Group 7-day waking average?


6.1 today, only plans are working and going to mums for when her boiler service man is there, so will get a walk home, joined in with the running groups squat challenge, so feeling the effects of that in my legs.

@eggyg - hope you have a wonderful holiday and congratulations on your HS.
Good morning. 6.6

Nasty grey wet morning after a long sleepless night. However feeling pretty cheerful as I think (fingers crossed) that this flare is beginning to die down. Not out of the woods yet but can see sun dappling through the leaves on the canopy.

At last have got my heart check for DVLA - next Tuesday. Parking for cardiac at Moriston Hospital is not good I am told but friend's husband, who is driving me there, is to load up her electric buggy to save me walking - don't want to risk setting the palindromic arthritis off again. Wish me luck - if I fail the test I shall lose my driving licence. Also got my Covid jab appointment through for 14th which is a relief. I really do not want another chest infection.

Hope everyone ahs a good day.
6.7 for me this on rising at 7am this morning, after the flattest night I can remember. Particularly pleased with that, considering I am battling a cold.


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Interesting thing with the police yesterday. As you know they’ve got my full medical records however they can’t seem to find the name of a counsellor I saw in early 2001.
I opened the copy of the records I have and went to the approximate date I gave them and lo and behold there are letters signed by that very counsellor about me.
I emailed the police including the phrase “as you’ve got my medical records I’m sure you’ve seen this already but…”

Honestly it does make you wonder why they requested the docs in the first place.
Finally new sensor is more or less up to speed being only +/-0.5 out with FT which is roughly what it usually is so, I can give my fingers a rest again! Phew!

On the BS front with the new recipe I started a bit higher on BS 9.1 by the time I finished cooking but, didn’t check, at that time, on FT so, don’t know how accurate that was & finished on BS 6.7 FT 7.5 with +4 NR of 52 because of the higher start factoring in I may have started in the 11s as the sensor was still reading about 2mmol lower at that time: I nearly ALWAYS have a high start because of DP as I don’t eat right away; STILL not a breakfast person & it’s just the way I am! 🙄 And I’ve learnt that NR actually lasts for me around 6 hours & is slower to start work due to my still high tolerance to insulin & it rarely works for me on an empty stomach without food! But, thanks to libre I can see that & learnt to work around it! 🙂 So, I eat further apart now for my meals to give NR time to work! That tolerance to insulin has gotten better & sometimes NR on an empty stomach DOES work to SOME degree but, not always & I don’t like to use NR that way & prefer correcting at the next meal albeit I’m out of range for longer!

The Kenyan chicken platter is just about the same effect on my BS as normal shepherds pie & I can possibly lower the carbs by using less potatoes & add some more veg? :confused: I like broccoli & it’s quite kind to my BS! 🙂

I’ve yet to try out half potato & half carrot & swede mash on my shepherds pie this week & will probably cook it tomorrow & see how that works out? :confused:

I’m going to start cooking a lamb casserole in the pressure cooker now as I fancied it after not eating it for months! 😛
So, so close with a 5.1 this morning for me.

Since being back we have been in a bit of chaos - my wife’s sister had an operation to fuse two bones in her foot together on the day we landed, so on Tuesday we collected her from hospital and she is staying with us for a while as she cannot put any weight on the foot yet and needs some care initially (otherwise they wouldn’t have done the operation). Plus, today we are having our long-awaited media wall installed so I have just fought off a hypo and cleared all the TV, AV receiver and a rat’s nest of wiring in readiness. Thankfully the porridge is kicking in now and I’m already back up in the low 6s.

Also got a telephone appointment with my hospital DSN at 11:30, interesting to hear their views on our Health Centre trying to move everyone onto Dexcom One. Plus my last 6 weeks were horrendous for control - but, you’ve got to enjoy life from time to time!

@Gwynn - so good to hear of the phone call from your wife. Keep busy and hopefully things will continue to improve for you.

