Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 🙂 7.0 for me.

I’m very organized this week for some reason. Got most of my classes planned, so I can spend an hour in the garden this morning (shhhh, it’s sunny!) before heading off to work this afternoon. Woohoo!

Sorry to hear about your friend @Eternal422.
A HS-1 (4.2 ) for me today. 🙂
It's much warmer than of late and temperatures are threatening to struggle into double digits. 😱

And it’s a 5.7 for me today after a pretty good nights sleep for a change.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
5.3 this morning, starting to do better now back at home and eating normally again!

We have a new edition to the family-in-the-making today as well, and then there were three :


@Gwynn - hope you’re ok and glad you’re finding things to do beneficial. Your keyboard antics causes me to ask you, do you know The Keyboard’s On My Foot? 😉

Take care everyone!

7.1 today after a bad evening of eating, oh well new month today so let’s start again. Going out with the running group again tonight.

Congratulations to the HS from yesterday.
Good morning. 6.0

How pleasant to see some blue sky after yesterday, although there is still plenty of cloud about.

Still boringly incapacitated so decided to do a Tesco's order - ah - slight problem - no delivery slots this week at all! While it is true that I need to be stricter with my diet and get some weight off I draw the line at total starvation. I can, I think, do the drive but I am not walking well enough to get around the shop. Click and collect it is then. I hate buying veggies which i haven't picked out myself as they weirdly all have short dates on them. Couldn't possibly be a mean commercial instruction from management to packer could it?

Have a good day all.
5.5 for me on a rather grey, dull and misty - yes, misty - Berkshire morning. Everything outside was soaking wet when I opened the curtains this morning, too. It's forecast to brighten up but, inevitably, there's rain coming in this afternoon. Shame, after the last 2 sunny days I was hoping to get some garden maintenance in and, as today's a washday, our washing dry on the line.

@Eternal422 - Gwynn's old enough to remember the PG Tips ads so hopefully he gets the joke.

@Gwynn - please to see your BP's come down. No surprise it was up with what you've had to contend with. My HR is mostly low 50s too but I do sometimes get a 60-something. It's not something I worry about.

Can't believe it's May already.
And its another 5.2 for me with a nice straight ish line was hoping to start on the garden but it raining fingers crossed it will be better later on have a good day everyone


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Snap. Mine was also 6.4 with a flat line.

For once the sun has got it's hat on... hip hip hip hip hooray!

Off out for lunch with a girlfriend now and then home and meet friends in the local early evening. Dinner is in the fridge all ready to warm up for when we get in. Our new garden arch has been delivered this morning so we can get on with erecting that tomorrow if it doesn't rain again.

@Pam123 - my alarm is always going off when I am having a hot shower. Not at all convenient! Congrats on your HS.
Just finished clearing the house side passage. It was covered with weeds and stuff. See attached.


And the before image (just to show how much work was involved... hmm the walls need cleaning!

I am in shock!!!

I have just had a phone call from my wife! She sounded calm, coherent, and settled. The call went really well. Over 20 minutes. My fears may have been unfounded. A real answer to prayer.

I am both joyful and shocked at the same time. I wonder what this will do to my blood pressure!

This is so unlike the last time, thankfully
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6
BP 126/78 that's not too bad considering things

Today a real bash at the front and back gardens and some cleaning to do around the house.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning a 6.7 for me and another gentle line overnight.
Nice quiet day in lead up to B/H weekend with nice trip to Cheshire countryside and looking forward to trying a new lunch spot with decent weather.
Lovely start to day walked the dogs and settling down and starting to get a few little jobs sorted out.
Anyway finally looks like weather in the up and that tends to help spread the smiles.