Group 7-day waking average?

Forgot to post earlier!

Last evening 18:56 BS 8.1 Body clock is moving round backwards this time after my scan left me out of whack with the half a night’s sleep this which was better than none at at all as per usual. Didn’t talk as much to the hospital transport driver this time & tried to rest my eyes as they were so blurry I had a kind of heightened 3D effect with rainbow refracted edges kind of like the 3D pictures that were trendy once upon a time where you unfocused your eyes until you see the picture: my eyes were unfocused from tiredness; that heightened 3D look with refracted rainbows is what those 3D pictures look like & I saw everything that way on Tuesday! It was a surreal looking day! 😱:rofl: I’m getting up earlier & eventually get up early enough to have a normal day! 🙄😱:rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS: Been getting experimental with cooking again & trying out some YouTube chicken & potatoes recipes. Just waiting for some herbs & spices in today’s shopping later, delayed a bit this week for Tuesday’s trip to Belfast & yesterday’s social worker visit, to try out a Kenyan recipe & I post about it after I’ve tried it. With chicken, potatoes, onions, garlic, cumin, fresh coriander leaves, chilli flakes, paprika, lemon juice & fennel. There’s only three herbs & spices I don’t like & they are fennel, dill & lemongrass so, didn’t get fennel & see what it tastes like without it? Will try a cajun chicken & potatoes recipe next week: 1 new thing at a time each week? :confused:
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Good morning all. 6.2 on this lovely morning. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous, so much so we ate our lunch outside. After half an hour we had to go in as we were burning! TBF, we aren’t used to it!

Last day before leaving for our Scottish holiday tomorrow. Cut and colour at 10am, I’ll pop to the butchers first for the meat and then Tesco to fill up with petrol. Then just the packing to do and a Hoover through. Very excited, weather looking good for the next few days in the Highlands, think it’s warmer up there than the rest of the country! Hoping to set off by 8am, it’ll take us at least seven hours but I’ve just realised it’s the Bank Holiday weekend and the NC500 route, which our cottage is on, might be a tad busy! There isn’t any WiFi or phone signal in the immediate area so you may not hear from me after tomorrow morning, so don’t worry! 😛

Have a good day and I hope the sun is shining for you too.
Morning folks. 🙂 4.9 for me.

The sky was like a blood orange as I left work last night, so I wasn’t expecting a return to wet ‘n windy this morning - what happened to shepherd’s delight?! 😳😛

Anyhoo, Thursday’s come sprinting round at break-neck speed again. Roll on the weekend!

Great to hear about the phone call with your wife @Gwynn.
A 4.9 for me today. 🙂

So, so close with a 5.1 this morning for me.

Since being back we have been in a bit of chaos - my wife’s sister had an operation to fuse two bones in her foot together on the day we landed, so on Tuesday we collected her from hospital and she is staying with us for a while as she cannot put any weight on the foot yet and needs some care initially (otherwise they wouldn’t have done the operation). Plus, today we are having our long-awaited media wall installed so I have just fought off a hypo and cleared all the TV, AV receiver and a rat’s nest of wiring in readiness. Thankfully the porridge is kicking in now and I’m already back up in the low 6s.

Also got a telephone appointment with my hospital DSN at 11:30, interesting to hear their views on our Health Centre trying to move everyone onto Dexcom One. Plus my last 6 weeks were horrendous for control - but, you’ve got to enjoy life from time to time!

@Gwynn - so good to hear of the phone call from your wife. Keep busy and hopefully things will continue to improve for you.

Take care everyone!
Good morning Glucose Gurus.

A grey and damp day here. When will this ever end! Bought some plants at the local cooperative Garden Centre yesterday. But hardly inviting to put them in!

Started with a 5.5 this morning. Hope everyone has a good day. Remember your photo ID if you are doing your civic duty later.
5.6 for me after a night's sleep disturbed by a raging thunderstorm in the small hours. Dull, grey and wet out there this morning and seems it's staying that way all day. Must look up 'Spring' in the dictionary.

Swim later and straight from there for my covid booster, lunch in town as it's the the bus today and otherwise I'd not be having lunch until I got home sometime after 2 o'clock, then off to vote after dinner.

Got an invite from my surgery yesterday for an 'Advanced Diabetes Reversal Session' next week, so have booked a place just to see what they have to say. This is a follow-up to the 6-week course they ran last year for T2s that set out, in their words, to 'challenge current NHS thinking'. The fact that one of the sessions was titled 'Dietary Fat Is Not the Enemy' gives you an idea of where they're coming from.

@Gwynn - pleased to read that things are looking up after a rough few days

@eggyg - safe journey and have a great time in Scotland.

Have a good day, weather permitting.

