Group 7-day waking average?

I think the time to tell them about the dyspraxia is at the interview. Dyspraxia is classed as a disability and as such they are suppoised to make "reasonable adjustments" for you under the equality act 2010. A lot of employers do employ people who fall under the act in fact it's illegal to discriminate against you because of your disability. So be up-front about it and they won't have a leg to stand on.
Yes i had put down the my medical before starting form should gave more information I told one of the people directly managing me(these happened to be different to the people that interviewed me) and not sure they had seen the forms.
I think the time to tell them about the dyspraxia is at the interview. Dyspraxia is classed as a disability and as such they are suppoised to make "reasonable adjustments" for you under the equality act 2010. A lot of employers do employ people who fall under the act in fact it's illegal to discriminate against you because of your disability. So be up-front about it and they won't have a leg to stand on.
Just realised I misswordrd this I meant to say to if it would have made weather they made that decision if I had already explained it properly to line managers I didn't I was going to ask for another chance
Physio was good yesterday. I think he appreciates that I am honest with him about what I’ve done and not done. He’s happy with progress. Of course he’s also just happy seeing me as I bring joy and sunshine into his working day!

Went to the social coffee morning thing yesterday and that was fun too.

In the evening I did a private tour of the British Museum that an online acquaintance was leading. He does themed tours and this was Monsters. An hour and a half of flitting through the museum from monstrous exhibit to monstrous exhibit with him exploring the socio political reasons why various legends came into existence. It was also hugely entertaining.

Slept atrociously last night.

Oops! Typed this earlier & forgot to push the button to post! 😳

Little Miss Distracted by watching a cdrama that’s now over & posting again.

Friday 26.04.2024 22.05 BS 10.1 after getting dinner, before bed, NR a bit wrong & needed +2?

BS on the whole has been pretty good & basal of 60 Tresiba is “Bang On The Nose” & the NR too: just trying out new carrot & swede topping for shepherds pie the last 2 days; got it too high the 1st time & too low last night! JUST about scraped OUT of a hypo at BS 4.1 around the 4 hour mark with -2 NR then, started to climb a wee bit to 5s when I woke up sooner than usual, that’s probably WHY I woke early, so, reduced the NR -6 in the late afternoon, before bed, & I think I needed +2 more which is STILL -4 less than the normal potato mash topping! :D

I made my usual 4 litre pyrex dish pie for 6 portions & topped a third of it, 2 portions, with carrot & swede mash. The other two thirds, 4 portions, I topped with potato. The carrot & swede is VERY sweet, for my taste, & quite watery, less firm than potato which sweetened everything down to the mince & veg mixture below so, seasoning adjustments need to be made & I think I’ll mix the carrot & swede mash together with the potato next time so, it’s less sweet & bit firmer? Then, try adjusting NR -2 per portion as a compromise? But, that will be another week as the two portions are eaten now! The normal portions are also that bit sweeter & I’m finding that I need about +2 NR for that as well so, that was wasn’t great but, I DID learn something from the experiment! :confused:

A Very Good Morning coming up for you normal lovely lot & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My liver blood tests came by letter, from the Holywood appointment, the other day & it’s doing even better than before which confirms than real fat of butter, cheese & cream in little quantities is better than trans fat for my liver AND tastes MUCH better too! So, OUT with lower fat substitutes &, continue to use as I have in recent months, IN with the real full fat stuff in lesser quantities! 😛
Morning a 6.6 for me and reasonable line overnight after our usual Pizza and did drop low after 4u of NR at same time as eating but 3 dextrose and then 2u 2 hours later seemed to prevent the big normal spike before bed.
Anyway walked the dogs and really good sleep.
Sorry Colin you had a disturbed sleep- you were not dreaming of monsters after your tour.
Sure we will go out later but quite happy to have a day at home so no plans but that may change depending on the better half wishes.
Have a good one
PS For the Creonistas.Whilst waiting in the pharmacy queue for my overdue Creon I overheard another customer being told it was still not available so no surprise when they gave me same message.
I rang GPs and they said they would call back and try and get me some.Within 10 minutes they called me back saying they could get some from a chemist very close to where I live.
Had never heard of them and they said they could do home delivery.I rang them and it turns out it is based in a farm building about half a mile from my house out in the country.
They are happy for me to pick it up from there and can do it on my morning walk but had no idea it was actually there.
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Good morning all, 6.4 on another frosty, car windscreen scraping, below zero day. Brrr! Looks lovely though.

We’re off “out out” today, meeting up with three other couples at 3pm for an afternoon drinking session at Wetherspoons, the height of sophistication! We will eat at some point, it’s usually me that makes that decision about 6pm. We’ll be home by 9pm, I hope! Cheap and cheerful and good craic. Glad it’s only 2/3 times a year though!

To that end, today I’ll mostly be sitting in my PJs until it’s time to get ready! 😛

Have a super, sunny Saturday.
Good morning 6.9 today
yesterday was 6.2

have a great day / weekend everyone 😎
7.9 for me today
A 4.6 this morning on my finger and 2°C on the outside thermometer. 🙂😱
Have a great weekend everyone.

