Group 7-day waking average?

That does make a lot of sense. Jokes aside I understand they have to be polite in the reports because the patient may get access to them.
Indeed. I’ve got access to my full medical records and consultation notes dating back to when I was a child describe me variously as “pleasant” “charming” “delightful” etc.
If only they knew!
Good Morning

BG 5.0

It's been a bit lower for me these last few days. At one point it was the lowest I have ever had at 4.1

Things trundle on Here. I think my wife is improved. It's so hard to tell because what comes out of her mouth rarely reflects what is going on inside her. She phoned yesterday and did sound more coherent but tired And desperate to come home.

Today, when it is drier I will tackle the passage between our house and next door. It is not ours but the neighbours refuse to do anything with it. Sigh.

Yesterday I tackled the rear of the house and rear garden. It was a humungous effort.

Poor squirrels were there this morning confused as all their hidden nuts and garden greenery were gone. I rushed out and filled their feeder and they gobbled most of it up like there was no tomorrow.

Then, hopefully my friend and I will go for a walk this afternoon and later have tea (cheese and tomato pizza).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Len special today.

Didn’t do anything at all yesterday other than make a scrumptious chicken balti. I say “made” but all I did was shove everything in the slow cooker and let it get on with it.

Ballet this evening hopefully. It’s A winter’s tale at Covent Garden and it’s had really rather impressive reviews. The “hopefully” is because I’ve let two things slide as on the day I’ve not felt up to seeing them recently.

We’ll see how today unfolds…
Morning a 6.7 for me after a really goodw/ end and WFH today so a nice gentle introduction back to work.
Spent time in garden, trips out ,garden centres,lunches so am happy bunny.
Weather getting better so going to enjoy morning walk so enjoy whatever you have planned.
Good morning 7.1 today

Have a Terrific Tuesday 😎
Second one in a while. 🙂


5.9 eyes still bad after yesterday’s migraine. Will log into work a bit late today to give my eyes time to improve.

Congratulations to @Pam123 on yesterday’s HS and the @MeeTooTeeTo on today’s HS.
Morning everyone, a beautiful sunny start to the day here and a happy 5.7 for me.

Have a wonderful day folks and stay safe.
10.4 here and not appearing to drop, after last nights' huge spike (Eating chocolates and biscuits after 10pm!).

A lovely warm morning here and looking like a pleasant day (for a change).
Well yesterday turned out to be the Bank Holiday washout I feared and we ended up spending most of the day indoors. Today's started off bright, sunny and warm and that looks to be how it'll be for the rest of the day. Good - there'll be 4 machine loads of washing to get out on the line shortly.

Off to the pool later, as usual on a Tuesday, plus Sainsbury's and Waitrose.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on yet another HS.

Have a good day, all.
I've been reliably informed that they use complimentary descriptions in any case, but they know which is which when reading the notes.
In actual fact they do not have to say anything other than "this 70 year old gentleman", so that bears out why I think it is a code.
Morning all. Beautiful sunny day. Sat in the garden yesterday and got a light tan (had to put some suntan lotion on after an hour or so.)

A shocking 13.1 this morning with 16% TIR. I simply don't know what's going on, BGs are all over the place. It could be this streaming cold, which is making me miserable, or remains of the Doxasozin or just..... who knows?

Going to do "not much" today except sit in the garden and we will have Tesco battered cod and spiced wedges for dinner which requires minimum effort from me! Do need to go to a garden centre to get some plants to replace the stuff that has died, but it can be tomorrow! Or next week!

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on yet another HS.

Have a good day all.....

Just had a call from my wife and she sounded much more settled and cohrent. Phew. It was the most we have talked in months! This is a huge milestone as previously she would not use the phone as she did not beleive that people were who they said they were!!!

Did the house passage way. 5 more bin bags of garden stuff!! It's good to get it done. Very hard work!

My friend has broken another tooth or another filling fell out (not sure) which means tea is off, but he can come round anyway for a chat. Life is hard for him as his wife left him!!! Arghh what is wrong with people (well, some people).

Knackered now. The rest of the day will be easier
Good afternoon everyone! 7'2 in libre and 6 in the finger this morning.

I went to Brixham pirate festival this weekend and had the first ice creams of the season (first ones out of the house, I mean 😉 ). It is a fun festival, everyone in town seems to get in the spirit and wear at least some pirate-ish accessory. There was a duo of performers who sang a capella and one of their songs was specifically designed to piss off the Cornish, saying jam goes on top of cream and Devon pasties are better. There was a man on the front row who seemed to get angry, the rest of us had a laugh. As the performers said "is all just good banter".

I'm now in my diabetic eye screening, waiting for those drops to make effect (must post quickly while I can read!). For the second year they have sent me to a centre in a different town. I probably could change it, there's one very close to my house, but I decided to make a day out of it. This town also has an Aldi and I don't have any closer one so that's another incentive. I love some variety in my grocery shopping :D