Group 7-day waking average?

Morning and a 6.4 for me which very happy with.
Had a light meal before I left last night for my Cardiology evening and did not bother with any insulin as only had a couple of sandwiches at the buffet and managed to stay in range.
Was rising when I got home so took a 2u correction dose which kept me in range overnight and a good nights sleep.
Very quiet day today and hope you are all looking forward to w/ end as much as me.
Morning all. 6.7 and glaf its Friday. For a short week, its felt like a long one.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7
BP 119/74 (and that is with no meds for high blood pressure)

Yesterday was very odd.

Did the bread with my wife going over instructions on the phone as I went along. A really nice time. The bread was good too.

Unfortunately in the afternoon something had happened (I think the doctors had given her a new medicine) and she called me in floods of tears. It was harrowing. I was devastated.

Then followed a night of calls from my wife, unhappy, no tears, but I got little sleep. A small price to pay being able to comfort my wife.

I have a feeling that they may have to keep her in hospital for a while. On the one hand I hope not on the other, she needs serious help and they need the time to provide that.

Just to add to the pain, my daughter has shown zero interest throughout and is no support whatsoever.

Off to the church later this morning to try to sort out the radio mics which are playing up terribly.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 4.0 on the dot for me.

Wow, it was muggy in class last night. It felt more like Northern Spain in August than West Wales in May, eek!

Admin and gardening today. This evening, me and the dog are leading a Welsh learner event - herding dysgwyr / learners up the beach, into the woods to marvel at the wild garlic, then back along the beach to the chippy for sglodion / chips...with lots of Welsh chit-chat along the way, hopefully!

Sending tons of (((hugs))) @Gwynn. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling, but we’re all listening and rooting for you and your wife.
Good morning. 5.7 - hurrah - off the 6 step.

Still hobbling but it didn't wake me up so much last night.

Beautiful day yesterday. Managed to give the shaven Wolf a shower and let him dry in the sun. Peachy seems reconciled to being out 24hrs at last so no more mucking out unless the weather turns vile again.

My clematis are making a lovely show - wish I could get down and weed the beds but have decided that, instead of being depressed about it, I will look at it from a biodiversity viewpoint - nettles and dandelions must be lunch for some creature. Nonetheless I will put yet another ad up on facebook for a gardener as Jakes' step-father hasn't made contact and the lad is up on a roof elsewhere at the moment and there is no way I can walk behind the mower. The flowering hedge is a mass of bloom, as are the lilacs, and all the young apple trees.

Now on the hunt for the remaining cousin at some distant remove for this wretched estate. Given the number of missing persons in the UK alone (apparently she moved abroad at some point) it may take some time. Needles and haystacks spring to mind. All bright ideas welcome.

Happy Friday everyone.
Good morning! My yo-yo antibiotic induced BGs continue. Just after mid-night I plummeted, probably overtrested and woke to two fat ladies 8.8!

Nothing on bar feeling p*ss*d off about things.

Even the early morning sun has given over to cloudy! :(

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A 5.3 for me this morning after a very disturbed sleep last night. 🙂
Weather looks good with lots of sunshine forecast.

Any advice to cope in the beginning? I'm curious for a different perspective. The few friends and relatives I have informed suggest chocolate and crying (both of those will be applied in appropriate doses :D).
There was one that was particularly painful because we'd been planning a future together, so it hit me pretty hard. After a couple of miserable weeks I decided I needed to get rid of everything associated with us - photos, cards, gifts she'd given me and so on - everything went in the bin. It felt like a cleansing and afterwards I felt able to move on.
Morning all and 6.1 for me

@Elenka_HM do you write poetry, it doesn't matter how bad it is or if you ever show it to anyone else. I got pretty much a whole albums worth of material from being dumped. Miserable songs but great therapy.

@Gwynn good luck with the radio mics.

Have a good day everyone.
Another sunny start and it looks like today might get into the mid-70s or thereabouts. Got my case of summer clothes out yesterday and have started packing away my cold weather stuff. Good to be back in short-sleeved shirts again, and driving with the air con running rather than the heater.

Trip to the tyre place this morning. Our Astra got an advisory on the rear tyres at its recent MOT, not on tread depth but on general condition, so shall get them replaced today.

Missed my lane swim yesterday as I was waiting for a call-back from DVLA after spending most of the morning trying to get through. They were either too busy to take calls or there was a long queue. By the time they rang it was too late so I re-booked for the afternoon Older Adults Swim, which I've never been to before. It turned out to be a grans and grandads session, and very busy.

Friday, so Big Shop at Sainsbury's later.

@Gwynn - sorry you had such a rollercoaster of a day but congrats on this morning's numbers

Here's mine, and weekly BP check 126/69:-


Have a good day, all.
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7.4 this morning.

Not heard from the hospital yet so just called, but only able to leave a message rather than actually speaking to anyone. Hoping I’ll get a call back today and at least an appointment date.

Take care everyone.
Morning all and 6.1 for me

@Elenka_HM do you write poetry, it doesn't matter how bad it is or if you ever show it to anyone else. I got pretty much a whole albums worth of material from being dumped. Miserable songs but great therapy.
Oddly enough that break-up was the only time I've been inspired to write poetry. I sent it to her and was told afterwards that she cried when she read it. I can still recite it word-for-word, 42 years on.
Morning all - another lovely day. It feels more like Corfu than Cornwall - temperature on the garden thermometer yesterday afternoon was 29C and the thermometer is in the shade! Sat outside for all of an hour and now have suntanned ankles and a Tshirt tan! Can't believe it, winter to summer in less than a week! Long may it continue.

4.8 first thing and 89% TIR..... 2nd day running in the 4s and that's another thing that's gone from mad numbers almost overnight.

Got a surprise at Specsavers when I was told that my cataracts are ready to be removed. I was aware that my eyesight had deteriorated but not aware that I have cataracts. At least I am told that the waiting time is a mere 3 months.

Congratulations to @Martin.A on your HS

@Gwynn it may be a long and lonely road, but hopefully it will lead to a more permanent solution this time. Chin up lovely, you know we're all here for you.

@TinaD good luck finding a gardener. I need to find a new cleaner as of today.

Have a good day all.
@Elenka_HM I was dumped painfully a number of times before I finally met J when I was age 36. I know from experience that it doesn't help being told that there are plenty of other fish in the sea when all you want is the one that dumped you, but it is nevertheless true. I recall that coping usually involved a bottle of wine and a lot of tears. The poetry advice is good!

I had yet another unhappy call from my wife at breakfast, this time though she asked angrily who had called the crisis team. Of course I had. The call was horrible after that.

But it was interrupted by something in the hospital. I think it was time for one of her assessments.

From what she was saying, I doubt that she will call again as she now sees me as the perpetrator/enemy. All very upsetting.

On a better note, I sorted out the radio mics in the church
morning all new Libre put on yesterday let it rn for 6 hours before activating it 10.1 this morning finger prick 5.1, here we go again in the night I felt terrible dizzy and could feel my heart pumping no alarm as Libre was 7.2 but finger prick was 3.2 fingers crossed it will settle down will put the next one on the day before hope everyone has a good day
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@Elenka_HM my youngest had a break up about 18 months ago. She was so upset to start with, crying, not wanting to do anything. Then one day she suddenly booked herself a flight to somewhere she'd never been before, did activities there that she'd never tried before and made lots of new friends that she has kept in touch with. She came back after 5 days with a different perspective, still missing him, but more positive.

I know this isn't always possible for everyone to do something like this and it isn't the best way for some people. What i'm trying to say is that things will get better. Take care