Group 7-day waking average?

Up early after a poor night's sleep, having woken at 04:45 and then being unable to drop off again. Finally called it a day (or should that be night) and got up at half six. Tested while the kettle boiled - 5.7 this morning.

Went to the tyre place yesterday morning to see about two new tyres as they were advisories on the car's recent MOT but the people there inspected them and said that they didn't need replacing just yet, and were good for a a few more months. Well, they're the experts I suppose, so why spend just short of £200 if it's not necessary? Good of them, though - they could have said nothing, replaced them and taken the money.

Looks like a nice day in store again so we're thinking of heading over to Hughenden, an NT place that was once the home of Benjamin Disraeli. It's only around 45 minutes away and we can enjoy a walk through the parkland and woodland there.

@Gwynn - congrats on the HS

Whatever your plans enjoy your day.
Isn't it near there that the Hell Fire Caves are.
Morning everyone

Another fine sunny morning here and a nice 6.1 to start the day off.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
Morning all and 7.9 for me thanks to a toilet break which triggered FOTF.

New sensor yesterday which is not connecting to blue tooth at all. It's amazing how soon you get used to CGM, scanning seems such a chore. Reported to Abbott so we'll see if they'll replace.

Have a good day everyone. There's ivy to be trimmed.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and another beautiful day. Yesterday afternoon temps reached the giddy height of 30C in our garden. Sat outside for an hour or so with my book late afternoon. Am aquiring a nice light tan, but it's a T shirt tan, not a nice even one.

8.2 this morning, odd since we just had cold roast chicken and salad last night. I suppose there was cous cous and potato salad on the plate, but only a spoonful of each. Must yellow card the Doxycycline.

Meeting friends at the local this afternoon, hopefully to sit in the garden if they aren't too afraid of the sun! Then home for our "once a year" Pizza that we only have on Eurovision night whilst watching the contest.

Congrats to all the HSers today - such a lot of you. Hugs to all those suffering, both mentally and physically.

Sounds like some lovely activities are going on in this great weather! Enjoy it whilst it lasts!

8.2 today but I did eat pizza and ice-cream yesterday evening, but last fling before starting back on healthier eating and back to losing weight. Just back from shopping stocking up on lots of fresh meat and veg, well as fresh as anything can be from a supermarket.

Off to knit and natter this afternoon, must resist the goodies they always have on offer.

Congratulations to all the HS today.

@Gwynn, @Eternal422 and @ColinUK - sending you and anyone else that is struggling at the moment a virtual hug. I had noticed you had been missing @ColinUK and was going to message you this morning and like magic you appeared.
New sensor yesterday which is not connecting to blue tooth at all. It's amazing how soon you get used to CGM, scanning seems such a chore. Reported to Abbott so we'll see if they'll replace.
Just had this issue on a 3 day old sensor. Had to call Abbott as their online form doesn’t cover this issue, but after going through off/on, offload and reinstall LibreLink (keeps the data) and it still not working they replaced it for me. For me with Bluetooth not working, the loss of alarms is the feature I miss most.

As you say, it’s amazing how you can become used to CGM and forget the nuisance of finger pricks and even having to scan the sensor for a reading!
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Good afternoon everyone! 5'2 the first time I woke up, one hour earlier than needed. 5'1 when I actually got up.

Seems like most of us are having good weather today. Here is lovely and sunny too. I got the summer clothes out and tried some of them on, found a top I didn't even remember and couldn't wait to wear it again! Added a jacket, of course. I am off in the evening and was lucky that my friend invited me to join her group going to a Pride event in Exeter, so here I am in a busy train. Must make the most of today since forecast for tomorrow is thunderstorms and then rain for next week!

PS: seems like it didn't get posted at 2 pm ! 😱
Morning and a 6.5 for me after an early rise due to warm weather keeping dogs a bit restless.
Having a cup of tea now after the walks so will try and grab another hour or two of rest.
We did our normal Sunday things yesterday so not sure what is happening today but as long as I enjoy it it matters not.
Take care all

An oh so near oh so far 5.1 today, been up since just after 5am as I couldn’t sleep. Off out for a run a little bit later then round to a friend and will finish the day making cream cheese frosting to go on top of the Guinness cake I made yesterday. Maybe fit in a bit of knitting or crotchet as well.

Congratulations to yesterday HS.
Good morning 5.9

Beautiful morning but the clouds within the blue sky suggest the threatened downpours are a distinct possibility. Very warm last night - had to heave off the duvet. 3 weeks ago it was duvet +eiderdown. What a change.

Bought a knee brace from Boots yesterday which, while not fixing the problem, reduced it so that I could sit on the garden wall and plant 2 plants with a trowel. Pity about the remaining 20 or so which remain - most in tubs holding a full bag of compost. Can't move them or use a spade. Scratching head wondering who might succumb to blandishment.

Have a happy peaceful Sunday everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.3 lowest ever
BP 115/73 excellent

The oddest night ever. My wife rang at about 10pm and immediately put the phone down on me. I rang back. She mumnled a few words and then put the phone down on me again and after that wouldn't pick up when I tried to phone. Very upsetting. This morning at 6am she rang me but all she could say was 'hm hm'. No actual words. Very odd. She is very ill. I was hoping that she might be getting better by now. Very disapponted.

Today, church, walk, emptiness

Have a great, hot day today whatever you are doing
Morning all

Failed for a second time to glimpse the Northern Lights last night. No idea it was happening on Friday night, and light cloud overhead last night.

I’m consoling myself with an unexpected 5.2 this morning.

Hugs to you @Gwynn. Good to hear your wife is getting good care, but it must be so hard for you.
Morning all. 5.2 here, but 3 low alarms o/n so me and hubby are like a pair of zombies this morning!

Sorry to hear you missed your stop @Robin LOL.

More Cwrs Cymraeg this morning. It was really good yesterday - a legend, some poetry, some grammar and lots of chit-chat. And I got loads done in the garden in the afternoon. I just hope the weather forecast is wrong - Gwen the dog hates storms!
A 6.1 for me this morning after a very restless night due to the heat. 🙂
Well done to @everydayupsanddowns for the HS today and to @Elenka_HM for yours yesterday. And @Bloden too. 🙂

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