5.6 today, which I am very surprised at as I had chicken and pasta for dinner last night, just couldn’t resist it. I did go for a run/walk with the running group, although we kind of cheated as it was hills session, we ran down the hills and walked back up, but tried to walk at a good pace rather than a slow stroll.

@Gwynn - so pleased you had a conversation with your wife.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS

@Pam123 - congratulations on yesterday’s HS.

Very grey here today, had a little bit of a thunderstorm in the night but wasn’t bad.
Morning everyone, it’s a 5.3 for me today after a disturbed nights sleep,

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Good morning. 6.7 - quite undeserved as was very low carb yesterday. I think it is probably the pain keeping me awake. Tedious.

Unless fog banks are 210m deep is likely I am in low cloud today. Whoever made up that rhyme about "March winds and April showers bring forth May's flowers" seems to have failed to mention a need for foghorns when driving.

Didn't get shopping done yesterday - think I'll have to do some today as I am down to my penultimate chicken quarter in the freezer and 25% of a pint bottle of milk. Well I do have frozen peas and summer fruit plus leeks in the garden but I doubt I can conjure fine cuisine from that lot!

Hope everyone else is getting some sun.
Another update.

Very busy this morning as I tackled the front garden jungle. 20 bin bags of weeds later and it is mostly sorted. I ache for England now.

My wife tried to phone me again this morning but I was fighting the wild undergrowth!!! I phoned her back and she answered (last time she was poorly she would not answer her phone). We had a really nice long chat. She did sound a little strained but still a zillion percent better than before. And her sentences are making sense again!

Apparently she wants me to try to make bread in her bread maker! Never done it before as it was always her thing. I will give it a go later on after my walk. Bread from the bread maker is sooo good.
7.2 for me. I took a reading of my BP as I had a nosebleed earlier, BP was 108/68, pulse 58 resting.
Lovely day here with wall-wall blue sky and 20C, hazy sunshine now.
Afternoon all on yet another grey day. Yesterday was lovely - though a cold wind, it seems we get alternate sunny days now, which is better than all grey ones.

Was up early but had to get ready for the annual video chat with our financial advisor so had to look reasonable, not a slob in a dressing gown. Then got involved doing "stuff" like stripping the bed, checking email and looking online for the candidates for police commissioner. Anyway a shocking 10.7 first thing. Don't know why, though I have a nasty lot of pain in my neck and shoulders, so perhaps it's that.

Not got much on today except a video chat with an old friend at 5pm. Oh and trying to decide whether or not to book a Rhine cruise. Half of me wants to, the other half doesn't, but J wants to.

So pleased to hear the news about your wife @Gwynn. I'm sure she'll be very pleased with your gardening and tidying efforts when she gets home.

Have a good day all......
00:43 BS 5.8 but, new sensor that’s running about 2mmol lower than what it is & keeping that in mind as I stick with it for a day & see if it improves? FT test BS 7.9. 🙂 Happy enough with that!

A Very Good Morning coming up for you normal lot & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

What is it they say about well laid plans? Well, asda delivery was about 90 minutes late as I got a call from the driver saying the van had broken down & it would be late: he didn’t know how long but, the order was definitely coming! So, I was delayed in sleeping & kept dozing off trying to stay awake for it & was absolutely shattered by the it did arrive! So, other than just a biscuit to keep BS up after midday tresiba & new sensor change I didn’t eat dinner before bed at all! And as it turned out that biscuit was completely unnecessary as the sensor hovering around in the 3s I finally twigged & FT testing well, it would probably have been in the 5s really without the biscuit so, maybe it WAS necessary as a precaution? Put the shopping away & went straight to bed. So, my body clock has been delayed again & I woke up later! My body clock CAN get AWFULLY CONFUSED at times!

Now after a couple of hours I’m finally going to cook the Kenyan recipe & typing half of this while the potatoes are in the oven before I do the chicken bit! & type the other half when I’ve eaten it. But, I’ll post it all in one go!

2nd half:- The smell was delicious cooking it: I a little bit for one portion to try it out & did it by eye with small bits of herbs & spices; and, of course, there’s no fennel as I don’t like it!

It tasted a tiny bit bland to me as I may have been too cautious with the herbs & spices but, I like the smell of it! Also, it’s a completely different flavour profile than I’m used: haven’t tried much, African recipes; probably why I was drawn to try this one? Only tried an African chilli chicken with rice before cooked with dark chocolate which I had at a friend’s house for dinner once & it’s surprisingly common to use chocolate in cooking savoury dinner dishes, apparently!

So, it’s certainly worth trying again in the full recipe with the proper amounts of things? :confused:

Here’s the YouTube video of the recipe if you want to give it a go?

Oh! I cooked the potatoes, frozen diced potatoes, in the oven for about 30/35 minutes first as I’m a lazy cook & started the chicken before adding in the potatoes AND I forgot to mention the Thyme in the recipe: checked the video again before I started cooking! 😳:confused:🙄