Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.0. Overslept so rushing. Catch up later.
Morning a 6.7 from me and another Unicorn which was very unexpected after being away from home.
On train now and my BG has just gone into Amber as could not do usual walk after breakfast due to early start so see when and where it peaks.
Full day at hotel today but quite relaxed and plenty of coffee breaks but it is harder to manage the Diabetes as less control over when and what you eat but is manageable.
Have a good day and weather is beautiful as I passed Jodrell Bank thinking wonder what the weather is like in the outer reaches of space.
Personally I prefer my Galaxy dreams to be covered in chocolate
Morning all. A late, for me, 6.3. Woke at my usual crack of dawn but felt so tired, I obviously dozed off again. The bin men woke me at 7.45. It’s a good job I’ve nowhere to go and no one to see.

Good night at C.C annual dinner. Mr Eggy did well in his first official outing as chairman. Speech before dinner, short but sweet ( my instructions), presenting the trophies after dinner and some thank yous, followed by a positive and motivational speech. I’m very proud. He’s still in bed it must have taken it out of him! 😉 Forgot to say, he won two trophies himself, the former chairman presented him with those!

Lovely, but fresh, morning. Sun forecast all day. Washing on and hung out, and lawns cut are our plans today. Our life isn’t all glitz and glamour! :rofl:

Big hugs @Gwynn.
Congratulations @Bloden on your HS today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
@Gwynn what do you need from us?
Do you want us to just listen or would you like solutions/advice?
All I really need is a sympathetic hear and helpful advice with insight and understanding. This forum has some wonderful, caring members and I am already grateful to you all.

The shock of it all is just hitting me this morning, oh dear

Thanks Colin
Another grey and damp start but just starting to brighten up. Hard to believe it's going to be May next week. Mobile mechanic turned up a short while ago to have a look at our youngest's car. Water pump is the prime suspect (I thought that, too - I'd asked my son to keep an eye on his temperature gauge when he's driving) so he'll get back to us with a price. Expect it won't be cheap - we had the water pump replaced on our Audi and that wasn't.

Congrats @Bloden on your HS this morning

Really hope things turn out much better than you're thinking they might @Gwynn

Wednesday is a washday, otherwise no plans. Have a good day, all.
Morning all and 7.1 for me.

Rehearsal this PM. Three gigs over the bank holiday weekend coming up. Bradford, London and Leicester.

@Gwynn l hope the hospital is successful for your wife. As for you, in my darkest days I found hitting the keys really hard with the wildest, most discordant improvisation helped, gradually calming down to something more pastoral.

Have the best day your circumstances allow.
Morning everyone and it's a 5.9 for me earlier on this fine morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Morning all - yes, I am back. Blue sky is trying (not terribly successfully) to break through.

9.9 this morning. TIR has been absolutely appalling over the last week. I could say it's what I have been eating, but it hasn't really. I have no idea what it has been unless it's been the pain I've been in, which has been weird nerve pain.

I've not posted because we've had no down-time whatsoever. Been on the go since we got up each day at 7:15 until bedtime exhausted at around 10:30. Done lots and lots of walking - exploring Cardiff. It's a fascinating city with lots to do and see. Many Victorian glass roofed arcades with everything from gentlemen's tailor shops selling bespoke suits to exclusive jewellery.... and in another quarter all the modern shops. A castle, a rugby ground and so many fabulous restaurants I couldn't count! We stayed out in the Bay area, which gave us the advantage of having lots of restaurants near to our hotel (and most importantly, cheap(ish) parking).

We had lots of fun and banter with our friends and ate some fabulous food (which hopefully we walked off), but my BGs just did not behave themselves at all! Weather was awful except for the day we arrived (last Saturday) when we were able to sit outside a restaurant for lunch. So we took very few photos, but here's one of the Birthday girls (or more correctly the two old ladies) - we were fascinated by the silk tree sticking through the shop window!

I have caught up and I am so sorry to read Gwynn's news. I know you fear she will reject you Gwynn, but when she comes to it may just be the opposite. Let us hope so. Just know that we are all sending love your way.

Congratulations to Bloden on your HS.IMG_20240421_130104696.jpg
I have caught up and I am so sorry to read Gwynn's news. I know you fear she will reject you Gwynn, but when she comes to it may just be the opposite. Let us hope so. Just know that we are all sending love your way.

Thank you, however this is the second time she has become ill after stopping her meds. The first saw her reject me after they discharged her and it took an age before things got better. On this occasion the 'starting position' is much worse and I believe she may now be thinking of going back to her home country when released from hospital.

That is my fear
i cant actully cant remember what it was when i first woke up, my blood suger has actully become more difficult due to sudden lose of a job after only 6 shifts(which personally a feel is a bit unfair and not really a proper chance) i feel like not having a proper conversation with mangers about how my dypraxia effected me and what i might have needed extra support or practice with(at least at the start) had something to do with it(although saying a manger would come and help with the clean down but that might be because he thought he needed to)

i take job losses really baldly i wiredlly react in the same way as i would if i was grieffing. there been alot of tears over the last few days. i know that sounds silly.
Thank you, however this is the second time she has become ill after stopping her meds. The first saw her reject me after they discharged her and it took an age before things got better. On this occasion the 'starting position' is much worse and I believe she may now be thinking of going back to her home country when released from hospital.

That is my fear
i take job losses really baldly i wiredlly react in the same way as i would if i was grieffing. there been alot of tears over the last few days. i know that sounds silly.
I don't think is silly, Ray. I find job searching very overwhelming so would not be happy to lose a job. Plus I can stress about the income. Sending hugs xx
All I really need is a sympathetic hear and helpful advice with insight and understanding
@Gwynn speaking for myself, i can't imagine what its like for you so can't give advice but please know that you're not alone on here. We will all listen. Hopefully the hospital will help your wife and she can come home to you. You say you fear her rejecting you, could the hospital help with this, maybe with some counselling or something as part of her treatment? Take care of yourself.

@Bloden congrats on the HS.

@rayray119 its not weird at all to be upset after losing a job. Big hugs to you.

Well, after oversleeping this morning, i dashed out of the house and went to work. No time to put any make up on. The kids noticed straight away, i was asked why i had lines by my eyes :rofl:. I need to be up earlier in the morning to get make up on.
I'm sorry Gwynn, I probably shouldn't have said anything. I was under the impression that the hospital would work with your wife to ensure that she resume her meds and wouldn't discharge her until she'd regained her mental health. I have only a limited experience of mental health issues, so I should keep my opinions to myself. I certainly hope the outcome will be positive for you. Sending hugs.
I don't think is silly, Ray. I find job searching very overwhelming so would not be happy to lose a job. Plus I can stress about the income. Sending hugs xx
Thanks the working sylte was something I wasn't used to. But probably would have got more confident as time went on because that's what they said why. What the email said is that would be unable to provide me with hours for the foreseeable fe. Although I knew a manager did mention something about neatness on my last shift that would be a good opportunity to explain it's about my dyspraxia as wrapping things up due to the Manuel dextirty did make things look a bit untidy but I've found before with doing same thing even with that things improve as it becomes more muscle memory). I do wonder if it would made a difference to their discussion If I had pulled them aside and explained properly about my dyspraxia(I actually thought about emailling them at one point and thought "no I'll wait until my next shift"