Group 7-day waking average?

I’m not worried about anyone seeing me in my PJs it’s my hair I wouldn’t want you to see! Imagine a mad professor crossed with Oor Willie. You might have to Google him! :rofl: Enjoy Houghton Hall, always nice to visit.
Gosh Oor Willie took me back along with the Broons.
My parents used to always get the Sunday Post which I loved reading even though we lived in Northumberland
Morning all and 7.3 for me.

Abbott were very prompt at getting back to me about dodgy sensor and replacement is on its way.

Got a bit of a achy arm from the COVID jab. Twinged a bit when I rolled over on it in bed.

Not sure what the day will bring but need to brush up a couple of songs for next weekend.

Have a good day everyone.
Gosh Oor Willie took me back along with the Broons.
My parents used to always get the Sunday Post which I loved reading even though we lived in Northumberland
Everyone in Carlisle read the Sunday Post, a lot of us, myself included, are partly Scots as we’re so close to the border. I still have my Broons and Oor Willie albums which I got every Christmas. They still make me laugh. “Jings, crivens and help ma Baob!” Think that means, “goodness gracious, what on earth is going on!” :rofl:

7.2, been in the 7s and 8s all week as my mental health got the better of me. Eating has been very poor, but going to try and start bringing those carbs down again.

Congratulations to all those HS over the last few days.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear your wife has been hospitalised, please look after yourself at this difficult time.
What I can't understand is that no one has got in touch with me. No doctors, nurses, consultants, crisis team members, social services. So I am left completely on my own with zero information about how my wife is. This is a cruel torture provided free of charge on the NHS.

To make it all even worse I can't get through on the telephone. They just have answer machines, record my request and 'promise' to get back to me. Hmm yeh, right. It's a weekend so this is probably the 'Standard' response.

Imagine the turmoil I feel. Not good and it could so easily be avoided if only someone would communicate.

Anyone got any suggestions?

Oh yes, BG no idea. Seems a bit pointless right now. It's always good, so I don't need to worry about it.
BG's have been behaving all week despite going away on holiday, averaging about 7.5 in the mornings.
Morning all. Yes, it's grey again. Although yesterday not long after I posted about it being grey it cleared and was quite nice for most of the day.

7.3 this morning. Probably not enough bolus for the pie I made for dinner last night. Was going to be a "huntsman's pie" i.e. Shepherd's pie with venison mince, but I then discovered the pack of mushrooms had gone mouldy so searching for a substitute in the fridge I settled for an aubergine chopped up small - so not sure what you'd call it. Should have substituted cheese sauce for potato and called it Moussaka probably. No matter, it was very tasty.

Not doing much today, prepping veggies & dessert for tomorrow's lunch as we have a friend coming. Apart from that not a lot.

@Gwynn how very frustrating for you not being able to speak to anyone. Keep on pestering them by leaving constant messages.

@Grannylorraine I had missed you and wondered if you were OK. It's not funny when work is intruding on your mental health. Hugs.

Keep strong everyone.
Morning all, it's a happy 5.4 for me earlier this grey morning.
finger prick 5.2 dodgy maybe not so dodgy Libre only 1 out, last night before sleep finger prick and Libre 0.2 out best ive ever seen but it was in the red zone most of the night, going to give it until 6pm which is 48 hours, om the plus side feel a lot better having turned off the alarm last night didn't wake until 9.30 hope everyone has a good day
We read it on Teeside!
Interesting as you are a fair distance from the Border.
I used to love the homely style of the stories and always remember the Health page where they always give you tips and advice in a Dr Findlay kind of “ gentle bedside manner” kind of way.
Childhood memories are so strong and nice that other folk share the same experiences. When I look back and see how voraciously I read the Sunday Post along with the Enid Blyton I can honestly say I think it was so important in shaping my life.
Interesting as you are a fair distance from the Border.
I used to love the homely style of the stories and always remember the Health page where they always give you tips and advice in a Dr Findlay kind of “ gentle bedside manner” kind of way.
Childhood memories are so strong and nice that other folk share the same experiences. When I look back and see how voraciously I read the Sunday Post along with the Enid Blyton I can honestly say I think it was so important in shaping my life.
I am no longer on Teeside, and have not been for the last 40 + years. I am now a resident of Essex.
I am no longer on Teeside, and have not been for the last 40 + years. I am now a resident of Essex.
When I left Uni my first job was in Essex and lived in Basildon but was always told there were 2 Essex’s
If you drew a line from Harlow in NW to Southend in SE of the County then if you lived below that line you lived in the worse half of Essex but if you were above the line then that was the nicer bit.
Have no idea what it is like today and every place has its good and not so nice bits but I would rather enjoy a trip to Mersea island than Canvey island and enjoy a pub visit to Saffron Walden rather than Thurrock.
Childhood memories are so strong and nice that other folk share the same experiences
I agree. I've never heard of the book/cartoon/magazine (delete as appropriate) mentioned. I loved Enid Blyton then later Jackie magazine and Smash Hits.
@zippyjojo thank you for reminding me how much I miss float tank sessions! I’ve booked one now for later this week 🙂
Oh goody! It was actually a friend of mine who originally recommended it to me when her son had been going through some anxiety following a car crash and subsequent court hearing. I was worrying that the chap in the next room might be hearing me snoring because I fall deeply asleep 😳
What is a float tank for? I think i like the sound of it.

Morning all. 3.5 and i've dipped into the red overnight as well, despite JBs. I think i need to reduce the basal a bit more. Woke with a headache and feeling really tired, snuffly and achey but jobs to catch up on today so i need to get on. Have a good day everyone.
It's a big white pod looking thing that contains water at body temperature full of Epsom salts so you absolutely float in it with no feeling that you won't (if that makes sense). You lie in it for an hour and can either have it dark or with colour changing lights on and you can have music playing. I had music for the first 15 minutes and then it comes on again for the last 5 minutes which gently wakes you if you've fallen asleep. It's very good for you as it replenishes magnesium in your body and It's incredibly relaxing. Where we used to live there was one nearby that the British rowing used to use for recovery.