Group 7-day waking average?

6.1 this morning.

After the support from people on here yesterday I am starting to feel a little better mentally, so thank you all again!

Sadly not feeling comfortable, so looking forward to this all being resolved asap. But I can manage for now, just not able to do things that I had planned. Of course, it’s typical bad luck that my wife has jury service in the period when I should be getting my appointment, so we’ll see if she can move her dates as soon as I get my appointment, otherwise it will have to be a taxi to the hospital as I don’t feel up to driving.

Interestingly my BG has been a bit haywire today and been much higher than normal, so I suspect I still have an infection.

@Gwynn - glad to hear positive things are happening for you, take care!
For some bizarre reason 3G has just popped up in our holiday home! I daren’t move now!
Anyhoo, low alarm woke me at 6.30am, 3.9! After yesterday’s scary hypo day I struggled to keep my numbers up. I got up and it rose to 5.1
Been on a boat trip today, lovely bright day but still cold. BGs have behaved themselves thank goodness.

PS it’s taken me two hours to get this to send!
Morning all 5.7 for me ,
Have a lovely day !!
Good morning - 7.5

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

I had a very difficult call from my wife at 10pm yesterday. She was sad, lost, upset. She just wanted to come home. She briefly described the ward and it was not nice. It left me feeling dreadful and very upset which I still feel this morning. It is hard to sound positive and encouraging when crying deep inside, but for her that is what I have to do.

I dropped and broke my thermometer when I got up at 3am. One of 'those' days? Oh, and I have a horrible, constant thobbing rushing in my ears ... high blood pressure, it doesn't help!!!

IT is raining and cold. Dark clouds everywhere, reflecting how I feel. However, clouds move on and eventually blow away or evaporate...

My wifes illness is a horrible, nasty, evil one which she never asked for and it has (and continues to) ruin our lives!!!

I had planned to clean the house today but right now I really don't feel like it and feel dread at yet another dull, upsetting, empty, painful 24 hours...

I am sure the gloom will pass and I am clinging on to that thought, but right now, I hurt thinking of my wifes plight.

Sigh, roll on a new, happier season in our lives
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Morning a 5.7 for me after a 1u correction before going to bed.
So sorry Gwynn to hear what you are facing with your wife’s condition.Sadly it is one which varies day by day moment by moment and one in which as you deeply care for her has you emotionally deeply entwined so that it affects you to a greater extent.
Wishing you all the best at this very difficult time and wish we could lift your emotional load to try and help you through it.
Take care
Morning all. 6.3

Winter’s Tale at Covent Garden last night was great. Challenging, bold, inventive, funny and hugely entertaining.
Good morning. 6.1

The heart test was quite unpleasant although the Consultant, an elderly Romanian, and his young technician were lovely. The borrowed buggy was a triumph and the cause of much amusement to staff and patients who all perked up and smiled as I sped down the interminable corridors. The poor souls being pushed by porters looked quite envious.

I am not sure what the DVLA will make of the results as the test was supposed to last 12 minutes but I only managed a bit over 10 as the side effects became very nasty - sweating, shaking, and feeling ill enough to pass out. Apparently the AF results in the drug making the heart rate increase more than normal so I whipped past the test level of 120bmp to the lofty heights of 140 and above. I was very glad when the antidote betablocker took effect. The Consultant says he will report that despite not having passed the test technically I am most unlikely to have a heart attack or disabling angina while driving and am fit to have a licence. Apparently the pictures on the screen showed a pretty healthy pump with a very good "ejection fraction" (che?) despite the jazz rhythm. So keep your fingers crossed until I get a decision.

Meanwhile the wretched flare continues but I am looking forward to friend visiting and ridding Wolf of his remaining fur. It is a sitting down job as lifting him onto a table is beyond our combined strength - 40kg of naughty wriggling.

Came home to long application to probate registry which contained several inaccuracies so will have to fit in a conversation with the acting solicitor. If my group of cousins did not include 2 idiots, 1 of doubtful honesty, it would have been easier to do the work myself - but I want a buffer and insurance. Hey ho.

Look after yourselves and have a good day.
Morning all - 6.9 this morning. Up early to do cooking for our bring and share lunch as the last day of college today for my horticulture course. I'm going to really miss it and the lovely group (12 of us - 6 men/6 women). I am doing the Diploma course starting in September though so that's something to look forward to. I was only going to do one foody thing but a few people didn't have time, or inclination so I seem to have found myself doing my favourite broccoli, cashew & bacon salad, roasted mini new potatoes, red coleslaw (M&S), Smoked salmon & cucumber and mini chilli veggie muffins (Higgidy). I'm introducing @cupcakequeen71 to this thread. Have a great day everyone xxx
Well done @harbottle on that HS this morning.
A 4.8 for me today. 🙂

Surprised to open the curtains this morning and find everything shrouded in a thick mist. Could barely see the tops of the trees in the woods behind us. It's cleared now that the sun's broken through and the forecast is for wall-to-wall sunshine and 20 degrees, which is a bit up on yesterday when, as I'd hoped, I got 4 machine loads of washing dry on the line. Hopefully that's going to be the norm for the foreseeable and our tumble dryer can take a well-earned rest.

Haircut later. I'd planned on squeezing it in yesterday but with one thing and another I never got round to it. I mentioned a few days ago that I'd got an invite to an 'Advanced Diabetes Reversal Programme' at our surgery but found out today that it's going to be about diabetes and cholesterol medication, so will most likely give it a miss as I don't take either.

@Gwynn - sorry that you're on another downer. Hope your day turns out better than you fear.

@TinaD - glad your test went well and hope that the DVLA are happy.

5.5 this morning.

Hope everyone gets some of this sunshine today. Have a good one.
Ben was a disappointing 12.6!
Woke up at 3am having a reading of 3.2 which went to 2.9, glucagel and 2 sweets, 2 hours later it's stable, then took meds and 15 units long acting, just woke up and it's 3.2 again

Super annoying as this is quite regular, I nearly always get an alarm at 3.2, 3am. I go to bed at least at 15 because I know how far I drop off!@
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

I had a very difficult call from my wife at 10pm yesterday. She was sad, lost, upset. She just wanted to come home. She briefly described the ward and it was not nice. It left me feeling dreadful and very upset which I still feel this morning. It is hard to sound positive and encouraging when crying deep inside, but for her that is what I have to do.

I dropped and broke my thermometer when I got up at 3am. One of 'those' days? Oh, and I have a horrible, constant thobbing rushing in my ears ... high blood pressure, it doesn't help!!!

IT is raining and cold. Dark clouds everywhere, reflecting how I feel. However, clouds move on and eventually blow away or evaporate...

My wifes illness is a horrible, nasty, evil one which she never asked for and it has (and continues to) ruin our lives!!!

I had planned to clean the house today but right now I really don't feel like it and feel dread at yet another dull, upsetting, empty, painful 24 hours...

I am sure the gloom will pass and I am clinging on to that thought, but right now, I hurt thinking of my wifes plight.

Sigh, roll on a new, happier season in our lives
I'm sure that all she is saying is not the real her but maybe you should see your GP and get some support for yourself as you are going to need to be strong when she does come home.
A happy 5.4 for me today.

Have great day everyone and keep safe.

6.2, but I did have a cream cake yesterday evening, so better than expected. I am planning on running this evening as my headache is improving.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS today.