Group 7-day waking average?

Good evening. 5'4 this morning.

Thought it was a good time to post as I'm sitting in a random park waiting for the glucose to act after a low reading. Got to restock the hypo treatments in my bag and my "hypocket" when I get home. I was wondering about throwing away the half pack of Dextros that have been living in my coat for months while I was not taking insulin, but they are still edible. Just have to be careful when biting them because they are not getting any softer! :D on the other hand, the few jelly babies I stored in a Lift tube have kept their texture pretty well. Will keep that in mind now that I'm using Novorapid more often.
PS. I get why people get diabetes burnout. I bolused for breakfast and lunch and I'm already thinking "bah, do I have to do it again tonight? Do I have something low carb for dinner? " :confused:
I'm sorry Gwynn, I probably shouldn't have said anything. I was under the impression that the hospital would work with your wife to ensure that she resume her meds and wouldn't discharge her until she'd regained her mental health. I have only a limited experience of mental health issues, so I should keep my opinions to myself. I certainly hope the outcome will be positive for you. Sending hugs.
Absolutely no problem. The hospitals do the best they can given the limited resourcesvthey have. They do only discharge once they feel she is well enough to be treated at home. Unfortunately the homevhelp cannot force anything on her, including counselling. There is help after hospital but my wife has always rejected it. She does not help herself or our marriage. It's a tough one.
Thanks the working sylte was something I wasn't used to. But probably would have got more confident as time went on because that's what they said why. What the email said is that would be unable to provide me with hours for the foreseeable fe. Although I knew a manager did mention something about neatness on my last shift that would be a good opportunity to explain it's about my dyspraxia as wrapping things up due to the Manuel dextirty did make things look a bit untidy but I've found before with doing same thing even with that things improve as it becomes more muscle memory). I do wonder if it would made a difference to their discussion If I had pulled them aside and explained properly about my dyspraxia(I actually thought about emailling them at one point and thought "no I'll wait until my next shift"
Sorry you met up with a company which doesn't seem to understand that all of us need time to learn, practice new skills and to get up to speed in a new job. Lift your heart and keep trying, a decent employer should treat you better. You haven't failed - they have - and everyone here empathises with you.
PS. I get why people get diabetes burnout. I bolused for breakfast and lunch and I'm already thinking "bah, do I have to do it again tonight? Do I have something low carb for dinner? " :confused:
Wondering if I’m a bit burnt out or just can’t be bothered with diabetes. My diets a bit rubbish, though I’m meant to prove I can lose weight before next appt, and my current sensor has no Bluetooth whatsoever, but I’ve not changed it or reported it to abbot.
PS. I get why people get diabetes burnout. I bolused for breakfast and lunch and I'm already thinking "bah, do I have to do it again tonight? Do I have something low carb for dinner? " :confused:
Um - you are not alone. I find that I wonder if I have a beer in the fridge at around 6 p.m. There is no way that my carb count lets me have beer. Strangely there are, just a few, tinnies in the fridge. If this is burnout then I am trying to extinguish the flames...
Sorry you met up with a company which doesn't seem to understand that all of us need time to learn, practice new skills and to get up to speed in a new job. Lift your heart and keep trying, a decent employer should treat you better. You haven't failed - they have - and everyone here empathises with you.
Yeah I'm inclined to believe that the decision came from the main manager of the theme park and the one that emailed was just the one that had to tell because he actually seemed really nice and friendly.(Which actually made the geting the email worse). They implied that there quiet at the moment.
Absolutely no problem. The hospitals do the best they can given the limited resourcesvthey have. They do only discharge once they feel she is well enough to be treated at home. Unfortunately the homevhelp cannot force anything on her, including counselling. There is help after hospital but my wife has always rejected it. She does not help herself or our marriage. It's a tough one.
Hi Gwynn, apologies in advance but I'm not sure how to PM you. How did you go into remession without meds please?
Morning! Nothings good about it! Woke with worse bout if Trigger Finger in a month, and painful toes (real and imaginary) after less than four hours sleep. BG 7.3

Physio this morning.

Dark clouds with some breaks. Cold.

Bring in the spam calls - I feet like being downright abusive!
Good morning - 4.7

Have a great day everyone.

Hi Gwynn, apologies in advance but I'm not sure how to PM you. How did you go into remession without meds please?

It was basically strict diet and exercise, weight loss.