Take care everyone!
Make sure your sister in law gets good after care and my other half's sister was left with nothing and has really struggled after a similar operation. She found a kneeling walker really helpful to get about when she couldn't weight bare as she had issues with crutches.
Another friend was given a boot to wear after the plaster came off which gave support.
Morning everyone, It's a 5.6 for me on this wet morning, I was going to do more gardening today but that
now seems to be rained off so will have to find something else to occupy me - like watching the tv.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Morning all.9.4 for me this morning.As of from tea time yesterday bloods started going up .High alarm going off regularly when I was out walking the dog .Got back home had tea 2 and a half carbs took 7 units of novorapid to bring sugars down ..Took dog out for 90 minutes Still high alarm going off.14 then up to 19 .Tested with blood test it said 14.6 .Took a large dose of 10 units to hopefully bring it down quickly..And I could treat the hypo if it happened.Not a jot .Just have to see if I'm coming down with something.Certainly nothing I've eaten or done .Have a good day folks and stay safe
Good afternoon all. 8.1 earlier. Been steady all night but a little high last night. BP low. The day is some-what cooler than yesterday at 13C with intermittent rain. Went for a walk after breakfast, going to have another shortly.
Enjoy your day whatever you're doing.
Whatever happened to not-very-funny but easy-watching sitcoms? The last thing I want to watch is something “very dark” LOL. You guys aren’t selling it to me, hahaha. 😛
I know exactly what you mean but what got me it was based on true events and i just couldn't imagine anything that bad to be honest dark doesn't even cut it
Morning all.9.4 for me this morning.As of from tea time yesterday bloods started going up .High alarm going off regularly when I was out walking the dog .Got back home had tea 2 and a half carbs took 7 units of novorapid to bring sugars down ..Took dog out for 90 minutes Still high alarm going off.14 then up to 19 .Tested with blood test it said 14.6 .Took a large dose of 10 units to hopefully bring it down quickly..And I could treat the hypo if it happened.Not a jot .Just have to see if I'm coming down with something.Certainly nothing I've eaten or done .Have a good day folks and stay safe
Could it be your insulin has gone off? Insulin is not only sensitive to temperature but also light.
So it's now early evening and it's been a beautiful day and for possibly the first day this year it's been warm! Odd how we are always different to the rest of the country!

5.0 at 8 am and I then had to get a shuffle on to get to the Dentist for an emergency appointment as a temp filling had gone AWOL and if my tooth had broken I'd have faced more Laboratory charges for my bridge. In the end it was minor and 10 mins in the chair sorted it. Traffic was a nightmare and it was getting on 11.30 when I got home.

I made quite a large fry up for brunch. Fried mash potatoes, fried bread, garlic tomatoes, fried egg, boiled ham. Horribly un-pc but really tasty! It also kept me in range all afternoon! We then rushed out to get the bus into town to do some errands and meet friends for the afternoon. Had a good laugh, but the couple who got to choose the venue this time (we take it in turn) chose somewhere that had no windows which was a bad choice on a beautiful day!

Hoping @eggyg has a lovely holidAY.

Congrats to @Pam123 yet again on your HS.

We don't have Netflix at present, ditched it for Amazon Prime, so shan't see the programme in question. Never mind. Red Eye on Channel 5 was very good, if a little unrealistic.
Could it be your insulin has gone off? Insulin is not only sensitive to temperature but also light.
Gonna put a new one in now Just got some on my script today .Just looked on phone it's 17 4 was in the 19s before that .I feel ok . Eaten well plenty of exercise. I know there is a 5 point difference between my phone which I use all the time and testing my bloods .Cheers Pattidevans .let you know how it goes
I see you @Bloden. When I watch series I'm generally looking for distraction and relax, not interested in suffering through them! Of course there are some more "tense" shows that can be worth watching but I generally go for lighter ones. I'm currently half way through both "Brooklyn 99" (love it) and "Superstore" (sometimes I find it funny and sometimes kind of embarrassing).

I've also discovered the joy of reading uncomplicated, feel good books. The sort with pastel coloured covers and titles like "The cozy cottage in Ireland". I admit a couple years ago I might have looked down on these type of books, wanting to feel more intellectual or something (lol). I do like different styles of books. At the moment I'm with George Orwell's "1984", which was in my bucket list since I was in high school. Let me tell you, I'm having to stop and take a breath often. Is interesting and I want to keep reading but I'm already thinking the next book should be one of the 'romance in the idyllic town' variety!