Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.9.

Lovely morning, clear blue sky but a bit chilly. Was worried about Wolf feeling the cold but largest size coat at Pets are us was far too small. I shall have to donate it to a Labrador. On Wolf it looked like a child's vest on a body builder .

Got to video call solicitor who is to deal with the probate stuff for me - hopefully interposing her will head off the ruddy cousins - and then I plan to continue with up cycling chair for bathroom. Just needs a top coat now and a replacement seat cover. Managed to find a jolly beach towel to make that.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all, 4.3 here. Yesterday was bizarre, having shot up to double figures before I got out of bed, I spent the day adding generous correction doses to my boluses, even a stint of gardening didn’t drop me, hovered in the 8s and 9s all day, then overnight I dropped suddenly in the early hours, and I’ve been scraping along the top of the red. @Northerner , could you check the Diabetes Fairy is still imprisoned?
I’m meeting a friend for a walk and a coffee in a NT property half way between her house and mine, so naturally the forecast is for showers. We may end up doing more coffeeing than walking.
Good morning all. All the fives, 5.5. A very pleasing number, hopefully I don’t have to wait an hour, or longer before I can eat breakfast!

Yesterday was a pleasant day. After a lazy morning we had a walk down to our local river, which is two minutes away, to see if the sand martins were back. Didn’t spot them straight away and it seemed like there was only one nest hole in the river bank. Then all of a sudden they appeared, swooping and soaring. What a fab sight, unfortunately too quick for the camera, I’ve never captured them yet. But on the way back home we could hear a curlew, looked up and it was giving chase to a buzzard. Managed to snap a photo, it’s just their silhouettes but you can see the curlews long beak.

Had a lovely lamb roast dinner and settled down to watch the final episode of Ripley on Netflix, anyone else watching? If not, please do. It’s one of the best things on TV I’ve seen. It’s all shot in black and white, in Italy of course which is wonderful to see, and it’s fantastic. It’s hard to explain the visual impact so give it a go if you can.

Today, is ironing day, trying to keep up with the laundry as we go away the end of next week and we have a very busy week coming up. We’re actually out three evenings, one is babysitting but it’s from 5pm ‘til late. We bought youngest and husband tickets for a comedy show for their Christmas present, it’s the first time they’ve been out since Eden was born, and they’re having a meal before they go. Us and Zara are having a chippy tea!

Have a Happy Monday.


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Have a good day everybody.

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9.0 and back to work today. My dads on his way to be admitted to hospital to start the chemo, and I’m trying to get back into normal routine
Good morning all. All the fives, 5.5. A very pleasing number, hopefully I don’t have to wait an hour, or longer before I can eat breakfast!

Yesterday was a pleasant day. After a lazy morning we had a walk down to our local river, which is two minutes away, to see if the sand martins were back. Didn’t spot them straight away and it seemed like there was only one nest hole in the river bank. Then all of a sudden they appeared, swooping and soaring. What a fab sight, unfortunately too quick for the camera, I’ve never captured them yet. But on the way back home we could hear a curlew, looked up and it was giving chase to a buzzard. Managed to snap a photo, it’s just their silhouettes but you can see the curlews long beak.

Had a lovely lamb roast dinner and settled down to watch the final episode of Ripley on Netflix, anyone else watching? If not, please do. It’s one of the best things on TV I’ve seen. It’s all shot in black and white, in Italy of course which is wonderful to see, and it’s fantastic. It’s hard to explain the visual impact so give it a go if you can.

Today, is ironing day, trying to keep up with the laundry as we go away the end of next week and we have a very busy week coming up. We’re actually out three evenings, one is babysitting but it’s from 5pm ‘til late. We bought youngest and husband tickets for a comedy show for their Christmas present, it’s the first time they’ve been out since Eden was born, and they’re having a meal before they go. Us and Zara are having a chippy tea!

Have a Happy Monday.
I watched every episode of Ripley in a day. It was brilliant. I loved all the stairs!
I watched every episode of Ripley in a day. It was brilliant. I loved all the stairs!
You’d have calves of steel if you lived in some of those places. I’ve been to Rome and walked up the Spanish Steps in 40c! Never again. Also been to the Almalfi Coast where Atrani was set and it is very steep. It made me want to visit Italy again.
An embarrassing 8.4 this morning for me! Looking back I’ve been hopeless over this holiday, but not going to let it spoil my time away here in Australia!

Last day on Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays, off to Brisbane tomorrow. As well as cockatoos, there are also wallabies wandering around the apartment grounds (and elsewhere on the island) :


Had our last drive around the island in the golf buggy before handing it back in, now relaxing in the apartment before contemplating packing up the suitcases ready for tomorrow’s flight.

Take care everyone!
Morning everyone, it’s a happy 6.5 for me on a very damp morning.

Have a nice day everyone and stay well.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Kept waking up with sneezing fits during the night but feel ok this morning.

Dank and grey outside. I was worried that the weather might be improving but panic over.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, 4.2 this morning what a difference a day makes from blazing sun yesterday to dull cold and raining, hubby was going to clean the car today doubt if that will happen now, Libre decide to throw a wobble again it was 4 out 4.2 finger prick Libre said 8.2 have a good day everyone