Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! A round 6 for me.

I think I spend too much time on this forum. I was thinking about checking my bank app and my mind autocompleted "HbA1c" instead of HSBC :rofl:

I spent a good chunk of my afternoon/evening scrolling YouTube shorts in bed, which never makes me feel too good. So had a quick dinner at 7 (hadn't eaten since 11 which is unusual for me) and an hour long walk with music on, followed by a cup of relaxing herbal tea and a much needed hair wash. Amazing how sometimes simple things can improve your mood 🙂
8. this morning not sure what it is now was low for a while last night after over correcting . I still very upset about what I said the other day I still can't help wondering if it would made a difference if I had pulled them side and explained about dyspraxia I'm tempted to email them and ask but that probably wouldn't have been appropriate. If anyone interested in what dyspraxia is this arctle explains it although personally I don't like the use of the word poor I think differcullty is a better way of putting things

"Dyspraxia/DCD Ireland - Adults with Dyspraxia/DCD"
Morning folks. 🙂 8.1 here.

I’m pooped, what a long week!

The student in my Spanish class who can’t/won’t pronounce the letter ñ had us all in fits of giggles yesterday (he saw the funny side too). He was trying to say todos los años but it came out todos los anos - I had to tell him he was saying every anus instead of every year...he made a real effort after that! :rofl:
A bit chilly this morning. 🙂

Boom! Congrats on the HS Dez!

A round 5.0 for me.

Happy Friday everyone!
Good morning. 6.4.

Mixed news today - lawns cut, 2 large bushes planted in new shrubbery area, upcycled chair in bathroom looks great, got most of Mr Wolf's dread locks off - bad news- I can barely walk for the pain in my wretched joints. So far have avoided the opiates but their siren voices whisper from the cupboard - it is grin bear it time. Needless to say it was little Jake who did 99% of the work - I was restricted to chair paint and cushion covering save for turning the pony out - he doesn't do equines.

One of my new law books came so I have an excuse to do nothing physical for most of today.

Pretty grey out this morning and quite cool.

Enjoy Friday all you workers - the weekend cometh.
5.5 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning, and forecast is good. Not very warm, though - our garden thermometer is still in single figures.

Audi service & MOT today - it's already been dropped off at the dealer in Reading. Mechanic still waiting for the part for our youngest's car so it didn't get done yesterday, so I could have gone for my regular Thursday swim after all. Hopefully the part will arrive today, and with two WFH on Fridays I don't need to be here for the mechanic and might fit in a swim later.

Sainsbury's Big Shop and garden centre greengrocer later, as usual on a Friday, but not until I've had my coffee and read the paper.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS.

Whatever your plans, enjoy Poet's Day.
Morning folks. 🙂 8.1 here.

I’m pooped, what a long week!

The student in my Spanish class who can’t/won’t pronounce the letter ñ had us all in fits of giggles yesterday (he saw the funny side too). He was trying to say todos los años but it came out todos los anos - I had to tell him he was saying every anus instead of every year...he made a real effort after that! :rofl:
At least he wasn't trying to order an ice cream cone.....
Good morning everyone, with a 5.9 to start the day and warm sunshine it looks like it could be a good
time to get the bike out and have a pleasant ride around the local country park. See you all later.

Have a good day folks.
Good morning ive had a really stressful night, 6 alarm calls between 2.9 and 3.4 new sensor last night finger pricks were 5.9 in the end i turned the alarm off, even though its not been on a day ive phone abbott who are replacing it, its still playing up just had alarm again 3.9 and its 7.1, my finger are bruised and stinging. ive never had one this bad its usually the other way round to high readings going to be fun at the gym thats if i make it today
Good morning ive had a really stressful night, 6 alarm calls between 2.9 and 3.4 new sensor last night finger pricks were 5.9 in the end i turned the alarm off, even though its not been on a day ive phone abbott who are replacing it, its still playing up just had alarm again 3.9 and its 7.1, my finger are bruised and stinging. ive never had one this bad its usually the other way round to high readings going to be fun at the gym thats if i make it today
You do seem to be unlucky with Libre. Some people are - it just doesn't suit them. Kaylz was one I recall, sensor after sensor was incorrect or fell off. On the other hand I have had to have very few replaced. I find they are usually accurate to within 0.5 and can rely on them to bolus. ISTR you get them prescribed. Ask the GP if you can try Dexcom1 instead. I believe they are the same price to the NHS as the Libre2.
Please send me some of that sunshine some of you are getting! It's lashing down here.

Have already been to the Dentist for a long (1.5 hr) appointment for the start of a bridge being fitted to replace the tooth I had pulled a couple of weeks ago. I'll be glad to get the bridge as the tooth was one essential for biting and chewing. Now off to the GP for a B12 injection. Then I might get some sustenance in the form of soup before making Shepherd's pie (well more correctly Huntsman's pie as it's venison mince). Whatever - it'll be nice aand soft to eat tonight! Anyway, first thing I was 7.1.

@TinaD sorry to hear of your pain - hope it eases soon.
At least he wasn't trying to order an ice cream cone.....

Cucurucho de Helados???

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo on another HS. A regular occurrence for you it would seem!

Have a wonderful day all. Enjoy Friday working folks!
8. this morning not sure what it is now was low for a while last night after over correcting . I still very upset about what I said the other day I still can't help wondering if it would made a difference if I had pulled them side and explained about dyspraxia I'm tempted to email them and ask but that probably wouldn't have been appropriate. If anyone interested in what dyspraxia is this arctle explains it although personally I don't like the use of the word poor I think differcullty is a better way of putting things

"Dyspraxia/DCD Ireland - Adults with Dyspraxia/DCD"
I think the time to tell them about the dyspraxia is at the interview. Dyspraxia is classed as a disability and as such they are suppoised to make "reasonable adjustments" for you under the equality act 2010. A lot of employers do employ people who fall under the act in fact it's illegal to discriminate against you because of your disability. So be up-front about it and they won't have a leg to stand on.
You do seem to be unlucky with Libre. Some people are - it just doesn't suit them. Kaylz was one I recall, sensor after sensor was incorrect or fell off. On the other hand I have had to have very few replaced. I find they are usually accurate to within 0.5 and can rely on them to bolus. ISTR you get them prescribed. Ask the GP if you can try Dexcom1 instead. I believe they are the same price to the NHS as the Libre2.
Yes i have had a lot of trouble odd that to begin with they were ok, I will see if i can get the Dexcom1, i just checked to see if there a free trail before asking the Doctor but it doesn't look like they do one