Group 7-day waking average?

Around low 5s when I woke up at 5am, Dawn put in an appearance so it was 7.4 when I took my breakfast bolus.

Feeling sorry for myself and worried about my prostate. I think the UTI is clearing now so hopefully things will get back to normal. I just need to wait for my urology appointment, I feel scared at what the outcome will be and currently feel withdrawn and can’t see me doing anything that I had planned. I know there are worse things than this, but for me it feels like a major blow.
My other half has had an enlarged prostate for nearly 20 years and during that time took a couple of medications and about 12 years ago had a TURP procedure which initially was successful and relieved to symptoms, however it then progressively got worse and he was referred for another TURP, during Covid of course. It had got to the stage where he was up 5-7 times in the night. He then started to get blockages and was peeing almost pure blood and he then had a catheter and an urgent referral which potentially was going to be 5 months. He went for a private consultation and miraculously the NHS came with a date which was only a two month wait for another TURP. The also found some bladder stones and cysts but they were not a worry. This was two and a half years ago and he has been fine since, no need for any medication. He was monitored every year with a PSA but that is now not seen to be a good indication but still worth having.
As you have just started having symptoms hopefully it will be easily managed with medication but there are a number of other procedures other than TURP depending on the clinical presentation so worth looking those up before your appointment. You will likely need to have a CT or MRI to see what is going on.
Other than the inconvenience of getting up in the night for the loo and maybe more frequently during the day, he got no pain and the occasional UTI with blood in the urine which did freak him out.

I hope this helps, it did not really stop us doing anything.
Good luck with your appointment.
Morning all and 5.8 for me. Back home at 4:30 this morning after final gig of the weekend in Leicester. Hadn't been expecting much from this one as it was a venue above a pub with sticky floors but it went really well.

Need to chill a bit now as still buzzing despite the lack of sleep.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - it's a lovely day. Forecast to be 14deg but probably higher in our garden, which is very sheltered.

7.4 when I first woke. I'd corrected a 4.1 at 3 am with glucose, half a biscuit and a -20% temp basal for 2 hours. Also woke up with a horrible head cold. How does my nose contrive to be both bunged up and running like a tap? Usually it's one or the other. I've not been able to understand my BGs for ages, nor see a pattern, but according to another thread on here that could be the 6 weeks course of Doxasozin I had for the Rosacea.

Got the massive pile of ironing done yesterday + sorted all the house plants out, ordered some clothes online (I'll probably send most of em back) and cooked a full roast dinner. Would like to take it easy with the cold today and just sit in the garden, but half the shrubs in our pots and tubs look dead to me, so need to sort those out so I can assess what we need this year.... probably bedding plants and worry about shrubs another time. Julian has treated the wood of the new arbor and assembled it and it looks great - rather Japanese. He's now painting the frame of the mirror that goes under it with hammerite. Hopefully this arbor will last longer than the metal one it's replacing, as we've had to decimate the vines that covered it, in order to get rid of the rusting bits of frame. Gardens are a never-ending money pit!

@Eternal422 in 2015 we attended a meet of my old diabetes forum. Of the 5 blokes there 4 had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Julian was the 5th. He got a phone call from the Dr on the way home asking him to get tests as his PSA was very high and sure enough he was positive. All of the blokes are still with us and if they aren't healthy then it's not because of prostate issues. J gets checked every 6 months. So chin up my lovely, you will be fine.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo and @Pam123 on your HSs.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday folks.
@Eternal422 in 2015 we attended a meet of my old diabetes forum. Of the 5 blokes there 4 had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Julian was the 5th. He got a phone call from the Dr on the way home asking him to get tests as his PSA was very high and sure enough he was positive. All of the blokes are still with us and if they aren't healthy then it's not because of prostate issues. J gets checked every 6 months. So chin up my lovely, you will be fine.
Thank you, it’s just knocked me for six at the moment. I’m thinking (hoping) it’s the effect of the UTI causing inflammation along with an enlarged prostate due to my age. But you’re right, even at the worst I have some friends who have been through prostate cancer and are now well and living life to the full. I need to stay positive.
Around low 5s when I woke up at 5am, Dawn put in an appearance so it was 7.4 when I took my breakfast bolus.

