Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! A slightly better 8.9 for me. I change out the Isophane yesterday evening and my BG was better although I reverted to my normal dose. So it seems the last 10% - 15% had lost some of its efficacy.

Have to note the sun is shining! Quite unusual not to have to put the lights on at this time!
Good morning everyone! 7'9 with a gentle rise since 4 am, not sure why.

I made a bean chilli yesterday, light on the chili. I was looking online for "mild chilli recipes" and Google gave me a website with recipes for fussy children. Ehm, how dare you?? I'm not a child, I'm an adult with low spice tolerance and a love for Disney movies! 😛

Have a nice start of the week.
Good morning a slightly more respectable 6.2 from me today

I had my eye treatment yesterday, surprisingly only one eye needed a injection this time
my left eye has responded well to the current treatment (Vabysmo)
however right eye is the same as it was back at the start of the year,

Had a chat with consultant, she felt at next appointment, which should be in 6 to 8 weeks time,
if my right eye still needs treatment she can inject a pellet of steroid that slowly releases to reduce the swelling, this will be dependant on what they see at that scan.

Have a magic Monday everyone
TC 😎
Morning all. 5.7 on this rather wet morning. Well, Mr Eggy is going to a funeral so I shouldn’t be surprised, burial too, definitely shouldn’t be surprised.

Busy few days ahead prepping for our Highland Fling on Friday. I’m going to drop Mr E off at the church, hoping he’ll be able to cadge a lift to the cemetery afterwards, I’ll pop to Tesco for the last few bits and pieces, I may pick up a book or two, I got four for my birthday just 10 days ago and I’ve just started the last one! I’ve loads on iBooks but I still like to take a real book with me, if we can squeeze them in the car! As the cottage I’ve booked is probably even more remote than I think we’ve been before, most of the boot will be filled with food! A tiny corner will be reserved for a hold-all with our clothes in! 😉

@Lily123 good luck with your Spanish oral exam, I’ve no advice as my Spanish is limited to dos cervezas por favor! I did French and German at school and failed my French O Level oral exam spectacularly. I kept answering in German! 🙄 In my defence I had the same teacher for both lessons and he was asking the questions! Strangely enough I didn’t speak French in my German oral.:rofl:

Have a Happy Monday if you’re able.
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Top o the morning and a 6.1 for me.
Lovely w/ end,nice weather,good lunch,moved some bricks and brought home a bird table yesterday and felt tired o slept well.
Trip to Mold today and a longer one to Bangor tomorrow but nice scenery and was going to have an ice cream.But had a huge one to top off lunch as normally my daughter who works there somehow manages to get a lot of ice cream of different flavours into a single tub.
She was not working so ended up with being given a double tub as I asked for 2 flavours by the new assistant and a big amount but it was delicious.
Someone once said I am only tempted by temptation well in my case ice cream is my big weakness.
Off to get my new source of Creon this morning so see how that goes and enjoy your weeks
A 4.7 for me this morning. Back to the rainy season. :(
And Buena suerte @Lily123

And it’s a 6.2 for me this sunny morning.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Scores on the doors 6.2 for me.

Hope everyone has a good week.
Good morning 6.4

Wretched flare continuing, hobbling about with a stick, very tedious. Yesterday was quite a pleasant day if chilly, ending in a beautiful evening. Today? 100% heavy continuous cloud, rain, wind and a forecast of 90% probability of heavy rain until 17.00 hours. Downright depressing.

Hope it is better where you all are.
Wretched flare continuing, hobbling about with a stick, very tedious. Yesterday was quite a pleasant day if chilly, ending in a beautiful evening. Today? 100% heavy continuous cloud, rain, wind and a forecast of 90% probability of heavy rain until 17.00 hours. Downright depressing.

Hope your mobility improves @TinaD and the flare settles down.

Yes weather forecaster said warmer, but lots of wet days to come over the next fortnight. :( :( :(
5.4 for me on a lovely, sunny Berkshire morning. Has Spring decided to stage a comeback? Had an astonishing 7 hours uninterrupted sleep last night, not even needing the usual trip to the bathroom in the small hours. More of the same, please.

My wife took the car back to the dealer this morning and it's been retested and passed its MoT. Only took a few minutes as all they had to do was check we had 4 new tyres on. No news from the mechanic yet on the replacement air-con pump for our youngest's car, though.

Off the the pool later. Don't usually go on a Monday but I'd miss out tomorrow if the mechanic's here, whereas if he turns up today we have two WFH. Thought about going Saturday but there's only one lane swimming session on Saturdays so it would probably have been busy.

Monday is the day we strip the beds and if the forecast is right I might get everything dry out on the line.

Have a good start to the week, whatever you're doing.
Morning all and 7.3 for me.

Bright and sunny here but it's set to change. Tomorrow is supposed to be glorious round here so we'll see.

Need to get hair clippers out and charged. I'm currently sporting a mad professor look.

Have the best day you can everyone.
Morning all - absolutely miserable here. Grey and raining.

Shocking 10.6 this morning first thing. Don't understand it at all, yesterday I woke in the 5s and then it kept going low. I've not altered anything, but then, when do we understand it? Since we had a cooked lunch I only had a slice of toast with pate for dinner.

Diabetic review with a HCA at the GPs this afternoon. Rather pointless as I am looked after by the specialist pump team at the county hospital diabetes centre. Not sure the HCA knows anything about T1 either. Still I think they get some payment for it.

Sorry to heart you are still suffering @TinaD
Good luck to @Lily123

7.2 today, did eat crisps and roast potatoes, plus feel like I have another cold coming, on the plus side no sweet food was eaten, so baby steps, going to meet up with the running group this evening weather permitting, and try to do a run walk if I can’t do the full 5k. I have signed up to the London Landmarks 1/2 marathon to give me a goal to aim for with the running again, and a 10K in September and another one I. February.

@Lily123 - good luck with your exam today.