Group 7-day waking average?

GoodMorning Sunday 8.2 today
might’ve been slightly lower as technically it wasn’t actually a waking reading
had already used the bathroom & first cup of tea (back in bed) when I tested

We met up with my sister yesterday for lunch
which was nice, as it’s been a few months since we saw her

Been a difficult but productive week at work last week
there is so much going on at work at the moment, it’s not easy lots of things are changing,
and not easy trying to maintain normality and deliver what’s required by the company.

I have my eye treatment this afternoon will see but I’m sure both eyes will need treatment again, especially as it’s been a while sins the last treatment

a few days ago I received the copy of the letter Diabetic Consultant has sent to my GP
having read it can see he obviously wasn’t really listening to me … so frustrating

Im feeling quite anxious, might get moving go and have a swim this morning
Morning all. 4.9. A steady drop through the night but despite eating breakfast before bolussing (i know, but i was hungry) its dropped quickly. Time to dial back the basal a bit more i think. I like how Tresiba keeps me steady but it is a pain how long it takes to see the effect of any changes.

Its raining here and looks like it has been all night. The forecast says rain all day. I think a soak in the bath (minus epsom salts) then a sofa day reading, watching tv, crochet is in order.

@ColinUK i like the idea of the floatation tank but i'm not sure i'd like to be shut in! Is it claustrophobic?
Morning everyone, it's a happy 5.9 for me today after a night of heavy rain here, and the forecast is
for more of the same all day.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
@freesia It really isn’t claustrophobic at all. Also you’re in control of whether the door is closed or open, if the lights are on or off etc.
It’s much warmer with the door closed. Also if it’s open then there’s a discernible difference between the temperature of the bits of you that are in the water and the bits that aren’t. But it’s certainly something that takes a bit of getting used to.
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9.8 this morning when I took my basal. It was 7.2 when bolussed at breakfast. The spike wasn't very noticeable after my walk an hour later. Been having a strum of my guitar - the Unforgiven - by Metallica and some finger-picking too. Feeling stable for a change.
late posting today as dashed out after breakfast on an unexpected shopping trip at the request of my daughter, just got back 2 hours to spare before we are out again for our sunday lunch well much to me surprise Libre was 5.3 this morning and so was the finger prick flat line all night as well its just stopped raining here but cold i am resisting putting the heating on hope everyone has a good rest of the day
@freesia It really isn’t claustrophobic at all. Also you’re in control of whether the door is closed or open, if the lights are on or off etc.
It’s much warmer with the door closed. Also if it’s open then there’s a discernible difference between the temperature of the bus if you that are in the water and the bits that aren’t. But it’s certainly something that takes a bit of getting used to.
Do you take your own bus or is it supplied? 😛
I believe it was 7.9 this morning but work place still seem to sending me emails that are sent to everyone even they basically let me go. Which is odd. And receiving emails brings back the feelings of when I got the email giving the news in first place.
Hii. 5'7 this morning.

Yesterday I didn't feel like having a proper breakfast (and didn't have much time either) so I went for a tea with 2 biscuits and a small chunk of chocolate. I did regret it. My Libre graph shows a quick raise of 6ish mmol and an equally quick descent of around 8 mmol? I did not go hypo but that big glucose drop made me feel dreadful. Not helped by a stressful morning at work. And of course I was hungry again pretty soon.

Is interesting how when I was a child that was the standard breakfast: biscuits or muffins or cereal, coffee for grown-ups and a glass of milk for us kids, with cocoa if you liked. Naked carbs, basically. I'm no fitness pro by any means but this days I don't do breakfast without some protein, a biscuit can be an "complement" to it but is not a meal. Diabetes aside I've learnt it doesn't fill you at all. It's been a while but I think I arrived pretty hungry to the school lunch break :confused:

Today went for a safer choice of yogurt with walnuts and seeds. Not super filling either but no spike. Work very busy again but better mood, no doubt helped by the supervisor starting one hour later than me, so I had a relaxing start of the day without her stressing me from the beginning. By the time she arrived she had plenty to do to keep herself busy :D
I cannot remember just how much of an update I have given you.

I managed to get through to the hospital late yesterday afternoon and the consultant reassured me that my wife was settling in ok.

That helped me a lot to feel more settled in myself. I just can't get my head around the fact that no one contacted me to say where she was or what they intend to do or even that she is ok. Especially as she was reported missing vulnerable to the police who later found her.

I know that this is the start of a rocky road for her and for us as a couple because I have been here before with her. The last time she returned from hospital she was determined to leave me! And I would have let her go if that had been what she truly wanted. It was a very hard time for me as she worked through her emotions, injuries, pain, anger but we did get through it. It damaged me terribly but I put that aside for her sake. I am just a bit aprehensive that we may have all that to go through again. I am not keen on pain and suffering in either me or my wife.
Evening all. It has been a lovely day weather wise.

At 8:30 am I was 5.1. Middle of the night my sensor had ended 8 days early and I had applied a new sensor. Initially it was doing the "wait 10 minutes" thing, but it eventually got going. Unfortunately my meter battery was flat, so I had to wait for a test to see what my BG was. This morning I was within 0.3 (4.1 AND 4.3) so I think I can trust this sensor. Fun and games though as the sensor was alarming whilst I was in the shower - not the most convenient time. When I finally got my phone I was waving it over my omnipod and wondering why it wasn't registering.... DOH!

Rushed around getting things ready for lunch and got all in place for my friend to arrive for lunch on time. Lunch went down well but my friend had to leave quite soon after we had finished as the last bus on a Sunday goes at 4:26. Ridiculous time! I then fell asleep on the sofa for an hour or so!

Well tomorrow I shall have to ring Abbott to get the sensor that only lasted 6 days replaced. That's 2 in a row. I am normally able to rely on the sensors much better than that.

@Gwynn glad you finally got through to the Consultant and got some reassurance, but so sorry to hear about the probable anxiety and so on that is likely to follow.
Yay. I have the dubious honour of being first. Then again I’ve been awake for an hour already…


Now time to doze or meditate at least
Good morning - 5.7

Spanish speaking exam today - hopefully should go well.

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning

BG 4.9

Slept well (late 1pm, but well)

BP is rather high and won't come down

Another empty day ahead