further away. So I will check a different day. Might even go to my friend's city before that and buy it there, but I'd rather have them soon as peeling veg with a tiny pen-knife is not the most comfortable :rofl:
Do you have an IKEA near by as they have some really good kitchen stuff including knives. Worth a trip for all sorts of goodies.
Morning everyone

A happy 5.4 for me today on a very grey day.

Have a great day everyone.
It was a 5.4 for me this morning.Just recovering from a 2.9 hypo
. Forgot to put jbs in pocket.So staff in tea room gave me a can of pepsi..It seems to be doing the trick . Congratulations @ Pam 133 on another hs and have a good day folks
9.3 this morning, so going to go to the orange/red postprandial, dropping now after a couple of jaunts down the road. Starting to rain just now - typical. Bloods' behaving just recently, with a seven-day average of 93% in the green (must be all the exercise and portion control).