Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - 6.9 here for me today. I've got my brother in law staying this weekend so he can do some big runs in the hills. Gave him a couple of Eccles cakes to take with him yesterday and then spent the morning at the vets because Wilbur (boxer) decided to eat the other two while I stupidly left them on the side to nip out and fill up the red squirrel feeders 😳. Then in the afternoon I mowed the lawn, single-handedly, all by myself! I must admit that I had to watch a couple of YouTube videos "How do you start a lawnmower"; "How do you lower the cutting blades on a lawn mower" and in the end resort to phoning my brother who was on his way down south to ask how you get it to actually start cutting - now I know about the extra handle there's no stopping me. We've got a robot mower but something's happened to the perimeter wire so all he does is go round and round in circles for a few seconds and then shoots off into a flower bed. Exciting thing is I've now got stripes on my lawn which you don't get with the robo mower. Think the novelty will wear off after a couple of times of having to lug it out of the shed, across a path and flower bed, emptying the grass collector etc! Lovely day here again so I'm thanking my Brother in Law for bringing the good weather from Berkshire. Have a good day everyone. @Gwynn I'm really thinking of you today and hope that somehow your wife can be helped to start taking her meds again, and as Colin said, you do have friends it's probably just hard to remember that at the moment xxx


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Good morning - 5.8

Have a great day everyone.
Is Rheged on the Penrith junction but you turn towards Keswick and is about half a mile from the M6.
If so it was a favourite meeting place and the North Lakes was always handy if you wanted an alternative.
Yes, spot on!
Morning all - 6.9 here for me today. I've got my brother in law staying this weekend so he can do some big runs in the hills. Gave him a couple of Eccles cakes to take with him yesterday and then spent the morning at the vets because Wilbur (boxer) decided to eat the other two while I stupidly left them on the side to nip out and fill up the red squirrel feeders 😳. Then in the afternoon I mowed the lawn, single-handedly, all by myself! I must admit that I had to watch a couple of YouTube videos "How do you start a lawnmower"; "How do you lower the cutting blades on a lawn mower" and in the end resort to phoning my brother who was on his way down south to ask how you get it to actually start cutting - now I know about the extra handle there's no stopping me. We've got a robot mower but something's happened to the perimeter wire so all he does is go round and round in circles for a few seconds and then shoots off into a flower bed. Exciting thing is I've now got stripes on my lawn which you don't get with the robo mower. Think the novelty will wear off after a couple of times of having to lug it out of the shed, across a path and flower bed, emptying the grass collector etc! Lovely day here again so I'm thanking my Brother in Law for bringing the good weather from Berkshire. Have a good day everyone. @Gwynn I'm really thinking of you today and hope that somehow your wife can be helped to start taking her meds again, and as Colin said, you do have friends it's probably just hard to remember that at the moment xxx
You look proud as punch Jo! I can’t start our petrol mower at all, never have been able to, I’m a weakling!
Hope Wilbur is ok, I didn’t know currants, raisins etc could be lethal to dogs until our eldest’s Vizla decided to pull an opened packet of raisins off the kitchen worktop, whilst in pup, it was touch and go but her and her puppies survived. A huge vet’s bill though. £xxxx! Daughter felt so guilty she hadn’t put them away, I think she’s learnt her lesson now.
Morning all, 5.9 here when I first woke up, 10.3 after an extra doze. Moral of story, don’t have a Sunday lie in!

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Must be something in the air… I had a sizeable BG bump on getting out of bed (but before eating anything) too!
Good morning Sunshine Sunday
4.9 on waking today from me, then 6.1 after making a coffee and having a lazy lay in

@Gwynn sorry to hear the situation your currently in with your wife’s mental health, stay strong

Im feeling quite fat at the moment, need to get on with loss of body fat
and build up muscles especially in my legs

Have a lovely day everybody 😎
Morning all. 3.1, treated and now 7.2. I was doing well with my TIR, 90% in range until early this morning. I woke about 3am hypo, treated and went back off to sleep. The low alarm went off again about 6am (its set for 4.9 so i can monitor) but i dropped back off to sleep.

Not much planned for today. I need to get the washing on the line, repot a plant and do a bit of dusting and cleaning. Then its back to work tomorrow.

@Gwynn I hope things get sorted out with your wife soon. Take care.
5.7 for me. Breakfast of 25g of carbs. Right back down within two hours and a nice drop on the libre.
Strangely, more carbs for breakfast seem to see levels generally lower for the rest of the day, and I get a major energy rush in my muscles as well.
we’re also having slow roasted lamb for Sunday dinner @Martin.A my favourite too.
There's a lovely aroma coming from our kitchen already. We cook the lamb in a mix of red onion, garlic, red wine and balsamic vinegar. Once the lamb's done the mixture's poured into a saucepan and transferred to the hob to boil off some of the liquid. What's left then goes on the table in a gravy boat.
Afternoon all, A happy 5.7 for me on another windy morning...
There's a lovely aroma coming from our kitchen already. We cook the lamb in a mix of red onion, garlic, red wine and balsamic vinegar. Once the lamb's done the mixture's poured into a saucepan and transferred to the hob to boil off some of the liquid. What's left then goes on the table in a gravy boat.
Same here. Cooking ours in garlic and rosemary. Would normally use red wine or port but we’re out of both! So just chicken stock today. Can’t wait.
Morning a 7.7 for me so a Len special.
Perfect w/ end with trips out,gardening,sport,nice meals if very carby and finally the cheese and onion pie caught me out last night.
Went into double figures just before bed and had to do a couple of corrections but should have done it earlier but left it as it had come down on previous occasions and I was just too lazy.
Anyway can’t complain and I did enjoy the pie.
Have a good week all.I have a nice start as have a couple of business discussions with chocolate where I provide the chocolate and talk whilst they eat ( I never eat honestly)so have a couple of Cadburys Corners” to start off then a 3 day business Meeting where fortunately I can travel in each day.