Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Diffuse sunlight is struggling through a thin veil of cloud. Forecast is for dull all day.

10.0 this morning. I really must do something about it.... like increasing basal, but I am wondering if it is the insulin. Maybe I will try a new vial, the one I am currently using went to Cardiff with me. I did keep it in a Frio, but sometimes it still goes off. Then on the other hand I have a cold. The D is such a mystery at times.

Spent yesterday afternoon filling in a questionnaire to renew our yearly travel insurance. We get it through the bank account, but they have changed suppliers. The number of health alerts I trigger I look like a very sick woman. High BP taking 3 meds for it, stage 3 kidney disease, hypothyroid, T1 diabetes, 3 x TIA etc etc. It's quite depressing.... and expensive! Not really thought of myself like that until I filled in the darn form!

Congrats to @harbottle.

@Gwynn, I know it's hard, but do remember that your wife's description of the ward may well be quite exaggerated. Try to keep your chin up and not let things drag you down or you will not be in a place to give her the support she needs. You've been doing so well, making the home environment pleasant for her eventual return.

@cupcakequeen71 welcome to the thread. I sympathise with the way you drop, but wonder if it might be better to set your alarm a little higher than 3.2 because that only tells you that you are hypo. You aren't getting warning of an impending hypo so you can fend it off before it happens. I have mine set at 4.2 but I know many set theirs nearer 5.0

Happy Wednesday all!
late posting i thought i had posted before we went out to the gym it was a 5.4 for me BS went stupid at the gym no idea why, had that and boiled eggs before going out, BS was 6.2 before eating, went up to 8.1 after 90 minutes, then at the gym an hour later it shot up to 11.7 then 30 mins later went to 7.4. ive not been in the orange for weeks
What a day. School trip today and i've struggled to keep levels up all day. I had a hypo just after i got home but despite all the glucose, its not gone above 4.5. I bet it will all kick in later and i'll be too high. Mind you, i've now managed 93%TIR in 7 days with only 1% low. Pretty pleased with that.
Late to the party today, I had a 4.9 this morning. According to my BG, the UTI infection looks to be disappearing, so that’s something. Still feeling a bit fed up with things, but after re-reading so many lovely helpful comments from the other day, I have started to feel a bit more positive.

Keeping the positive note, our nesting Blue Tit seems to be starting to sit on the nest - now 8 eggs!



@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear things haven’t been too good on your last call, stay strong and take care of yourself. It’s always darkest before the dawn and a new day will surely shine brightly for you.
Good morning. 5'1 today.

We broke our situationship yesterday. It was a calm and adult conversation and I think it is the best for me, but I am very sad anyway. I'll probably be lonely for a while, I don't have more friends in my town. I must look for ways to meet new people, not to date, just to socialise.
Good morning - 4.3

RS Paper 1 today - the first in the proper exam series.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 6.5 for me and another routine but longish day as have an Evening Meeting in North Wales but not back too late.
Up early again and walked the hounds who settle back down so can grab an hours rest on sofa.
Best wishes all
9.6 for me today.

Have a good day
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesss
BP has returned to normal but that's due to meds. I will start to wean myself off the meds and see how things go.

Had a lovely call from my wife yesterday evening just slightly marred by her fear that 'other' people have been into the house whilst she is away. It's been a common theme for years. She cannot cope with anyone else in the house, so no visitors for years, not even family, except my one friend. Go figure.

Today I will tackle making bread and not destroying my wifes bread maker. We came up with a genius plan last night so we will try to talk on the phone with her giving guidance as we go. Sounds like it could be fun and a good way to interact. Normally it wouldn't phase me but the bread making machine is most definitely her province!!! So I'd better not wreck it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 5.4. Tired this morning after yesterday, a hypo before bed and an early morning all from mum's care line. Its going to be a very long day

Good luck @Lily123

5.5 today and goi g to go back to yoga tonight.

@Lily123 - good luck with you r exam today.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS. Hope the bread making works out.
Morning folks. (My emojis are still AWOL - I’m smiling!) 5.1 here.

Thursday’s my longest day of the week, then Friday’s admin day, so once I’ve got through today it’s plain sailing into the weekend, more or less, woohoo!

Good luck @Lily123.
Morning all, 7.6 here, Off at the crack with my daughter to watch horses doing the dressage phase at the Badminton three day event. For once, I think the ground has dried up enough for the shopping village and car parks not to become a mud bath, I’m risking stout walking shoes instead of the usual wellies.