I kept (and still do) note of each days food nutrition, supplements, minerals, meds that I consume using a somewhat large application that I wrote. I also record all the medical bits (like blood glucose, weight, etc)

With the application I can easily manage what I eat and keep within set limits

But that is no help to anyone who doesn't have the application. So, if I had to start from scratch I would (did) :-

1. Reduced the carbs to 130g a day, or less, if possible. This does need calculating. Can be done on paper but it soon gets messy.
2. Kept the protein and fats up to at least RDA. In fact I ensured every nutrition aspect, vitamin, mineral was at RDA or slightly greater. ODA (Optium daily allowance) it seems is a better measure but I have not looked into this yet.
3. I ensured that I kept hydrated
4. No sweets or snacks or eventually, occasionally allowed them.
5. Exercised every day (I had to build that up as I was so unfit). I chose walking as it was easiest and I like walking on the beach. I listen to an mp3 whilst walking to ward off boredom.
6. I allowed myself the occasional treat
7. I set sensible, achievable goals (eg aiming to initially lose 5Kg weight, then at that goal shifting to lose another 5Kg, or exercise 30 minutes a day, shifting to an hour a day when I could do 30 minutes easily, etc
8. I recognised that changes take time and are cumulative, so did not worry about glitches (well I tried) and just kept on going.
9. I used a blood glucose meter to do 2 things. Firstly to record my waking BG and secondly to record the effects of specific foods (which I did every day in the afternoons)
10. I researched anything and everything I could to do with diabetes, diet and health but quickly realised how hard a job that would be because there is so much contradictory, consfusing stuff out there.
11. I made mistakes, did not beat myself up about them but tackled them head on
12. I joined this forum which helped me and supported me a lot, especially in my understanding.
14. I gained an understanding that what works for one person may not work for another. We are all unique. This is not bad but it does mean managing my diabetes is slightly harder work
15. I quickly realised that I had to work out how to manage my diabetes for myself and do it myseld as the NHS could not (being under resourced)
16. I enjoyed my successes. They might mean nothing to anyone else or appear trivial, but to me it was part of my great journey.
17. I did not just take orders from the doctors and nurses but negotiated, researched their suggestions, took control, which, most of them liked (as it took pressure off them and they could also claim the successes for themselves)
18. I started off buy buying a food nutrition book which steered me in the right direction
19. At first I panicked, despaired, was annoyed with myself but quickly realised that if it was going to be 'fixable' then I had better fix it as best I could. And that 'best I could' improves as I go on and learn more and more.
20. The initial worry/fear of 'I can't eat anything as everything has carbs' was replaced by a more assured feeling as I calculated my diet aspect for each meal and each day and soon found a pattern or aspects that worked. For example I worried about getting enough potassium in my diet. Everything I considered just messed every other diet aspect up. It took me ages to work out that if I have 150g tomato juice with 1g Losalt and 200ml fizzy water, then it was palatable and full of potassium. So 6 of those a day plus 3 potassium supplement capsules a day, plus food gave me (for today for example) 5600mg but it had to be adjusted down because of my meds to 4200mg which is acceptable. I could only work this out because of my App and a willingness to experiment
21. Yes, a willingness to experiment is important. I became a long term experiment. I tackled each aspect I could analytically to get the best theoretical outcome possible for me. For example I wanted/needed to know which specific foods spiked my BG, hence the afternoon tests after consuming selected foods. As another example I tried new (to me) foods which promised helpful aspects and found some that were good. Lettuce! I hate lettuce but lettuce is full of vitamin K and with a small amount of salad cream, is palatable. So I have 100g of lettuce with my lunch every day.

Sorry this has become 'War and Peace'

22. It's all about taking control for yourself where you can.

Does any of this help?

And before you ask: the App I use is a home grown Excel program, however, there are some great Apps on the internet specifically designed to help dieters and diabetics, I recommend reseaching one of those.

So, no App? then find one on the internet. Or better still ask on this forum what people here use.

Hmm I wonder if this forum has a section for people to explain their methods of achieving remission? That would help so many people. I've not looked yet...
Morning all. 6.6.

Very busy day ahead. Looking after baby Eden from 10.30am whilst Zara at her swimming lesson. Then they’ll stay for lunch and a play/natter for a couple of hours. We will go to their house for 5pm to babysit as mum and dad go for an early meal before a comedy gig. Gig will finish at 10pm and I hope they’ll come straight home, say 10.30 at the latest. Home, just 10 minutes away, and collapse into bed and sleep until Saturday! 😉

Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Very empty, lonely, quiet here this morning, doubts and fears creeping in...
Morning everyone. 7.0

Waiting still for confirmation of a solicitor appointment that’s supposed to be at 10am today. They say that a solicitor will be in touch “in the lead up” to the appointment but it’s a tad stressful waiting.

Afterwards I’ll get out and about and see if I can get a semi decent walk under my belt.
Watch out for galloping horses! 😱

Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.
Oddly I was on a zoom call a couple of weekends ago when some loose horses galloped down the road. They were weaving in and out of traffic and mounted the pavement. No riders.
Given that this is central London that was a bit weird. Then there was yesterday… I’m wondering if horses aren’t rebelling somehow.