Group 7-day waking average?

Not sure what bg was this morning, on the high side 8s I think. Dad was admitted to intensive care yesterday, planned for the chemo but still, intensive care makes it feel even more serious.
Slightly better this morning at 6.8, I’ll go with that.

Sad day leaving Hamilton Island, afternoon flight to Brisbane - we were the first people on the plane (apart from the crew:rofl:), watched the guys manually loading the suitcases on board whilst we sat waiting to leave. Love these small airports, so efficient compared to some of the larger ones!

Three cockatoos visited first thing to make sure we left the apartment ! Weather was as sad as us having to leave! Still warm though!


Now in Brisbane and just had dinner at a pub that had a singer/guitarist who was really good - nice pleasant evening.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear of what you are going through, I’m afraid I’ve been there and done that with my ex years ago, it’s tough (she was bipolar and started hallucinating when she was admitted) but I’m sure things will get better for you both. Thinking of you.

Take care everyone.
Morning all 4.2 this morning fingers crossed this steady spell lasts ive been 100% TIR for a few days now average BS is 6.5 not sure how accurate the H1c is on the Libre but its showing 45, last docs check last December it was 57. my daughter 26th Birthday today so its a family celebration later on hope everyone has a great day
Afternoon all, late again with my 5.7 today as it's been a busy morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Thank you all for your kind wishes but it hasn't been an easy day...

Told by my daughter, at 8am, to get to the hotel where my wife was staying to make sure she didn't leave. I checked with reception if she had checked out, she had not. I waited inconspicuously in the cold ( so that I would not alarm her if she did leave) watching the main entrace to see if she left. She did not. This was my daughters idea. More James Bond than anything else.

Went into the hotel again at 10:30am, frozen, only to be met by a very angry hotel manager. Angry? Because my wife had not vacated her room and it was not right to have someone with mental health problems in his hotel. What? And she had upset the guests by wandering around outside the hotel all night praying. Just what I needed to hear.

At least I knew she was there and then suddenly she was behind me. Totally disconnected from me. Not happy to see me. Not good.

Then the mental health crisis team arrived and interviewed her for a while before my wife got agitated.

This is where it gets more interesting

My wife left the hotel and disappeared! The crisis team rang the police to get a section 136. The police at that point seemed unable to help. So my vulnerable wife was offered no protection. Hmm

However I was instructed (by my daughter) to report her as a missing person, so I did.

A while later a nice police lady drove up to my house and therein ensured an hour long interview where she asked for a recent photo of her and immediately issued it out to all officers to find her. And find her they did. They also got a section 136 in place for my wife. A section 136 seems to be a means of detaining someone to a safe place.

Meanwhile the mental health crisis team had been working at things and had come up with a bed in a secure hospital for my wife, however, it was not clear when exactly she would be admitted or where it is.

So we have a hospital bed. We have treatment being sorted out. We have a very bruised husband!!!

All good news?
Thank you all for your kind wishes but it hasn't been an easy day...

Told by my daughter, at 8am, to get to the hotel where my wife was staying to make sure she didn't leave. I checked with reception if she had checked out, she had not. I waited inconspicuously in the cold ( so that I would not alarm her if she did leave) watching the main entrace to see if she left. She did not. This was my daughters idea. More James Bond than anything else.

Went into the hotel again at 10:30am, frozen, only to be met by a very angry hotel manager. Angry? Because my wife had not vacated her room and it was not right to have someone with mental health problems in his hotel. What? And she had upset the guests by wandering around outside the hotel all night praying. Just what I needed to hear.

At least I knew she was there and then suddenly she was behind me. Totally disconnected from me. Not happy to see me. Not good.

Then the mental health crisis team arrived and interviewed her for a while before my wife got agitated.

This is where it gets more interesting

My wife left the hotel and disappeared! The crisis team rang the police to get a section 136. The police at that point seemed unable to help. So my vulnerable wife was offered no protection. Hmm

However I was instructed (by my daughter) to report her as a missing person, so I did.

A while later a nice police lady drove up to my house and therein ensured an hour long interview where she asked for a recent photo of her and immediately issued it out to all officers to find her. And find her they did. They also got a section 136 in place for my wife. A section 136 seems to be a means of detaining someone to a safe place.

Meanwhile the mental health crisis team had been working at things and had come up with a bed in a secure hospital for my wife, however, it was not clear when exactly she would be admitted or where it is.

So we have a hospital bed. We have treatment being sorted out. We have a very bruised husband!!!

All good news?
So sorry you are going through that, Gwyn. It brings back some tough memories. Also had a pretty insensitive comment at the time from the landlord, not wanting a MH crisis to disturb the other not shocked by that manager attitude, but still disappointed.

The good news is they found her and she has somewhere safe to go. Try to get some rest, must be exhausted.
@Gwynn it must have been awful. At least you know your wife will get the help she needs. Take care of yourself.
Been there before. It takes ages for things to recover but at least she will be on the road to some sort of recovery
Morning all, 4.3 here. Yesterday was bizarre, having shot up to double figures before I got out of bed, I spent the day adding generous correction doses to my boluses, even a stint of gardening didn’t drop me, hovered in the 8s and 9s all day, then overnight I dropped suddenly in the early hours, and I’ve been scraping along the top of the red. @Northerner , could you check the Diabetes Fairy is still imprisoned?
I’m meeting a friend for a walk and a coffee in a NT property half way between her house and mine, so naturally the forecast is for showers. We may end up doing more coffeeing than walking.
Hmmm...she's on the window ledge. I tested her with some butter and although she looks like it wouldn't melt in her mouth it was quickly dripping down her chin 😱 Sorry, I'll pop her back in the freezer... 😱 :D

fairy butter.JPG

Hope things are more settled today! 🙂
Good morning eveyone.

BG no idea. I took a break from stabbing myself this morning.

Today I will pick up the pieces of my tattered life. Very sad right now and quite scared too as my wife may reject me when she eventually comes out of hospital. So there is fear for our future gnawing at me already.

Oddly I did get a good nights sleep probably because I was exhausted both mentally and physically and yet my evening BG was 5.4.
Good morning! A not the best 9.8 today.

Up to get ready for podiatry this morning. The weekly dressing change has stretched to 9 days and it feels somewhat uncomfortable. Beyond me why theeey cannot book say 10:30 every Tuesday but who an I to know?!

Cloudy, cool!
Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone
Good morning 6.7

Was feeling a bit glum yesterday evening because if magic was real I would send both knees to Mr Putin and suggestions for who deserves my lower back and hips are welcome. Sent message to little Jake, who has done such sterling work on my garden wall and decorating, asking if he had any news on a suggested gardener, the lawn being about 8" high. Alas, no, but he is coming this morning to do it himself. Hurrah! So I shall plonk myself onto a stool and get on with the weeding. Flare no better but mood vastly improved. Forecast is for sun all day Met and BBC for once agree.

Hope everyone has a happy day.
@Gwynn what do you need from us?
Do you want us to just listen or would you like solutions/advice?