Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning darlings. A very tired, staring at the distance 6'2 for me. Serves me well for staying in the YouTube shorts hole until almost 3 am, then a little random crying while getting ready for bed.

Yesterday wasn't my day. I lost a nice enamel pin in the way to work. Needed a bra and Primark only had my size in packs of 3, and not the style I normally choose. A lady started choking in the restaurant, someone helped her and she was safe even before the manager I called arrived, but I was a bit shaken and I must have shown because another guest and a colleague asked me if *I* was okay. Had to make a run to the toilet because I was getting tearful. I also needed a wee tbh, been drinking a lot of water after the pharmacist warning about my low BP.

General mood of the day was "I'm okay-ish, but actually not so okay".

On the positive side, I was just browsing the shoes section at Tk-maxx and found a pair identical to the ones I currently wear to work. They are super comfy and don't look too bad, I like them for travel and days out as well, so they are getting a lot of use. The pair I had cost me 80 quid last year, this one was reduced to 35! So in the bag it went.
Morning all. 5.6 here.

Had a couple of emails from Abbott overnight, welcoming me to the Libre and my new diabetes journey, hmmmm. I hope it’s just a computer system brain fart and not a security breach.

Anyhoo, the wind’s picking up and it’s threatening rain, so I’ll be taking my pacamac to work just in case!
A 5.4 for me this morning. Heavy rain on the way so it says. 🙂


6.8 today, eyes are very blurry, off to BakeClub this evening with my Guinness cake, theme is Eurovision which I do not like at all so went for one of my favourite cakes to make, going to say it represents Ireland.

Congratulations to yesterdays HS, I always seem to be a day behind with offering my congratulations.
Good morning! Just crept in under the "moaning" line at 9.8. My 7-day TIR is now back at 80% after hitting 45% a week ago. 14-day and 30-day ones tell their story being in the mid-sixties. With this Doxycycline you virtually need to check every half-an-hour! Annoyingly the hypos haven't registered.


Good morning. 6.3

Neighbour came and cut the lawn nearest the house - which was kind. Managed to dissuade her from attempting the rest as she looked exhausted. Man coming to demonstrate ride on Tuesday or Wednesday. Should solve the problem but will put a hole in my sinking fund.

Weather today grey, cloudy, cooler, with moderate breeze. Not planning on doing anything - think pain is reducing so making sure to encourage it in the right direction.

Wishing everyone a good week.
The thunderstorms and heavy rain gave us a miss yesterday and we had another nice, sunny day but I saw some horrendous footage on News at Ten of torrential rain to the west of us, and at Old Trafford during the Man U v Arsenal game on Sky. Hope no one's had to mop up. Overcast, cool and breezy here this morning though and 5.7 when I tested.

Nothing I'd planned to do yesterday got done as my wife and I spent most of the day working in the garden. There were jobs we wanted to get done before the rain arrived, but it never did. Oh well, at least they're done and out of the way. Will do my M&S trip today, then.

Enjoy your start to the week.
Morning everyone

And it's cool and breezy here this fine sunny morning, and it was a 6.3 on the finger prick.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
5.0 this morning for me.

Just about to drop off to sleep last night when we got a call from Careline to say my father had fallen and couldn’t get up. So, 40 minute drive to get him safely into bed, no harm done. Definitely better than them calling for the paramedics as it would have been classed as low priority, at least we were able to provide help within 40 minutes.

I have a week of waiting, hoping the Tamsulosin does its job in time for a hospital appointment next week. As I’m self funding this I made an enquiry about health insurance but at around £180pm I don’t think I’ll be doing that, especially now we’re both retired!

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and 5.9 for me. An extremely wibbly wobbly graph but we got there in the end.

Spectacular storm last night. Rumbling its way up and down the valley for hours with a fine display of fork lightening.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - and what a wet one it is. Been raining for hours, but forecast to clear up by 1pm, if you can ever believe the Met office.

9.1 this morning. Looking at the graph I guess I didn't take enough insulin for dinner, which we ate latish, though it was only cold meats and salad.

