Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, it's a very happy 5.2 for me on this lovely sunny and warm morning.

Have a good day folks and take care.
Morning all. Another day of wall to wall rain! Spring is apparently here though, our next door neighbour's garden looks like it's decked out for a wedding as pink Wisteria is draping all her fences in profusion. It's really pretty.

7.4 after a corrective ginger cookie at 1 am.

My "diabetic review" yesterday afternoon was actually just a blood draw. I mentioned to the lady drawing blood who I know well that I was concerned that the Doxasozin I'm on for my BP was causing me to need to pee suddenly and more often (a known side effect) so she sent me off to do a sample and after dipping it said she thought I might have a mild bladder infection. I await lab results, but it might explain the slightly raised morning BGs I've been having. What fun it all is. I'm sick of taking one pill to cure the side effects of yet another pill.

My excitement for today is getting a Covid booster - more fun. Andddd... doing the ironing, but I don't mind that as I can watch cooking programmes or house improvement ones on the TV at the same time. Tonight I'm going to try out a new recipe from this month's Delicious mag. Braised sausages, lentils and fennel. Picture looks nice and 32g carb per portion.

Glad to hear your exam went well @Lily123.

Well done @Grannylorraine on getting back to exercise.

Have a good day all.
Spring is apparently here though, our next door neighbour's garden looks like it's decked out for a wedding as pink Wisteria is draping all her fences in profusion. It's really pretty.
That's amazing - our wisteria is only just budding.
Good morning (barely!). 7'8.

On the way to the city to see my friend. The weather forecast there is not very promising but neither is the one for my town! At least I'll get some social time. When is nicer we like to go on walks, today will be browsing the shops and having lunch somewhere. We can always have a walk around the city if it clears up later on.

Yesterday I cleared and tidied a couple of drawers, including the tea & coffee one. I present you my collection. If I invite someone to a cup of tea they are spoilt for choice. If they prefer coffee all I can offer is Nescafé and chances are I don't even have milk :rofl:
8.1 for me today. A bright, warm and sunny day here, although the cloud is creeping in now. Might sit out in the garden later. Clara has given me her guitar as she never played it and it was left in a corner of her bedroom.
Edit; what pillock forgot to press the enter key at 8:15 this morning. 😳😱
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

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Morning all.

@Gwynn I would have been amazed if your blood pressure wasn’t high right now given everything that’s going on. I’m sure it’ll come back down of its own accord given time.

Everything for new is up a bit BG this morning 8.7. BP is high. Atrociously broken sleep last night as well.

CICA requested assessment thing went well I think. It was emotional going over details again but he was patient, compassionate, thorough etc. He’ll submit his report by the end of the week and I’m entitled to a copy but I have to request it which I’ve done.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 excellent
BP 122/67 so much better. Yesterday evening it peaked at 147/87
Pulse is a little high for me at 63. It is normally in the low 50's in the morning

Slept well (on the couch) I can't bring myself to sleep in the bed.

Spent most of yesterday sorting out the cluttered bedroom. Saw my friend who had returned from Uganda.

However, silly little incident yesterday. I decided to get my rather large, very heavy keyboard back upstairs. I can just about lift it. Halfway up the stairs, precariously balanced and my trowsers fell down!!! I could hardly move my legs. I almost lost my grip and footing too. Getting the keyboard to the top of the stairs was almost impossible!! I did manage it thankfully.

If it doesn't rain I may sort out the garden. It needs seriously weeding and my wifes many dead potted plants removing !

Keeping busy is really helping me

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 5.1. Happy with that.

Another nice morning, yesterday was lovely, all the washing dried, just got to iron the damn stuff now! Cooking day today, prepping meals for holidays that we can take fresh and pop in the freezer. Prescription to pick up, had to order Libre early, hope it’s in.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Good morning 8.2 today, yesterday was 10.2
GP phoned yesterday (unexpectedly) following the letter the Diabetic consultant had sent

Have a wonderful Wednesday 😎
So sorry to hear of your travails Gwynn and your disturbed night Colin and congrats on the HSs and hope you enjoy your walking trip Eggy.
A 6.7 for me and a flatfish overnight after a long day yesterday and when I got back electrician had finished so job done.
Finally our roofing Company are coming today to sort our garage roof out after a long wait but they are good.
We only use the garage for storage as it is at the bottom of our garden in the small orchard we have and there is no road access but does need attention after damage by the dreaded Ivy.
Trip to Liverpool today and maybe collect some rockery stone which I have always liked.
I used to have a landscape gardening business which I did outside of work and fondly remember a big job we had which involved moving 80 tonne of rockery stone from the quarry to the customer.
I always remember the quarry owner and she was 70 at the time handballing these rocks some weighing up to 40-50kg into the crates.
Anyway have a good day all
Morning all, 7.0 here, and falling. Did an eight mile walk yesterday with some steep bits in it, and had a glass of wine last night, so skipped my evening Levemir (normally 3 units). Had a completely flat line until 4am, when I suddenly shot up to double figures. Happened to wake up, so stuck a couple of units of Novorapid in, and now the graph is trending downwards.