Group 7-day waking average?

@Bloden Do Welsh toes differ from English ones? Are they actually little dragon claws?!
Ha ha Colin.
I remember one my Profs going by the wonderful name of Glanville RJ Jones giving a lecture on Anglo Saxon history and mentioning that a Welsh foot was shorter/ longer than an English foot so the toes could well be different.
Gwynn know it is very difficult but try not to take your wife’s comments too personally as presently she is lacking in perspective on what she says and they will always take it out frustrations on the people closest to them and are most for them.
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@Gwynn. I have a pretty good idea where you are, both from my own experience and from talking (mostly listening ) to other carers. Manipulation is a common issue.

Have you tried the carers service? They were instrumental in me getting to understand what caring is about and just how many people there are around having to find ways to cope with caring for somebody with mental health problems. Bit like this forum and diabetes.
I see you @Bloden. When I watch series I'm generally looking for distraction and relax, not interested in suffering through them! Of course there are some more "tense" shows that can be worth watching but I generally go for lighter ones. I'm currently half way through both "Brooklyn 99" (love it) and "Superstore" (sometimes I find it funny and sometimes kind of embarrassing).

I've also discovered the joy of reading uncomplicated, feel good books. The sort with pastel coloured covers and titles like "The cozy cottage in Ireland". I admit a couple years ago I might have looked down on these type of books, wanting to feel more intellectual or something (lol). I do like different styles of books. At the moment I'm with George Orwell's "1984", which was in my bucket list since I was in high school. Let me tell you, I'm having to stop and take a breath often. Is interesting and I want to keep reading but I'm already thinking the next book should be one of the 'romance in the idyllic town' variety!
You might like Martin Walker’s Inspector Bruno series (17 books). They are about a village policeman in the Vezere region of France. Combine romance, cookery and crime, but in a “nice” way. Bruno is wise and solves conundrums in a way that leaves everyone feeling good. See an extract from book 1 here He develops through the series.
Gonna put a new one in now Just got some on my script today .Just looked on phone it's 17 4 was in the 19s before that .I feel ok . Eaten well plenty of exercise. I know there is a 5 point difference between my phone which I use all the time and testing my bloods .Cheers Pattidevans .let you know how it goes
It's a lovely sunny Berkshire morning after a couple of wet and dismal days, so might get some garden chores out of the way today. Doing this using data on my phone as Sky have an outage in our area and we have no Internet at the moment.

@MeeTooTeeTo & @Pam123 - congratulations on the HSs

5.5 for me this morning.

Whatever your plans enjoy Star Wars Day.
Yes Pattidevans it was the insulin changed it took 12 units before bed It was 20.4 Low alarm went off 2.50 So had 3 jbs and 4 malted milk biscuits.Only woke up to a 5.2 this morning.Oh and I found some spare pens in a drawer id forgotten about.. Unfortunately none of them do half units .Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all. 7.2 this morning and a unicorn day yesterday. Sun/cloud here but quite warm. Two loads of washing are on the line and i'm just sitting with a cuppa before cleaning through the house quickly.

This afternoon, i'm going with a friend for a browse round the shops, a meal then the theatre. Its our christmas day we plan instead of buying a gift for each other. We're going to see Blood Brothers. I've seen it before and enjoyed it but she's never seen it. It will be a lovely afternoon/evening of relaxed chat, laughter and no doubt a few tears in the theatre.

@eggyg have a lovely break.

@Bloden the festival sounds great. Enjoy yourself.

@Gwynn are there any local groups for carers you could go to? Maybe the Carers Association will have a list of local groups or telephone numbers you could contact to get support. Your wife is in the right place to get the help she needs but you need to take care of yourself too.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning all and another lovely day, though there are some clouds around. Some people are walking around in coats, some in shorts/Tshirts.

7.4 this morning after 2 Dextro and half a biscuit at 02:30 for a 4.2. But have been 98% in range over the last 24 hours.

Gardening duty today.

@Gwynn so sorry for the way things are going. Just know we are all here for you.

@MeeTooTeeTo @Pam123 and @Colin g congrats on your HSs.

Have a good day all.
Morning all

Wow, sunshine today and warm to boot.
A happy 5.6 for me after a decent night's sleep for a change.

Have a good day folks and stay safe..
@Gwynn You’re not gullible but you are vulnerable. You’re vulnerable because you love your wife. You’re vulnerable because she’s ill. But you are far from gullible.
good afternoon
9.6 after a lay in for most of the morning (finally got up just before midday)

@Gwynn sorry to read your going through a hard time

Yesterday I saw my oorthopaedic surgeon who had fused my ankle last May,
he was happy with my recovery since the surgery I had last year.
Personally I feel I have still not got as much strength in that leg & ankle as I would like,
they took x-rays, for their records and im now discharged
he said these will be shared with my GP, I did ask about how I can obtain a copy apparently I can email them and request these but reception said there might be a small charge.

I’ve just been and got some shopping in, my wife has already started her continued work on landscaping the rear garden, the garden isn’t big, but was on a slant and like a jungle when we moved here a year ago, think I’m off to B&Q in a minute for more bags of gravel, sand & cement.

I start a healthy eating & weight management / gentle exercise programme next Thursday evening
I seen this featured on Facebook as it’s being run by local football club, funded through a community scheme, the Diabetic Consultant I spoke to of this to I believe suggested this (amongst many options available on referall) but I just booked it online myself, when I spoke to my GP recently he knew nothing of this but referred me to weight management clinic at the Hospital, so I’m def going to have multiple options to support me and increase my fitness.

Have a great weekend 😎
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1
Pulse 58
BP 134/83 when I got up. I will do another reading in a few minutes. And the results are in ... Labour, er, no sorry BP 125/79 so it' moving in the right direction. Whew.

Just had a shower. I think it is very important to keep me and the house clean and tidy whilst my wife is away. It is so easy and so quick for chaos to take over.

Doing the sound system at the practice at the church last night was very hard. Very moving.

Today church, a walk, rest, thinking of my wife.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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06:09 BS 8.1 & this is accurate as it’s a new sensor the other fell off & I had it replaced! Had a bath in the evening & it fell about an hour later.

Back to normal time too: that cup of coffee early yesterday morning helped to keep me up until about 19:30 ish; hadn’t had one in ages & just fancied it! The effects lasted a long time & it’s why I don’t drink coffee that often! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
4.3 cannot believe it first time it’s been this low in 4 months normally I wake up in the 5s or 6s , wow finally made it to the 4s club whoop whoop, good morning everyone !