Enjoyed catching up on two episodes of Race across the world last night. One of which was set in Thailand, a country we visited many times when flying and had several holidays in during the late 90's. A beautiful country that, unfortunately, is being spoiled by tourism. Then watched Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour set in Venice which we also enjoyed. We had a short break there several years ago and have kept on saying we'll go back, but haven't got round to it yet. Didn't sleep well, probably cos we were too hot as we still have the winter duvet on. Will change it today.
I don't know how big a pot you need but I bought one of the big floppy truggs and cut the handles off and drilled some drainage holes and it is doing good so far with a shrub in. I balked at the price of an equivalent sized pot.
Thanks for the suggestion. I saw some there and did wonder, but the tree is on display on top of pebbles in a prominent position and I felt it wasn't the answer, although if we perhaps moved it somewhere less prominent it might work.

Lots of love to all those having a hard time.

Have a good day all.
5 on the libra this morning 5.2 monitor, was very impulsive late last night and booked a week away in Cornwall starting this coming friday, so now its panic packing and lists I have to have lists or i know i will forget something, so it shopping today for the essentials, not sure what i am going to do as there apparently is a Cream Tea provided by the owners on arrival, its going to be hard not to have any have a good day everyone.
5 on the libra this morning 5.2 monitor, was very impulsive late last night and booked a week away in Cornwall starting this coming friday, so now its panic packing and lists I have to have lists or i know i will forget something, so it shopping today for the essentials, not sure what i am going to do as there apparently is a Cream Tea provided by the owners on arrival, its going to be hard not to have any have a good day everyone.
We love Cornwall and have returned every year since our first time there 8 years ago. These days we always book self-catering in Fowey and arrange an online shop with Sainsbury's to arrive after we've checked in, in time for our evening meal. Saves having to try and get a load of groceries into the boot, or having to check in and then immediately go shopping. Long drive from where we are so we've also started to break up the journey with an overnight stop before pushing on after breakfast the following morning. Enjoy your week, and your cream tea (if you dare).
5 on the libra this morning 5.2 monitor, was very impulsive late last night and booked a week away in Cornwall starting this coming friday, so now its panic packing and lists I have to have lists or i know i will forget something, so it shopping today for the essentials, not sure what i am going to do as there apparently is a Cream Tea provided by the owners on arrival, its going to be hard not to have any have a good day everyone.
Whereabouts in Cornwall are you going? Pack layers - weather is very very changeable here in Cornwall at the moment. This morning it was lashing down, now it's hot! As far as the cream tea is concerned, you are allowed a bit of latitude you know! Eat half the scone and dose the appropriate insulin. Most scones are approx 35g carb. The clotted cream may slow down absorption of carbs. You can always do a correction.
We love Cornwall and have returned every year since our first time there 8 years ago. These days we always book self-catering in Fowey and arrange an online shop with Sainsbury's to arrive after we've checked in, in time for our evening meal. Saves having to try and get a load of groceries into the boot, or having to check in and then immediately go shopping. Long drive from where we are so we've also started to break up the journey with an overnight stop before pushing on after breakfast the following morning. Enjoy your week, and your cream tea (if you dare).
We have been a few times always loved it, we go self catering, Our trip will take about 5 hours coming from Nottingham
really looking forward to it now, I might have a few treats during the week and walk as much as i can being a lot more mobile now.hadnt thought about having a online shop thats a good idea we always get to our cottage then dash out to the shops.

Whereabouts in Cornwall are you going? Pack layers - weather is very very changeable here in Cornwall at the moment. This morning it was lashing down, now it's hot! As far as the cream tea is concerned, you are allowed a bit of latitude you know! Eat half the scone and dose the appropriate insulin. Most scones are approx 35g carb. The clotted cream may slow down absorption of carbs. You can always do a correction.

were staying Launceston, North Cornwall unfortunately i am only on Lantus once a day ive never been given anything else.
Morning All and a 6.3 for me and another Unicorn so getting a bit of consistency at the moment with waking BG level and Time in range.
Quiet day yesterday at the seaside,no nice lunch so back home early and a rainy but routine day on the Wirral today.
Anyway routine or exciting day planned hope it goes well for each and every one of you.
Good morning everyone. Looks a bit dark and wet out there!!

BG 5.0