Morning All (and it really is a beautiful one up on my hill) 6.6 for me today. I had an unexpected double walk yesterday - set off with one dog to walk down to the village (2 miles) to collect my car which had been MOTd by the lovely mechanic who's been doing it for years (he's 75 but just loves his job so keeps on going). Had two nice chats with neighbours on the way down (I say neighbours - it's quite remote here so they're spread out!). Got there to see a big note saying back at 3.30pm. Slight panic set in as I was counting on driving Winnie (Scottie) home and then shooting off for my appointment in the float tank in nearby Askham. Then a lovely lady turned up looking to get fuel for her lawnmower which she obviously couldn't do as closed and insisted on giving me a lift back up the hill - how lovely is that! Had my 1 hour floatation which was amazing - got home, had a cup of tea and then did the whole thing all over again with the other dog and had another couple of chats and luckily this time they were back and I could pick up my car. All good for the Fitbit! This morning I'm off up to Carlisle to Houghton Hall for a coffee & chat meet up with a group so @eggyg I'll give you a wave but don't worry about coming out as you'll be in your pyjamas 😉 Have a great day everyone (3 weeks at home on my own now and only another 3.5 weeks to go until I fly out to Norway to join hubby).
@zippyjojo thank you for reminding me how much I miss float tank sessions! I’ve booked one now for later this week 🙂
Morning All (and it really is a beautiful one up on my hill) 6.6 for me today. I had an unexpected double walk yesterday - set off with one dog to walk down to the village (2 miles) to collect my car which had been MOTd by the lovely mechanic who's been doing it for years (he's 75 but just loves his job so keeps on going). Had two nice chats with neighbours on the way down (I say neighbours - it's quite remote here so they're spread out!). Got there to see a big note saying back at 3.30pm. Slight panic set in as I was counting on driving Winnie (Scottie) home and then shooting off for my appointment in the float tank in nearby Askham. Then a lovely lady turned up looking to get fuel for her lawnmower which she obviously couldn't do as closed and insisted on giving me a lift back up the hill - how lovely is that! Had my 1 hour floatation which was amazing - got home, had a cup of tea and then did the whole thing all over again with the other dog and had another couple of chats and luckily this time they were back and I could pick up my car. All good for the Fitbit! This morning I'm off up to Carlisle to Houghton Hall for a coffee & chat meet up with a group so @eggyg I'll give you a wave but don't worry about coming out as you'll be in your pyjamas 😉 Have a great day everyone (3 weeks at home on my own now and only another 3.5 weeks to go until I fly out to Norway to join hubby).
I’m not worried about anyone seeing me in my PJs it’s my hair I wouldn’t want you to see! Imagine a mad professor crossed with Oor Willie. You might have to Google him! :rofl: Enjoy Houghton Hall, always nice to visit.
Grey start here again after what turned out to be a lovely sunny Friday. Spring can't seem to make its mind up and I see there's another whole heap of rain coming in later.

Car failed its MoT yesterday - 2 front tyres. They're not worn down, so still legal, but the dealer said they were not in great condition and pointed out several cuts and sidewall wear. Car's still running on the original tyres so they're 4 years old, so we've decided we might as well get all 4 replaced today and car retested on Monday. I say 'retested' but all they'll do is quickly check that we've put new tyres on and then issue the MoT.

Mechanic still hasn't received the part to fix our youngest's car so we're still having to take him to work and pick him up afterwards.

It's all about cars at the moment - car insurance renewals yesterday (multi-car policy), road tax due this month, repairs and now new tyres. Ouch..!

No special plans for today but might decide to head to the pool as I missed my swim on Thursday and was too busy yesterday to fit it in. Have never been on a Saturday so don't know whether it's busier at weekends, but as a West Ham fan I will be glued to the tv at lunchtime for West Ham v Liverpool.

5.3 this morning and weekly BP check 138/72, so in that zone known as High Normal.

Enjoy your Saturday.
What is a float tank for? I think i like the sound of it.

Morning all. 3.5 and i've dipped into the red overnight as well, despite JBs. I think i need to reduce the basal a bit more. Woke with a headache and feeling really tired, snuffly and achey but jobs to catch up on today so i need to get on. Have a good day everyone.
Back in the Northern Hemisphere (just) and my BG amazingly settled back down - 5.3 this morning! Something about being upside down / down under must have upset things with me:rofl:

Couple of nights in Singapore before our return to the UK on an overnight flight tomorrow night.

So - at 11am when The Long Bar opened at Raffles (we were first in the doors) it was a Singapore Sling😉


Singapore is interesting but very hot and steamy. Thankfully Raffles had excellent air con! Threw some peanut shells on the floor for good luck too.

Take care everyone!
Good moaning! Anyone to good 12.1 . Is shot up from around 9 to 11 2 just before bed when I was hit by phantom pain. It settled by came again am about 3:00 and bumped BG up since more. Had come down on waking

Grey and raining! I imagine Venusians are looking down and remarking "Those Earthlings learnt nothing from us and our permanent acid rain". Conversation continues "They are; They are, they have these things call centres. You have to ring them when you cannot do something on the internet. They the tell Earthlings their call is important, but don't answer it and instead advise them to look in their flakey website. If the unfortunate person gets can answer it is usually a stupid person who looks on the website, puts them on hold and disconnects them. Pretty stupid, heh!".