Feeling sorry for myself and worried about my prostate. I think the UTI is clearing now so hopefully things will get back to normal. I just need to wait for my urology appointment, I feel scared at what the outcome will be and currently feel withdrawn and can’t see me doing anything that I had planned. I know there are worse things than this, but for me it feels like a major blow.
Like most gentlemen of certain years I have been there. You will no doubt have loads of poking and prodding and perhaps some scanning - just put your dignity to one side and reflect on the notion anything sinister is being ruled out. Chances are that, like me, you will just have a routine enlarged prostate which may be treatable, like me, with a couple of standard medications. These were transformative when I first took them. I have taken them daily ever since and have had no further problems.

If anything more is going on then the sooner it is identified the better so that it can be sorted and you can stop planning activities around the location of public toilets or at a pinch discreet hedges. 😉
@Leadinglights, thank you so much for sharing this, it has really helped me this morning. I guess as I went to A&E they treated the acute issue of retention with a catheter which resolved the pain (!) and then gave me some tablets to reduce the size of the prostate along with a referral to urology to actually investigate what is going on. The fact it happened suddenly rather than gradually, gives me hope it’s the infection and easily treatable. If not, then I know there are other options rather than just having to have the catheter permanently. Thank you again.

Also, thanks to everyone else on this forum for your support, even though this is not diabetes related (well, there’s undoubtedly some connection as diabetes seems to raise risks for all sorts of things) you guys are the best and so supportive. Thank you!
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Ah, @Eternal422, sudden onset acute urinary retention. Same here. Pain is said to be akin to that experienced in child birth by ladies.

The young doctor who first catheterised me said that it was one of the most satisfying procedures he was called to do.... guaranteed complete relief from absolute agony in moments and an eternally grateful patient. Result!

PS..Doctor referred to me as a pleasant elderly gentleman in his notes...and it was 12 years ago. Wonder what he would say now.
Hi folks. Sitting on a rock again! This time trying to recover from a nasty hypo! Left house at 12.40 just after lunch. After about 20 mins I started to feel really unwell, sweaty, nauseous and puffed out. I just thought I’d come out too quickly after lunch. Walking up a hill thinking I was so unfit I heard beeping. Realised it was my low alarm, 3.8 going down. I had pre bolused too early as my slice of bread took ages to defrost. Thought it’ll be ok, my sandwich and crisps will kick in soon. Still felt sick, found this rock, sat down in the mizzle s s checked adding. 3.2 going down. Mr Eggy insisted I ate a jelly baby, yuk, I really struggle to eat when I’m hypo. Anyways I’ve had two and feeling a bit better, that’s when I realised we’d entered the world of 4G so I’d thought I’d let you know I’m alive and well ( ish). Just check again I’m now 2.9! Trying Kendal mint cake now. Mr Eggy is chipping bits off with his Swiss Army knife it’s crystallised as I hardly use it. Tastes better than the jelly babies. I may be some time. .
Ah, @Eternal422, sudden onset acute urinary retention. Same here. Pain is said to be akin to that experienced in child birth by ladies.

The young doctor who first catheterised me said that it was one of the most satisfying procedures he was called to do.... guaranteed complete relief from absolute agony in moments and an eternally grateful patient. Result!

PS..Doctor referred to me as a pleasant elderly gentleman in his notes...and it was 12 years ago. Wonder what he would say now.
My other half was referred to as a pleasant elderly chap which we thought rather informal for medical notes.
I’m alive! Lost signal. Sat for half an hour until I reached the dizzy heights of 4.1! Mr Eggy was for taking me back but stubborn old me said no chance! Got another couple of miles to get back. We’re soaked through.


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So was my hubby. Is it a code do you think? What's with the "pleasant?"
I imagine the doctor describing the patients, if they are nice and polite they get "pleasant elderly gentleman", if they are a rude nightmare then it is "unpleasant old bloke" 😛
I've been reliably informed that they use complimentary descriptions in any case, but they know which is which when reading the notes.
That does make a lot of sense. Jokes aside I understand they have to be polite in the reports because the patient may get access to them.
Good morning - 5.6

Have a great day everyone.