Group 7-day waking average?

No idea. The current sensor I am wearing is absolutely bananas, suddenly shooting up to 10 (When a finger prick reads six) and then plummeting. This morning it was reading 5.4, then I moved in bed and it 6.2 the next minute, then back down again.

One thing I do know, though, is that a pint of beer sends it up a little bit, maybe into the 7s, and then it falls rapidly after about 40 minutes back to normal levels.

And last night I ate a load of crackers and chocolate brownies with very little effect on BG.
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Are you sure they aren't seagulls wearing disguise? That's typical seagull behaviour.
Seagulls here are very aggressive. They know no fear, no shame. Do you think they can't touch your chips because you closed the box? Wrong! They will take the whole box and break it open! They make eating in the beach less enjoyable than we imagined it to be.
Morning a 7.7 both when I woke up at 5pm and just a minute ago so Len G smiling down on me.
Busy day in garden yesterday,a nice lunch and an unexpected drive out to pick up some rockery stone.
I really don’t like “ shopping” including the 2 car boots we visited in the morning but my wife loves it
I am happy to wander round and it was nice in the sunshine but she loves to buy things on Marketplace and sometimes we have nice trips out to collect.
Normally it is very local but last night was a bit further than usual and a lovely drive out into the Staffordshire countryside and lifting the half tonne of stone into and then out of the car boot was a nice bit of exercise.
Anyway meeting our outlaws for Lunch at a Garden centre so will see if my Unicorn w/ end continues.
Have a great week
Around low 5s when I woke up at 5am, Dawn put in an appearance so it was 7.4 when I took my breakfast bolus.

Feeling sorry for myself and worried about my prostate. I think the UTI is clearing now so hopefully things will get back to normal. I just need to wait for my urology appointment, I feel scared at what the outcome will be and currently feel withdrawn and can’t see me doing anything that I had planned. I know there are worse things than this, but for me it feels like a major blow.
And a Bank Holiday HS for me! 🙂
GoodMorning 7.2 today

Busy day today, need to collect another few car loads of paving bricks, we found something selling loads on Facebook, collected 400 yesterday (2 car loads) and currently there’s 200 in the back garden & another 200 piled up under the car port, my car is going to need a good going over with the hoover later today ready for back to work tomorrow.

Congrats on the HS @Eternal422
Happy Bank Holiday Monday Everyone, especially anybody who’s struggling 😎
5.7 on this rather dull and damp Bank Holiday morning. No thunderstorms in the forecast any more but 90% probability of heavy rain, which is the last thing the organisers of our annual May Fayre (Lions) need. Hope the forecast is completely wrong as the Fayre is such a big event in the local calendar.

Our eldest's futsal team (Maidenhead Utd) won 4-1 yesterday, so they got the 4th place finish they needed to qualify for the play-offs and the chance of a place in futsal's equivalent of the Champions League. Watched it on TNT Sport. He scored and was picked for the post-match interview. Strange to see him on live TV with a TNT Sports microphone in his hand, answering questions from their reporter. Highlights on TNT Sport tomorrow.

Had another example yesterday evening of the effect of a post-meal walk on post-prandial BG. Tuna Pasta Bake for dinner, for which my diary tells me I average 5.5, but on the 2-hour mark, and after our walk, it was 4.1 RH and 4.2 LH. I always double-check by switching hands if I get an unexpected low or high.

@Eternal422 - I understand why you're concerned but try not to worry. An enlarged prostate is not uncommon at our age and according to the NHS the risk of it being a symptom of something bad is no greater than it is for men without an enlarged prostate.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congrats on your HS this morning.

Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's Bank Holiday plans.
@Eternal422 - I understand why you're concerned but try not to worry. An enlarged prostate is not uncommon at our age and according to the NHS the risk of it being a symptom of something bad is no greater than it is for men without an enlarged prostate.
Thank you, I’m more worried at the moment about having to continue with the catheter. Not helped by my father having been in this situation for some years now, albeit he is 95, so I’m hoping I have some years left before this and maybe even avoid it altogether!
Morning everyone, it's a 5.6 for me this another sunny morning.

Have a good bank holiday folks.
Morning everyone - 6.9 this morning. Sorry I've not been on for a few days but have just caught up as best I can. Basically lots of gardening and dog walking going on here and with my hubby away (5th week now) I've found that my new best friend is YouTube - it's incredible how helpful it is when one is trying to start a lawn mower, undo screws with a socket set, clean a coffee machine etc, etc - I've even thought to myself "who needs a man/partner when you've got YouTube in your back pocket" but I don't mean that and it will be lovely when he's home in a few weeks. I am starting week 5 of no stairs (we're in an old farmhouse so luckily have a little bedroom up another set of stairs that used to be the feed store or something). As I type I've just watched a weasel skip along the back steps and we are surrounded by lambs at the moment - sorry, I digress. I hoisted a step ladder this weekend and was seriously considering shimmying up it and trying to climb up onto the landing to go and have a bath in my lovely new bathroom that's just sitting up there unused, but I had all sorts of visions of it going horribly wrong and me being found in a heap tomorrow (probably still in my dressing gown) so I resisted the urge. Off to take my Mum on a bluebell drive this afternoon - it's so strange living in a new area and having to find out where to go for things like that when back in Oxfordshire, where we'd lived for 35 years, we knew everything about everything. I'm worried that any of the advertised places will be absolutely heaving so we might just head off in the car and keep our eyes peeled. We drove across the border on Saturday to visit my stepbrother near Dumfries and saw quite a few then. Sending lots of love to all who are struggling with various things. Have a good day everyone, Jo x. PS: (@eggyg we MUST get you out to the Isle of Harris - very few booking yet for next year as I haven't properly opened up the diary yet so message me if you're interested - you'll LOVE it! and Mr Eggy will probably need a whole suitcase for his cameras)

5.6 no plans today as hubby is at work and very heavy rain forecast all day.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@Eternal422 - sending you a virtual hug, I know how hard it is not to worry.
Morning all. 6.1. I've just checked my TIR for 7 days and its 89% with no highs or lows. Its not been that for a while. Hopefully i've got the basal sorted again.

Weather is sunny with blue skies and the forecast is 19°. Apart from a bit of ironing there is nothing to do. Hubby is at work until 1pm, so i think sitting in the garden with a book is called for.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS.

@Eternal422 try not to worry, though i know thats easier said than done. Sending you big hugs.
God morning. 7.1.
I was feeling a bit disgusted with myself for eating buns yesterday when I saw that number - then I saw how many others are in the 7's today. Comforted thereby - its obviously a Bank Holiday effect and nothing to do with my attack of the munchies...

Weather here quite nice at the moment although it was thick fog at 0500 hours. Didn't sleep very well with worrying about heart check - don't really fancy having drug run into my veins to put my heart rate up. Oh well, cowardice never won a driving licence.

Planning a busy Wednesday - friend coming over to help get the final patches of matted fur off Wolfy and give him a hot shower. At least he will dry easily - the clipped areas are like velvet. Usually its like trying to shampoo and blow dry a yeti.

Hope everyone has a good day.