Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.5 and that is even after a delay after getting up at 3:30am
BP is still high and I think the rushing thumping sound in my ears woke me up. Should I ring 111 for some advice do you think. My BP just isn't coming down.
Pulse is way high for me but still in the normal range. Normally it is around 50 but with the stress going on it is arond 70. 20 points over its normal value. Just checked it again after sitting quietly for a while ... pulse is 95!

Yesterday I cleared most of the front garden of weeds and stuff. It took a few hours and by the end of it all, 20 bin bags of stuff later, and very achy back, legs, arms and neck, it was finished. Still. Very painful this morning.

The tidying of the house will continue today ... at a much slower pace ... and a hobble/walk with my friend later on this afternoon.

My wife rang me again and asked me to talk to the doctors/consultants to get them to 'discharge' her. Hmmm. I will speak to them but it is their medical judgement that will get her discharged or not and one week in hospital is certainly insufficient.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. Been awake since 2.25 and eventually got out of bed at 3.40. And guess what? 5.2! Bit extreme having to get up at the crack of dawn to get a HS!

My mind was buzzing about the holiday and I just remembered that I’d better write down the cottage’s postcode, keysafe number and contact details as I may not be able to get onto my emails if there isn’t any WiFi. ( Although I won’t be able to get in touch with the “contact details” as there isn’t any phone signal either). I was scared I would fall asleep and not remember before we left! Just spent an hour doing that and checking on the bank and credit card as I won’t be able to pay my credit card bill or transfer money from accounts either. All sorted now. Had to pay CC early, I hate doing that, I like to leave it as close as possible! Unless we’ve a huge emergency, car for example, I shouldn’t need to transfer any money from the savings, fingers crossed. We totally rely on internet banking these days, it will seem weird not being able to. Amongst other things too, should I take my entire collection of Encyclopaedia Britannica with me? :rofl: It’ll be strange being off grid, we’ll have to talk to each other.😉 No streaming either, luckily we finished Baby Reindeer on Netflix the other night. I couldn’t have waited two weeks to see what the outcome was. Weird, dark but strongly compelling. Give it a go if you want something different, it could be triggering though.

That’s me for now, I may or may not be in touch in the next two weeks. Take care of yourselves.
Over and out, Mr and Mrs Eggy.


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Morning all. Been awake since 2.25 and eventually got out of bed at 3.40. And guess what? 5.2! Bit extreme having to get up at the crack of dawn to get a HS!

My mind was buzzing about the holiday and I just remembered that I’d better write down the cottage’s postcode, keysafe number and contact details as I may not be able to get onto my emails if there isn’t any WiFi. ( Although I won’t be able to get in touch with the “contact details” as there isn’t any phone signal either). I was scared I would fall asleep and not remember before we left! Just spent an hour doing that and checking on the bank and credit card as I won’t be able to pay my credit card bill or transfer money from accounts either. All sorted now. Had to pay CC early, I hate doing that, I like to leave it as close as possible! Unless we’ve a huge emergency, car for example, I shouldn’t need to transfer any money from the savings, fingers crossed. We totally rely on internet banking these days, it will seem weird not being able to. Amongst other things too, should I take my entire collection of Encyclopaedia Britannica with me? :rofl: It’ll be strange being off grid, we’ll have to talk to each other.😉 No streaming either, luckily we finished Baby Reindeer on Netflix the other night. I couldn’t have waited two weeks to see what the outcome was. Weird, dark but strongly compelling. Give it a go if you want something different, it could be triggering though.

That’s me for now, I may or may not be in touch in the next two weeks. Take care of yourselves.
Over and out, Mr and Mrs Eggy.
Congratulations on the HS! 🙂 Enjoy your holiday, hope everything goes smoothly 🙂
@eggyg I’ve struggled watching Baby Reindeer. I’m three episodes in and I think it might be my limit tbh.

Enjoy your time away in the wilds of Scottishland and it’s been noted that you won’t have WiFi or a phone signal so I just hope you don’t cross paths with a herd of wild haggis, especially as it’s birthing season and they can get really territorial.
Slept a little better last night. Still disturbed but not as much as the day before.


Eye test this morning. Not the retinopathy one but just the normal one at Vision Express! I’m going to see if we can’t figure out a better version of varifocals than the pair I got from Asda. I’m thinking it’ll all be about the lens and Asda just had one standard varifocal whereas VE have many options. I dread to think what it’ll cost me but I’m bracing myself for the second mortgage!
Good morning a 6.9 from me today

Looking forward to the long weekend ahead
Morning a 6.2 for me and a very good nights sleep so hope those having a disturbed sleep for whatever reason get back to normal.
My wife struggles and when I ask why she says her Ind is swirling with thoughts.When I ask what thoughts she says stuff.
Had a lovely day yesterday apart from my lovely pre planned lunch spot plans went awry as I could not get parked as something going on locally.
Never mind decided to follow a sign on way home for a cafe advertised in middle of nowhere.
Really nice as was in a farm cum butchery and lovely toastie and Snugburys ice cream so perfect and a,so bought some meat as well.
Another very nice day planned near Chester and have my eyes on an ice cream shop on a farm which claims the biggest selection in Cheshire.
May have to call before hopefully a lovely long w/ end.
Everyone enjoy your breaks and of course Eggy congrats on the HS and have a great break being off grid.
@eggyg I’ve struggled watching Baby Reindeer. I’m three episodes in and I think it might be my limit tbh.

Enjoy your time away in the wilds of Scottishland and it’s been noted that you won’t have WiFi or a phone signal so I just hope you don’t cross paths with a herd of wild haggis, especially as it’s birthing season and they can get really territorial.
Definitely don’t watch episode 4 Colin. It takes a very dark turn.
I’ll watch oot fae the wee haggis and the highlan’ coos. 😉
PS one of our daschunds is called Haggis ( Colin the recalcitrant one) and I won’t mention to him the “ wild Haggis hunting” even if Eggy is hundreds of miles away as I don’t want him worrying about “ stuff” disturbing his sleep
All joking aside. I love haggis and I bought some in my local butchers yesterday to take with me. Talk about coals to Newcastle! :rofl:
Definitely don’t watch episode 4 Colin. It takes a very dark turn.
I’ll watch oot fae the wee haggis and the highlan’ coos. 😉
I know what happens in ep 4… that’s partly why I’ve stopped.

It’s very good though so it makes it a pity that I can’t watch it.
PS one of our daschunds is called Haggis ( Colin the recalcitrant one) and I won’t mention to him the “ wild Haggis hunting” even if Eggy is hundreds of miles away as I don’t want him worrying about “ stuff” disturbing his sleep
Good name!
Good morning everyone! 7'8.

We have a new worker starting in the restaurant who is Spanish. I'm telling everyone don't tell him I'm Spanish as well because I want to see if he notices quickly. I "tricked" a Spanish neighbour for a while :rofl:

@eggyg enjoy your Scottish holiday! Sounds a bit too remote for me, it's true how much we are used to rely on the internet. I admit I could use some reduction on screen time but would want some connection, especially in a place I don't know!
A round 5.0 for me today. 🙂 And @eggyg enjoy your holiday in Scotland.

Morning all, 4.3 here, and I was crawling along the top of the red for the second half of the night. We did 7 miles yesterday, but it didn’t feel like it. Because of my cold, we had a coffee stop at the tearooms we passed on the way out, a picnic at the furthest point, and then another stop at the tearoom on the way back, so I was surprised it took that much out of me.
Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday, @eggyg .
Minor update. I did ring 111 in the end as things were worrying me a bit too much. After taking down all the details a doctor rang me back and has prescribed some beta blockers which I will pick up at 10am when the pharmacy opens.

One of my family died of heart failure so I guess it is on my mind.

It all seems a bit 'dark' right now. Sorry for the protracted difficult news. Things will improve I am sure...
Morning folks. 🙂 6.7 here.

Wow, I’m pooped, and that’s after a lie-in. I managed to vote on my way home from work last night - no queue at 9.45pm LOL, just a group of tired-looking officials. This morning, it’s admin and lesson planning for next week. Then another bathroom fitter coming round this arvo to give us a quote. It’s all go...
It's another filthy morning here - grey, overcast and wet and it's just started raining again. I read yesterday that we've already had 96% of the average Spring rainfall, and we still have 4 weeks to go. Another Bank Holiday Weekend washout? Hope not - it's our town's annual May Fayre on Monday.

Got my covid booster yesterday and no ill effects so far other than a sore arm at the injection site. Woke me up a few times during the night because I'd rolled over onto it.

Had gammon steak with celeriac chips, carrot & green beans yesterday evening and got a remarkably low post-prandial 4.7 (4.8 RH, 4.6 LH) whereas my historical average is 5.6 for that meal. However, we had walked to the Polling Station and back after dinner so I guess that shows what a post-meal walk can do.

Big Shop Day so off to Sainsbury's and the garden centre greengrocer later, and will try and fit in a haircut before lunch. First things first, though - coffee and read the paper.

@Gwynn - hope the medication you've been prescribed settles things down.

@eggyg - I'm sure you're not going to spend the whole 2 weeks in your holiday cottage and not go anywhere, so I'm sure you'll get a phone signal at some point while you're out and about. Congrats on the HS.

A nice round 5.0 for me this morning and weekly BP check 124/72, so just a toe over the border into High Normal.

Enjoy Poet's Day.
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